下列在本機目錄服務上的連線物件已被設定成從它本身複寫,因此 Active Directory 網域服務無法複寫連線物件。
這個設定不正確,將被略過。 |
Yerel dizin hizmetinde yer alan aşağıdaki Bağlantı nesnesi, kendisinden çoğaltma yapılacak şekilde yapılandırılmış durumda. Sonuç olarak, Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri Bağlantı nesnesini çoğaltamadı.
Bağlantı nesnesi:
Bu yapılandırma geçersiz ve yok sayılacak. |
本地目录服务上的下列连接对象配置为从其自身进行复制。因此 Active Directory 域服务无法复制连接对象。
这是一个无效配置,将被忽略。 |
Следующий объект подключения в локальной службе каталогов настроен на репликацию с самим собой. Доменным службам Active Directoryне удалось реплицировать этот объект подключения.
Объект подключения:
Данная конфигурация неправильна, она не будет использована. |
Het volgende verbindingsobject voor de lokale directoryservice is geconfigureerd voor zelfreplicatie. Daardoor kan het verbindingsobject niet via Active Directory Domain Services worden gerepliceerd.
Dit is een ongeldige configuratie. Deze wordt genegeerd. |
Följande Connection-objekt på den lokala katalogservern är konfigurerat att replikera från sig själv. Active Directory Domain Services kunde därför inte replikera Connection-objekt.
Denna konfiguration är inte giltig och kommer att ignoreras. |
로컬 디렉터리 서비스에 있는 다음 연결 개체가 자체 복제를 하도록 구성되어 있습니다. 따라서 Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 연결 개체를 복제할 수 없습니다.
연결 개체:
이 구성은 올바르지 않으므로 무시됩니다. |
O seguinte objecto de ligação no serviço de directório local está configurado para se replicar automaticamente. Como resultado, os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram replicar o objecto de ligação.
Objecto de ligação:
Trata-se de uma configuração inválida e será ignorada. |
Poniższy obiekt Connection w lokalnej usłudze katalogowej jest skonfigurowany tak, aby replikował się z siebie samego. W rezultacie Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą replikować obiektu Connection.
Obiekt Connection:
To jest nieprawidłowa konfiguracja i zostanie zignorowana. |
A helyi címtárszolgáltatásban lévő következő kapcsolatobjektum úgy van beállítva, hogy önmagát replikálja. Emiatt az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudja replikálni a kapcsolatobjektumot.
Ez a beállítás érvénytelen, és a program figyelmen kívül hagyja. |
L’objet Connexion suivant sur le service d’annuaire local est configuré pour se répliquer lui-même. En conséquence, les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu répliquer l’objet Connexion.
Objet Connexion :
Cette configuration n’est pas valide et sera ignorée. |
O objeto de Conexão a seguir no serviço de diretório local está configurado para replicar de si mesmo. Como resultado, os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam replicar o objeto de conexão.
Objeto de conexão:
Esta é uma configuração inválida e será ignorada. |
Následující objekt připojení v místní adresářové službě je nakonfigurován k replikaci sebe sama. V důsledku toho nemůže služba Active Directory Domain Services tento objekt replikovat.
Objekt připojení:
Tato konfigurace je neplatná a bude ignorována. |
El siguiente objeto de conexión del servicio de directorio local está configurado para replicarse desde sí mismo. Como resultado, los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron replicar el objeto de conexión.
Objeto de conexión:
Esta configuración no es válida y se omitirá. |
Das folgende Verbindungsobjekt auf dem lokalen Verzeichnisdienst wurde so konfiguriert, dass es von sich selbst replizieren soll. Als Folge konnte die Active Directory-Domänendiensten das Verbindungsobjekt nicht replizieren.
Dies ist eine ungültige Konfiguration, die ignoriert wird. |
ローカル ディレクトリ サービスの次の接続オブジェクトは、それ自身からレプリケートするように構成されています。このため、Active Directory ドメイン サービスにより接続オブジェクトをレプリケートできませんでした。
無効な構成のため、無視されます。 |
L'oggetto Connessione seguente nel servizio directory locale è configurato per eseguire la replica da se stesso. Servizi di dominio Active Directory non è stato in grado di replicare l'oggetto.
Oggetto Connessione:
La configurazione non è valida e verrà ignorata. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an incorrectly formatted or corrupted update-replica message during intersite replication.
User Action
If this condition continues, restart this directory service.
Additional Data
Error value:
%2 %1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an update-request message for an invalid directory partition from the following directory services during intersite replication.
Directory partition:
Domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The local directory service does not contain this directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source domain controller:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received an invalid update-replica message for the following directory partition during intersite replication. The directory service cannot replicate from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory service:
%2 |
知識一致性檢查程式 (KCC) 嘗試終止下列的變更通知。
目的地目錄服務代理程式的分辨名稱 (如果有的話):
%5 %3 |
Bilgi Tutarlılığı Denetleyicisi (KCC) aşağıdaki değişiklik bildirimlerini sonlandırmaya çalıştı.
Dizin bölümü:
Hedef dizin hizmeti aracısı adresi:
Hedef dizin hizmeti aracısı ayırt edici adı (varsa):
Bu uyarı, bu dizin hizmeti ya da hedef dizin hizmeti başka bir siteye taşındığında alınabilir.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%5 %3 |
%5 %3 |
В ходе проверки согласованности знаний (КСС) предпринята попытка прервать следующие уведомления об изменении.
Раздел каталога:
Адрес агента конечной службы каталогов:
Различаемое имя агента конечной службы каталогов (если есть):
Это предупреждение может быть вызвано перемещением данной службы каталогов или конечной службы каталогов на другой сайт.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%5 %3 |
De Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) heeft geprobeerd om de volgende wijzigingsmeldingen te beëindigen.
Adres van serviceagent van doelmap:
DN-naam van serviceagent van doelmap (indien beschikbaar):
Deze waarschuwing kan optreden wanneer deze directory service of de doeldirectory service naar een andere site is verplaatst.
Extra gegevens
%5 %3 |
KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) försökte avbryta följande ändringsmeddelande.
Adress till målkatalogtjänstens agent:
Unikt namn för målkatalogtjänstens agent (om tillgängligt):
Den här varningen kan uppstå om antingen katalogtjänsten eller målkatalogtjänsten har flyttats till en annan plats.
Ytterligare data
%5 %3 |
KCC(정보 일관성 검사기)가 다음 변경 알림을 종료하려고 시도했습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
대상 디렉터리 서비스 에이전트 주소:
대상 디렉터리 서비스 에이전트 고유 이름(있을 경우):
이 경고는 이 디렉터리 서비스 또는 대상 디렉터리 서비스가 다른 사이트로 이동되었을 경우 발생합니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%5 %3 |
O verificador de consistência de conhecimento (KCC) tentou terminar as seguintes notificações de alteração.
Partição de directório:
Endereço do agente de serviço do directório de destino:
Nome único do agente de serviço do directório de destino (se disponível):
Este aviso pode ocorrer se este serviço de directório ou o serviço de directório de destino tiver sido movido para outro local.
Dados adicionais
Valor do erro:
%5 %3 |
Narzędzie sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC) podjęło próbę zamknięcia następujących powiadomień o zmianach.
Partycja katalogu:
Adres docelowy agenta usługi katalogowej:
Docelowa nazwa wyróżniająca agenta usługi katalogowej (jeżeli jest dostępna):
To ostrzeżenie może pojawić się w przypadku, gdy ta usługa katalogowa lub docelowa usługa katalogowa została przeniesiona do innej lokacji.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%5 %3 |
A tudáskonzisztencia-ellenőrző (KCC) megpróbálta leállítani a következő változási értesítőket.
A cél-címtárszolgáltatási ügynök címe:
A cél-címtárszolgáltatási ügynök megkülönböztető neve (ha van):
Ez a figyelmeztetés akkor jelenik meg, ha ezt a címtárszolgáltatást vagy a cél-címtárszolgáltatást áthelyezték egy másik helyre.
További adatok
%5 %3 |
Le vérificateur de cohérence des données a tenté d’annuler les notifications de modifications suivantes.
Partition de l’annuaire :
Adresse de l’agent du serveur d’annuaire de destination :
Nom unique de l’agent du serveur d’annuaire de destination (si disponible) :
Cet avertissement peut se produire si ce service d’annuaire ou si le service d’annuaire de destination a été déplacé vers un autre site.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%5 %3 |
O KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) tentou finalizar as notificações de alteração a seguir.
Partição de diretório:
Endereço de agente de serviço de diretório de destino:
Nome distinto de agente de serviço de diretório de destino (se disponível):
Este aviso pode ocorrer se este serviço de diretório ou o serviço de diretório de destino tiver sido movido para outro site.
Dados adicionais
Valor de erro:
%5 %3 |
Kontrola konzistence znalostí (KCC) se pokusila ukončit následující upozornění na změny.
Oddíl adresáře:
Adresa cílového agenta adresářové služby:
Identifikační jméno cílového agenta adresářové služby (pokud je k dispozici):
Toto varování se může zobrazit, pokud byla tato adresářová služba nebo cílová adresářová služba přesunuta do jiné lokality.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%5 %3 |
El Comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) intentó terminar las siguientes notificaciones de cambio.
Partición de directorio:
Dirección del agente del servicio de directorio de destino:
Nombre distintivo del agente del servicio de directorio de destino (en su caso):
Esta advertencia puede ocurrir si este servicio de directorio o el servicio de directorio de destino se ha movido a otro sitio.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%5 %3 |
Die Konsistenzprüfung (KCC) hat versucht, die folgenden Änderungsbenachrichtigungen zu beenden.
Ziel-DSA-Definierter Name (falls verfügbar):
Diese Warnung kann auftreten, wenn entweder dieser Verzeichnisdienst oder der Zielverzeichnisdienst an einen neuen Standort verschoben wurde.
Zusätzliche Daten
%5 %3 |
知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) は次の変更通知を終了しようとしました。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
宛先ディレクトリ サービス エージェントのアドレス:
宛先ディレクトリ サービス エージェントの識別名 (利用できる場合):
このディレクトリ サービスまたは宛先ディレクトリ サービスのどちらかが別のサイトに移動した場合に、この警告が表示されます。
%5 %3 |
Controllo di coerenza informazioni (KCC) ha tentato di terminare le seguenti notifiche di modifiche.
Partizione di directory:
Indirizzo dell'agente di servizio directory di destinazione:
Nome distinto dell'agente di servizio directory di destinazione (se disponibile):
Questo avviso può verificarsi se il servizio directory corrente o quello di destinazione è stato spostato in un altro sito.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore di errore:
%5 %3 |
輸入複寫已被使用者停用。 |
Gelen çoğaltmayı kullanıcı devre dışı bırakmış. |
入站复制已经被用户禁用。 |
Входящая репликация отменена пользователем. |
Binnenkomende replicatie is uitgeschakeld door de gebruiker. |
Inkommande replikering har inaktiverats av användaren. |
인바운드 복제가 사용자에 의해 사용할 수 없도록 설정되었습니다. |
A replicação de entrada foi desactivada pelo utilizador. |
Replikacja przychodząca została wyłączona przez użytkownika. |
A bejövő replikációt a felhasználó letiltotta. |
La réplication entrante a été désactivée par l’utilisateur. |
A replicação de entrada foi desabilitada pelo usuário. |
Příchozí replikace byla zakázána uživatelem. |
La replicación entrante ha sido deshabilitada por el usuario. |
Die eingehende Replikation ist von einem Benutzer deaktiviert worden. |
入力方向のレプリケーションはユーザーにより無効にされています。 |
Replica in ingresso disabilitata dall'utente. |
輸出複寫已被使用者停用。 |
Giden çoğaltmayı kullanıcı devre dışı bırakmış. |
出站复制已经被用户禁用。 |
Исходящая репликация отменена пользователем. |
Uitgaande replicatie is uitgeschakeld door de gebruiker. |
Utgående replikering har inaktiverats av användaren. |
아웃바운드 복제가 사용자에 의해 사용할 수 없도록 설정되었습니다. |
A replicação de saída foi desactivada pelo utilizador. |
Replikacja wychodząca została wyłączona przez użytkownika. |
A kimenő replikációt a felhasználó letiltotta. |
La réplication sortante a été désactivée par l’utilisateur. |
A replicação de saída foi desabilitada pelo usuário. |
Odchozí replikace byla zakázána uživatelem. |
La replicación saliente ha sido deshabilitada por el usuario. |
Die ausgehende Replikation ist von einem Benutzer deaktiviert worden. |
出力方向のレプリケーションはユーザーにより無効にされています。 |
Replica in uscita disabilitata dall'utente. |
分割 %1 所有的複寫輸入連線都已停用。這個分割的輸入複寫無法執行。 |
%1 bölümü için tüm gelen çoğaltma bağlantıları devre dışı bırakılmış. Bu bölümün gelen çoğaltması gerçekleştirilemez. |
磁盘分区 %1 所有的入站复制连接都已禁用。这个磁盘分区的入站复制无法运行。 |
Запрещены все входящие подключения репликации для раздела %1. Не удалось выполнить входящую репликацию для этого раздела. |
Alle binnenkomende replicatieverbindingen voor partitie %1 zijn uitgeschakeld. Kan binnenkomende replicatie van deze partitie niet uitvoeren. |
Alla anslutningar för inkommande replikering för partitionen %1 är inaktiverade. Det går inte att utföra inkommande replikering för den här partitionen. |
%1 파티션의 모든 인바운드 복제 연결을 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 파티션의 인바운드 복제를 수행할 수 없습니다. |
Todas as ligações de replicação de entrada para a partição %1 estão desactivadas. Não é possível executar a replicação de entrada desta partição. |
Wszystkie połączenia replikacji przychodzących dla partycji %1 są wyłączone. Replikacja przychodząca tej partycji nie może zostać wykonana. |
A partíció (%1) összes bejövő replikációs kapcsolata le van tiltva. A partíció bejövő replikációja nem hajtható végre. |
Toutes les connexions de réplication entrante pour la partition %1 sont désactivées. La réplication entrante de cette partition ne peut pas être effectuée. |
Todas as conexões de replicação de entrada para a partição %1 estão desabilitadas. A replicação de entrada dessa partição não pode ser executada. |
Veškerá připojení příchozích replikací pro oddíl %1 jsou zakázána. Příchozí replikaci tohoto oddílu nelze provést. |
Se han deshabilitado todas las conexiones de la replicación entrante para la partición %1. No se puede realizar la replicación entrante de esta partición. |
Alle eingehenden Replikationsverbindungen für Partition %1 sind deaktiviert worden. Eingehende Replikationen dieser Partition können nicht durchgeführt werden. |
パーティション %1 の入力方向のレプリケーション接続は、すべて無効になっています。このパーティションの入力方向のレプリケーションは実行できません。 |
Tutte le connessioni di replica in ingresso per la partizione %1 sono disabilitate. Impossibile eseguire la replica in ingresso della partizione corrente. |
刪除這些連線物件的其中一個。 |
Aşağıdaki Bağlantı nesneleri aynı kaynak ve hedef dizin hizmetleri için yapılandırılmış durumda. Sonuç olarak, Bağlantı nesnelerinden biri yoksayılacak.
Yoksayılan Bağlantı nesnesi:
Bağlantı nesnesi:
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu Bağlantı nesnelerinden birini silin. |
删除这些连接对象之一。 |
Следующие объекты подключения настроены на совпадающие исходную и конечную службы каталогов. В результате один из объектов подключения будет проигнорирован.
Игнорируемый объект подключения:
Объект подключения:
Действие пользователя
Удалите один из этих объектов подключения. |
De volgende verbindingsobject zijn geconfigureerd voor dezelfde bron- en doeldirectory services. Hierdoor wordt één verbindingsobject genegeerd.
Genegeerd verbindingsobject:
Aanbevolen actie
Verwijder één van deze verbindingsobjecten. |
Följande Connection-objekt har konfigurerats för samma käll- och målkatalogserver. Ett Connection-objekt kommer därför att ignoreras.
Ignorerat Connection-objekt:
Ta bort ett av dessa Connection-objekt. |
다음 연결 개체는 같은 원본 및 대상 디렉터리 서비스에 대해 구성되어 있습니다.
따라서 하나의 연결 개체는 무시됩니다.
무시된 연결 개체:
연결 개체:
사용자 작업
연결 개체 중 하나를 삭제하십시오. |
Os seguintes objectos de ligação estão configurados para os mesmos serviços de directório de origem e de destino. Como resultado, um objecto de ligação será ignorado.
Objecto de ligação ignorado:
Objecto de ligação:
Acção do utilizador
Elimine um destes objectos de ligação. |
Następujące obiekty połączenia zostały skonfigurowane dla tych samych źródłowych i docelowych usług katalogowych. Z tego powodu jeden z obiektów połączeń zostanie zignorowany.
Ignorowany obiekt połączenia:
Obiekt połączenia:
Akcja użytkownika
Usuń jeden z obiektów połączenia. |
Az alábbi kapcsolatobjektumokon ugyanaz a forrás- és cél-címtárszolgáltatás van beállítva. Emiatt egy kapcsolatobjektumot a program nem vesz majd figyelembe.
A figyelmen kívül hagyott kapcsolatobjektum:
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Törölje az egyik kapcsolatobjektumot. |
Les objets Connexion suivants sont configurés pour les mêmes services d’annuaire source et destination. En conséquence, un objet Connexion sera ignoré.
Objet Connexion ignoré :
Objet Connexion :
Action utilisateur
Supprimez l’un de ces objets Connexion. |
Os objetos de conexão a seguir estão configurados para os mesmos serviços de diretório de origem e destino. Como resultado, um objeto de conexão será ignorado.
Objeto de conexão ignorado:
Objeto de conexão:
Ação do usuário
Exclua um dos objetos de conexão. |
Následující objekty připojení jsou konfigurovány pro stejnou cílovou a zdrojovou adresářovou službu. V důsledku toho bude jeden objekt připojení ignorován.
Ignorovaný objekt připojení:
Objekt připojení:
Akce uživatele:Odstraňte jeden z těchto objektů připojení. |
Los siguientes objetos de conexión están configurados para los mismos servicios de directorio de origen y destino. Como resultado, se omitirá un objeto de conexión.
Objeto de conexión omitido:
Objeto de conexión:
Acción del usuario
Elimine uno de estos objetos de conexión. |
Die folgenden Verbindungsobjekte sind für dieselben Quell- und Zielverzeichnisdienste konfiguriert. Als Folge wird ein Verbindungsobjekt ignoriert.
Ignoriertes Verbindungsobjekt:
Löschen Sie eines dieser Verbindungsobjekte. |
次の接続オブジェクトは同じソース ディレクトリ サービスと宛先ドメイン コントローラに対して構成されているため、接続オブジェクトの 1 つは無視されます。
これらの接続オブジェクトの 1 つを削除してください。 |
I seguenti oggetti Connessione sono configurati per gli stessi servizi directory di origine e di destinazione. Di conseguenza, un oggetto Connessione verrà ignorato.
Oggetto Connessione ignorato:
Oggetto Connessione:
Azione utente
Eliminare uno di questi oggetti Connessione. |