Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeID attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the attributeSyntax attribute for the following schema object.
Schema object:
User Action
If this continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following attribute for the queried object.
%2 |
Active Directory 網域服務找不到代表這個目錄服務執行個體的 NTDS 設定物件。
NTDS 設定物件:
Active Directory 網域服務將嘗試繼續。
%2 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, dizin hizmetinin bu örneğini temsil eden NTDS Ayarları nesnesini bulamadı.
NTDS Ayarları nesnesi:
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri devam etmeyi deneyecek.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu durum devam ederse, dizin hizmetini yedekleme medyasından geri yükleyin.
Ek Bilgi
İç kimlik:
%2 |
Active Directory 域服务无法找到代表此目录服务实例的 NTDS 设置对象。
NTDS 设置对象:
Active Directory 域服务将尝试继续。
内部 ID:
%2 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удается найти объект параметров NTDS, представляющий этот сервер службы каталогов.
Объект настроек NTDS:
Доменные службы Active Directory попытаются продолжить работу.
Действие пользователя
Если эта ошибка будет повторяться, восстановите этот сервер службы каталогов с архивного носителя.
Дополнительные сведения
Внутренний идентификатор:
%2 |
Het object met NTDS-instellingen voor deze directoryservice kan niet worden gevonden in Active Directory Domain Services.
Object met NTDS-instellingen:
Er wordt geprobeerd door te gaan in Active Directory Domain Services.
Als deze fout blijft optreden, zet u de directoryservice terug aan de hand van een back-up.
Aanvullende gegevens
Interne id:
%2 |
Active Directory Domain Services kunde inte hitta objektet NTDS Settings som representerar den här domäntjänstinstansen.
NTDS Settings-objekt:
Active Directory Domain Services kommer att försöka fortsätta.
Om detta fel kvarstår bör du återställa den lokala katalogtjänsten från en säkerhetskopia.
Ytterligare information
Internt ID:
%2 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 이 디렉터리 서비스의 인스턴스를 나타내는 NTDS 설정 개체를 찾지 못했습니다.
NTDS 설정 개체:
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 작업을 계속 시도합니다.
사용자 작업
이 오류가 계속 발생하면 백업 미디어에서 이 디렉터리 서비스를 복원하십시오.
추가 정보
내부 ID:
%2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram localizar o objecto Definições de NTDS representando esta instância do serviço de directório.
Objecto Definições de NTDS:
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory vão tentar continuar.
Acção do Utilizador
Se este erro persistir, restaure o serviço de directório a partir do suporte de dados de cópia de segurança.
Informações Adicionais
ID interno:
%2 |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą odnaleźć obiektu ustawień NTDS reprezentującego to wystąpienie usługi katalogowej.
Obiekt ustawień NTDS:
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory podejmą próbę kontynuacji.
Akcja użytkownika
Jeżeli ten błąd się powtarza, przywróć usługę katalogową z nośnika kopii zapasowej.
Dodatkowe informacje
Identyfikator wewnętrzny:
%2 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem találta a címtárszolgáltatás ezen példányát leképező NTDS Settings objektumot.
NTDS Settings objektum:
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások megpróbálja folytatni a megkezdett műveletet.
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Ha a hiba továbbra is fennáll, állítsa vissza a címtárszolgáltatást egy biztonsági másolatból.
További információBelső azonosító:
%2 |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu trouver l’objet Paramètres NTDS représentant cette instance du service d’annuaire.
Objet Paramètres NTDS :
Les services de domaine Active Directory tenteront de continuer.
Action utilisateur
Si cette erreur persiste, restaurez le service d’annuaire à partir du média de sauvegarde.
Informations supplémentaires
ID interne :
%2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam encontrar o objeto Configurações NTDS que representa esta instância do serviço de diretório.
Objeto Configurações NTDS:
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory tentarão continuar.
Ação do Usuário
Se esse erro persistir, restaure este serviço de diretório a partir da mídia de backup.
Informações Adicionais
Identificação Interna:
%2 |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nevyhledala objekt NTDS Settings představující tuto relaci adresářové služby.
Objekt NTDS Settings:
Služba Active Directory Domain Services bude pokračovat.
Akce uživatele
Pokud k této chybě nadále dochází, obnovte adresářovou službu ze zálohovacího média.
Další informace
Vnitřní ID:
%2 |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no encontraron el objeto de configuración NTDS que representa a esta instancia del servicio de directorio.
Objeto de configuración NTDS:
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory intentarán continuar.
Acción del usuario
Si sigue ocurriendo este error, restaure el servicio de directorio desde los medios de copia de seguridad.
Información adicional
Identificador interno:
%2 |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste konnten das NTDS-Einstellungsobjekt, das diese Instanz des Verzeichnisdiensts darstellt, nicht finden.
Es wird versucht, die Active Directory-Domänendienste weiterhin auszuführen.
Wenn dieser Zustand weiterhin besteht, stellen Sie den Verzeichnisdienst über Sicherungsmedien wieder her.
Zusätzliche Informationen
Interne ID:
%2 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、ディレクトリ サービスのこのインスタンスを表している NTDS 設定オブジェクトを見つけることができませんでした。
NTDS 設定オブジェクト:
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは続行しようとします。
このエラーが引き続き発生する場合は、バックアップ メディアからディレクトリ サービスを復元してください。
内部 ID:
%2 |
Impossibile trovare l'oggetto Impostazioni NTDS che rappresenta questa istanza del servizio directory.
Oggetto Impostazioni NTDS:
Servizi di dominio Active Directory tenterà di continuare.
Azione utente
Se l'errore persiste, ripristinare il servizio directory dal supporto di backup.
Dati aggiuntivi
ID interno:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not process the following object.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this error continues to occur, restart the local computer.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the directory partition for the following object in the internal cache.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the following directory system agent object for the directory service.
Directory system agent object:
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not determine the computer name for this computer.
User Action
If this error continues to occur, restore the directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%2 |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |
Internal error: The Active Directory Domain Services database engine caused an exception with the following parameters.
Error value (if available):
Active Directory Domain Services cannot recover from this error.
User Action
Restore the directory service from backup media. |