The service
Messages on page
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal event: There is not enough memory to create a cache for objects. The performance of Active Directory Domain Services will decrease considerably because this cache is ignored. User Action If this error continues to occur, restart the directory service.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve or process data. User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Context value: %1 Internal ID: %2
在目錄服務關機或重新啟動之後,知識一致性檢查程式 (KCC) 無法停止。 其他資料 錯誤值: %1%2
Dizin hizmeti kapatıldıktan veya yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra Bilgi Tutarlılığı Denetleyicisi (KCC) durdurulamadı. Ek Veriler Hata değeri: %1 %2
目录服务关闭或重新启动后,知识一致性检查器(KCC)无法停止。 额外数据 错误值: %1 %2
Проверку согласованности знаний не удалось остановить после завершения работы или перезапуска этого сервера службы каталогов. Дополнительные данные Значение ошибки: %1 %2
De Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is niet gestopt nadat de directoryservice is afgesloten of opnieuw gestart. Extra gegevens Foutwaarde: %1 %2
KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) kunde stoppas efter att den lokala katalogtjänsten stängdes av eller startades om. Ytterligare data Felvärde: %1 %2
디렉터리 서비스를 종료 또는 다시 시작한 후에 KCC(정보 일관성 검사기)를 중지하지 못했습니다. 추가 데이터 오류 값: %1 %2
O verificador de consistência de conhecimento (KCC) não conseguiu parar após o encerramento ou reinício do serviço de directório. Dados adicionais Valor do erro: %1 %2
Zatrzymanie narzędzia sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC, Knowledge Consistency Checker) po zamknięciu lub ponownym uruchomieniu usługi katalogowe nie powiodło się. Dane dodatkowe Wartość błędu: %1 %2
A tudáskonzisztencia-ellenőrző (KCC) nem állt le a címtárszolgáltatás leállítását vagy újraindítását követően. További adatok Hibaérték: %1 %2
Le vérificateur de cohérence des données n’a pas pu s’arrêter après l’arrêt ou le redémarrage du service d’annuaire. Données supplémentaires Valeur de l’erreur : %1 %2
O KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) não parou depois que o serviço de diretório foi desligado ou reiniciado. Dados adicionais Valor de erro: %1 %2
Po vypnutí nebo restartování adresářové služby se nepodařilo ukončit nebo restartovat Kontrolu konzistence znalostí (KCC). Další data Chybová hodnota: %1 %2
El Comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) no pudo detenerse tras cerrarse o reiniciarse el servicio de directorio. Datos adicionales Valor de error: %1 %2
Die Konsistenzprüfung (KCC) konnte nicht beendet werden nachdem der Verzeichnisdienst heruntergefahren, oder neu gestartet wurde. Zusätzliche Daten Fehlerwert: %1 %2
知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) を、ディレクトリ サービスのシャットダウン後、または再起動後に停止できませんでした。 追加データ エラー値: %1 %2
Impossibile interrompere Controllo di coerenza informazioni (KCC) dopo l'arresto o il riavvio del servizio directory. Dati aggiuntivi Valore di errore: %1 %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the distinguished name for the following queried object. Object: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. If this error continues to occur, rename the object. Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the instanceType attribute for the following queried object. Object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2 Internal ID: %3
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not retrieve the child object information for the following queried object. Base object: %1 Additional Data Error value: %2
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not add an attribute to an object because either the syntax defined for the attribute is incorrect or the object does not exist. Syntax: %1 Attribute OID: %2 Attribute name: %3 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the governsID attribute for the following schema class. Schema class: %1 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not store schema class information to the cache. This local computer might have a memory allocation problem. User Action Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart this local computer.
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not remove the following class from the schema cache. Class: %2 User Action Restart the directory service and try this task again. Additional Data Internal ID: %1
See catalog page for all messages.