知識一致性檢查程式 (KCC) 無法更新本機目錄服務的複寫拓撲。KCC 將嘗試在下列排定的間隔更新複寫拓撲。
KCC 更新間隔:
預設狀況下,每 15 分鐘更新一次。
%3 %1
%2 |
Bilgi Tutarlılığı Denetleyicisi (KCC) yerel dizin hizmetinin çoğaltma topolojisini güncelleştiremedi. KCC çoğaltma topolojisini aşağıdaki zamanlanan sıklıkta güncelleştirmeye çalışacak.
KCC güncelleştirme aralığı:
Güncelleştirmeler varsayılan olarak her 15 dakikada bir gerçekleştirilir.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu hata yeniden oluşursa, dizin hizmetini yeniden başlatın.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%3 %1
İç kimlik:
%2 |
知识一致性检查器(KCC)更新本地目录服务的复制拓扑失败。KCC 将按如下计划时间间隔尝试更新复制拓扑。
KCC 更新时间间隔:
默认地,每 15 分钟更新一次。
%3 %1
内部 ID:
%2 |
De Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) kan de replicatietopologie voor de lokale adreslijstservice niet bijwerken. De KCC zal proberen de replicatietopologie bij te werken tijdens het volgende geplande interval.
Automatisch KCC-bijwerkinterval:
Updates worden standaard elke 15 minuten uitgevoerd.
Aanbevolen handeling
Start de adreslijstservice opnieuw als dit probleem blijft optreden.
Extra gegevens:Foutwaarde:
%3 %1
Interne id:
%2 |
KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) kunde inte uppdatera replikeringstopologi för den lokala katalogtjänsten. KCC kommer att försöka uppdatera replikeringstopologin vid följande schemalagda intervall.
Som standard sker uppdateringar var femtonde minut.
Om detta fortsätter inträffa kan du starta om den lokala katalogtjänsten.
Ytterligare data
%3 %1
Internt ID:
%2 |
KCC(정보 일관성 검사기)에서 로컬 디렉터리 서비스에 대한 복제 토폴로지를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. KCC에서 다음 예정된 간격으로 복제 토폴로지 업데이트를 시도합니다.
KCC 업데이트 간격:
기본값으로 매 15분마다 업데이트를 실시합니다.
사용자 작업
문제가 계속 발생하면 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러를 다시 시작해 보십시오.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %1
내부 ID:
%2 |
O KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) não atualizou a topologia de replicacão para o serviço de diretório local. O KCC tentará atualizar a topologia de replicação no intervalo agendado a seguir.
Intervalo de atualização do KCC:
Por padrão, as atualizações ocorrem a cada 15 minutos.
Ação do Usuário
Se isso continuar a ocorrer, reinicie o serviço de diretório.
Dados Adicionais
Valor de erro:
%3 %1
ID Interna:
%2 |
Kontrole konzistence znalostí (KCC) se nezdařila aktualizace replikační topologie pro místní adresářovou službu. Kontrola KCC se pokusí aktualizovat replikační topologii v následujícím plánovaném intervalu.
Interval aktualizace kontroly KCC:
Ve výchozím nastavení dochází k aktualizacím každých 15 minut.
Akce uživatele:Pokud tento stav přetrvává, restartujte adresářovou službu.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %1
Vnitřní ID:
%2 |
知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) により、ローカル ディレクトリ サービスのレプリケーション トポロジを更新できませんでした。スケジュールされた次の間隔でレプリケーション トポロジを更新します。
KCC 更新間隔:
既定では、15 分に 1 回更新されます。
この状況が解決されない場合は、ディレクトリ サービスを再起動してください。
%3 %1
内部 ID:
%2 |
Impossibile aggiornare la topologia di replica per il servizio directory locale. Controllo di coerenza informazioni (KCC) tenterà di aggiornare la topologia di replica al seguente intervallo pianificato.
Intervallo di aggiornamento KCC:
Per impostazione predefinita, gli aggiornamenti vengono effettuati ogni 15 minuti.
Azione utente
Se il problema persiste, riavviare il servizio directory.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore di errore:
%3 %1
ID interno:
%2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request returned the following status.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
%2 |
Etki alanı denetleyicisi, artık aşağıdaki dizin bölümünü yine aşağıda belirtilen ağ adresindeki etki alanı denetleyicisinden çoğaltmayacak. Bunun nedeni, aşağıdaki etki alanı denetleyicisinin gelen çoğaltması için bir Bağlantı nesnesinin bulunmamasıdır.
Dizin bölümü:
Etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Ağ adresi:
%2 |
%2 |
Данный контроллер домена больше не будет выполнять репликацию следующего раздела каталога с контроллера домена по следующему сетевому адресу. Это вызвано отсутствием объекта подключения для входящей репликации со следующим контроллером домена.
Раздел каталога:
Контроллер домена:
Сетевой адрес:
%2 |
De domeincontroller repliceert de volgende mappartitie van de domeincontroller niet meer voor het volgende netwerkadres. Dit wordt veroorzaakt doordat er geen verbindingsobject voor binnenkomende replicatie voor de volgende domeincontroller is.
%2 |
Domänkontrollanten kommer inte längre att replikera följande katalogpartition från domänkontrollanten vid följande nätverksadress. Detta beror på att inget anslutningsobjekt finns för inkommande replikering för följande domänkontrollant.
%2 |
도메인 컨트롤러가 다음 네트워크 주소에 있는 도메인 컨트롤러로부터 디렉터리 파티션을 더 이상 복제하지 않습니다. 이것은 다음 도메인 컨트롤러에 대한 인바운드 복제의 연결 개체가 존재하지 않기 때문입니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
도메인 컨트롤러:
네트워크 주소:
%2 |
O controlador de domínio já não vai replicar a seguinte partição de directório a partir do controlador de domínio no seguinte endereço de rede. Isto deve-se ao facto de não existir um objecto de ligação para a replicação de entrada para o seguinte controlador de domínio.
Partição de directório:
Controlador de rede:
Endereço de rede:
%2 |
Kontroler domeny nie będzie już replikował poniższej partycji katalogu z kontrolera domeny pod poniższym adresem sieciowym, ponieważ nie istnieje żaden obiekt połączenia dla replikacji przychodzącej dla poniższego kontrolera domeny.
Partycja katalogu:
Kontroler domeny:
Adres sieciowy:
%2 |
A tartományvezérlő a továbbiakban nem replikálja a tartományvezérlőről az alábbi címre a következő címtárpartíciót. Ennek oka: a következő tartományvezérlőhöz nem tartozik a bejövő replikációkhoz való kapcsolatobjektum.
Hálózati cím:
%2 |
Le contrôleur de domaine ne répliquera plus la partition de l’annuaire à partir du contrôleur de domaine à l’adresse réseau suivante. Cette erreur est due à l’absence d’objet Connexion pour la réplication entrante pour le contrôleur de domaine suivant.
Partition de l’annuaire :
Contrôleur de domaine :
Adresse réseau :
%2 |
O controlador de domínio não vai mais replicar a partição de diretório
a seguir do controlador de domínio no endereço de rede a seguir. Isso
ocorre porque não existe um objeto de conexão para replicação de
entrada para o controlador de domínio a seguir.
Partição de diretório:
Controlador de domínio:
Endereço de rede:
%2 |
Řadič domény nebude nadále replikovat následující oddíl adresáře z řadiče domény na následující síťové adrese. Důvodem je, že pro následující řadič domény neexistuje žádný objekt připojení pro příchozí replikaci.
Oddíl adresáře:
Řadič domény:
Síťová adresa:
%2 |
El controlador de dominio ya no replicará la siguiente partición de directorio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red. No existe un objeto de conexión para la replicación entrante para el siguiente controlador de dominio.
Partición de directorio:
Controlador de dominio:
Dirección de red:
%2 |
Der Domänencontroller repliziert künftig die folgende Verzeichnispartition vom Domänencontroller der folgenden Netzwerkadresse nicht mehr. Dies ist der Fall, weil kein Verbindungsobjekt für die eingehende Replikation für den folgenden Domänencontroller vorhanden ist.
%2 |
ドメイン コントローラにより、次のネットワーク アドレスのドメイン コントローラから次のディレクトリ パーティションがレプリケートされなくなります。これは、次のドメイン コントローラからの、入力方向のレプリケーション用の接続オブジェクトがないためです。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
ドメイン コントローラ:
ネットワーク アドレス:
%2 |
Il controller di dominio non eseguirà più la replica della seguente partizione di directory dal controller di dominio nel seguente indirizzo di rete. Non esiste alcun oggetto Connessione per la replica in ingresso per il seguente controller di dominio.
Partizione di directory:
Controller di dominio:
Indirizzo di rete:
%2 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update reply message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: The directory service could not assemble a replication update request message for another site.
This operation will be tried again later.
User Action
If this condition continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory to process replication tasks. Replication might be affected until more memory is available.
User Action
Increase the amount of physical memory or virtual memory and restart the local computer. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not notify the directory service at the following network address about changes to the directory partition.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send the following directory partition changes to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not send a message requesting changes in the following directory partition to the directory service at the following network address.
Directory partition:
Network address:
This operation will be tried again at next scheduled replication.
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Active Directory 網域服務無法使用從下列網路位址的目錄服務所接收的變更,來更新下列物件,因為 Active Directory 網域服務正在忙於處理資訊。
稍後將會重試這個操作。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri bilgi işlemekle meşgul olduğu için, aşağıdaki nesneyi, yine aşağıdaki ağ adresinde bulunan dizin hizmetinden alınan değişikliklerle güncelleştiremedi.
Ağ adresi:
Bu işlem daha sonra yeniden denenecek. |
Active Directory 域服务无法用从如下网络地址的目录服务收到的更改来更新下列对象,因为 Active Directory 域服务正忙于处理信息。
稍候将重试此操作。 |
Доменные службы Active Directory заняты обработкой информации, поэтому не удалось внести в следующий объект изменения, полученные от службы каталогов по следующему сетевому адресу.
Сетевой адрес:
Позже будет предпринята повторная попытка выполнения этой операции. |
De wijzigingen die zijn ontvangen van de directoryservice op het volgende netwerkadres kunnen niet worden verwerkt via Active Directory Domain Services, omdat er momenteel gegevens worden verwerkt in Active Directory Domain Services.
Deze bewerking wordt later opnieuw geprobeerd. |
Det gick inte att uppdatera följande objekt med ändringar från katalogservern på följande nätverksadress eftersom Active Directory Domain Services var upptaget med att behandla information.
Ett nytt försök kommer att göras. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 정보를 처리하는 중이었기 때문에 다음 네트워크 주소의 디렉터리 서비스로부터 받은 변경 내용이 있는 다음 개체를 업데이트하지 못했습니다.
네트워크 주소:
이 작업을 나중에 다시 시도합니다. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram actualizar o
seguinte objecto com as alterações recebidas do serviço de directório no seguinte endereço de rede, uma vez que os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory se encontravam ocupados a processar informações.
Endereço de rede:
Esta operação será repetida mais tarde. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą zaktualizować poniższego obiektu zmianami otrzymanymi z usługi katalogowej pod poniższym adresem sieciowym, ponieważ Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory są zajęte przetwarzaniem informacji.
Adres sieciowy:
Ta operacja zostanie ponowiona później. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudta frissíteni a következő objektumot az alábbi hálózati címen elérhető címtárszolgáltatástól kapott módosításokkal, mert adatfeldolgozás miatt nem maradt rá szabad kapacitása.
Hálózati cím:
A program később ismét megpróbálja végrehajtani ezt a műveletet. |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu mettre à jour l’objet suivant avec les modifications reçues du service d’annuaire à l’adresse réseau suivante car les services de domaine Active Directory étaient occupés à traiter des informations.
Objet :
Adresse réseau :
Cette opération sera tentée à nouveau ultérieurement. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam atualizar o objeto a seguir com as alterações recebidas do serviço de diretório no seguinte endereço de rede porque o Active Directory estava ocupado processando informações.
Endereço de rede:
Esta operação será tentada novamente mais tarde. |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nemohla aktualizovat následující objekt změnami získanými z adresářové služby na následující síťové adrese, protože byla zaneprázdněna zpracováním informací.
Síťová adresa:
Tato operace bude později zopakována. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron actualizar el siguiente objeto con los cambios recibidos del servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red porque estaban ocupados procesando información.
Dirección de red:
Esta operación se intentará más adelante. |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste konnte das folgende Objekt nicht mit Änderungen vom Verzeichnisdienst an der folgenden Netzwerkadresse aktualisieren, weil die Active Directory-Domänendienste mit der Verarbeitung von Informationen ausgelastet war.
Dieser Vorgang wird später erneut versucht. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは情報の処理中でビジー状態のため、次のネットワーク アドレスのディレクトリ サービスから受信した変更で次のオブジェクトを更新できませんでした。
ネットワーク アドレス:
この操作は後で再実行されます。 |
Impossibile aggiornare l'oggetto seguente con le modifiche ricevute dal servizio directory nell'indirizzo di rete indicato perché Servizi di dominio Active Directory è occupato nell'elaborazione delle informazioni.
Indirizzo di rete:
L'operazione verrà ritentata in un secondo momento. |