嘗試在下列 DN 產生一個依據上層參照的轉介失敗。
Active Directory 網域服務無法在指定分割的交互參照物件上找到
superiorDNSRoot 屬性。嘗試自動產生轉介也已失敗。
物件 DN:
上層 DNS 根交互參照分割 DN:
%2 |
Aşağıdaki DN için üst başvuruya dayanan bir başvuru oluşturma girişimi başarısız oldu.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, belirtilen bölümün çapraz başvuru nesnesinin superiorDNSRoot özniteliğini
bulamadı. Ayrıca, otomatik olarak başvuru oluşturma girişimi de başarısız oldu.
Nesne DN'si:
%1Üst DNS kökü çapraz başvuru bölümü DN'si:
%2 |
下列 DN 的基于上级引用生成引用的尝试失败。
Active Directory 域服务找不到指定分区的交叉引用
对象的 superiorDNSRoot 属性。自动生成引用的尝试同样失败。
对象 DN:
上级 DNS 根交叉引用分区 DN:
%2 |
Попытка создания ссылки на основе главной ссылки для следующего DN завершилась ошибкой.
Доменным службам Active Directory не удалось найти атрибут "superiorDNSRoot" объекта перекрестной ссылки
указанного раздела. Попытка автоматического создания ссылки также завершилась ошибкой.
DN объекта:
Главная корневая ссылка DNS для DN объекта:
%2 |
Het is niet gelukt een verwijzing op basis van de hoofdverwijzing te genereren voor de volgende DN-naam.
Het kenmerk superiorDNSRoot van het kruisverwijzingsobject van de opgegeven partitie kan niet worden gevonden
in Active Directory Domain Services. Het is evenmin gelukt automatisch een verwijzing te genereren.
DN van kruisverwijzingspartitie met DNS-hoofdmap:
%2 |
Ett försök att skapa en referens baserad på den överordnade referensen misslyckades för följande unika namn.
Active Directory Domain Services kunde inte hitta attributet superiorDNSRott för den angivna partitionens korsreferensobjekt.
Ett försök att skapa en referens automatiskt misslyckades också.
Objektets unika namn:
Unikt namn för den överordnade DNS-rotens korsreferenspartition:
%2 |
다음 DN에 대해 상위 참조를 기반으로 하는 참조를 생성하려는 시도가 실패했습니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 지정한 파티션의 상호 참조 개체에 대한 superiorDNSRoot 특성을 찾지 못했습니다.
자동으로 참조를 생성하지 못했습니다.
개체 DN:
상위 DNS 루트 상호 참조 파티션 DN:
%2 |
Uma tentativa para gerar uma referência com base na referência superior falhou para o seguinte DN.
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram localizar o atributo superiorDNSRoot para o
objecto de referência cruzada da partição especificada. Também falhou uma tentativa para gerar automaticamente uma referência.
DN do objecto:
DN da partição de referência cruzada da raiz de DNS superior:
%2 |
Próba wygenerowania odwołania na podstawie odwołania nadrzędnego dla następującej nazwy domeny nie powiodła się.
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą odnaleźć atrybutu superiorDNSRoot dla określonego obiektu odsyłacza. Próba automatycznego wygenerowania odwołania
również się nie powiodła.
Nazwa wyróżniająca obiektu:
Nazwa wyróżniająca partycji odsyłacza nadrzędnego serwera głównego DNS:
%2 |
Az alábbi tartománynév esetében nem sikerült hivatkozót létrehozni a fölérendelt hivatkozás alapján.
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem találta a megadott partíció kereszthivatkozás-objektumának
superiorDNSRoot attribútumát. A hivatkozó automatikus létrehozására tett kísérlet is sikertelen volt.
Objektum tartományneve:
Fölérendelt DNS-gyökér kereszthivatkozás-partíciójának tartományneve:
%2 |
Une tentative de génération de référence basée sur une référence supérieure a échoué pour le nom unique suivant.
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu trouver l’attribut superiorDNSRoot
de l’objet de référence croisée pour la partition spécifiée. Une tentative de génération
automatique d’une référence a également échoué.
Nom unique de l’objet :
Nom unique de la partition de référence croisée de la
racine DNS supérieure :
%2 |
Houve falha na tentativa de gerar uma referência com base na referência superior para o DN a seguir. Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam encontrar o atributo superiorDNSRoot no objeto de referência cruzada. Houve falha na tentativa de gerar uma referência automaticamente.
DN do objeto:
DN da partição de referência cruzada raiz do DN superior:
%2 |
Pokus generovat odkaz na základě nadřazeného odkazu se u následujícího rozlišujícího názvu nezdařil.
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nevyhledala atribut superiorDNSRoot v objektu křížové reference zadaného
oddílu. Pokus generovat odkaz automaticky se také nezdařil.
Rozlišující název objektu:
Rozlišující název nadřazeného oddílu křížové reference kořenového adresáře DNS:
%2 |
Error al intentar generar una referencia basada en otra superior para el siguiente DN.
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no encontraron el atributo superiorDNSRoot para el objeto de referencia cruzada de la partición
especificada. También se produjeron errores en un intento de generar automáticamente una referencia.
DN de objeto:
DN de partición de referencia cruzada de raíz DNS superior:
%2 |
Beim Versuch, einen Verweis auf der Grundlage eines übergeordneten Verweises zu erstellen, ist für den folgenden DN ein Fehler aufgetreten.
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste konnten kein superiorDNSRoot-Attribut für
das Querverweisobjekt
der angegebenen Partition finden.
Beim Versuch, einen Verweis automatisch zu erstellen, ist ebenfalls ein Fehler aufgetreten.
%1Übergeordneter Partition-DN für DNS-Stammquerverweise:
%2 |
次の DN で、上位参照に基づく紹介を生成できませんでした。
Active Directory ドメイン サービスで、指定されたパーティションの相互参照オブジェクトの
上位 DNS ルート属性を見つけることができませんでした。紹介を自動的に生成することもできませんでした。
オブジェクト DN:
上位 DNS ルート相互参照パーティション DN:
%2 |
Impossibile generare un riferimento basato sul riferimento superiore per il nome distinto seguente.
Impossibile trovare l'attributo superiorDNSRoot per l'oggetto con riferimento incrociato della partizione
specificata. Anche la generazione automatica del riferimento non è riuscita.
Nome distinto oggetto:
Nome distinto partizione riferimento incrociato radice DNS superiore:
%2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not find the masterDSA attribute for the following subordinate-reference object.
Subordinate-reference object:
User Action
Restart the directory service. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services could not read the definition of an attribute because
the system is out of memory.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: An Active Directory Domain Services security error occurred while checking access rights.
User Action
Restart the directory service. If this error continues to occur, restore this directory service from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: Scheduled periodic replication synchronization was not completed because Active Directory Domain Services could not allocate enough memory for this task.
User Action
Increase physical memory or virtual memory. If this continues to occur, restart the local computer and try this task again. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes.
User Action
If this continues to occur, restart the directory service. |
Active Directory 網域服務複寫調派程式執行緒無法繼續。
請重新啟動目錄服務。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri çoğaltma dağıtıcısı iş parçacığı devam edemiyor.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Dizin hizmetini yeniden başlatın. |
Active Directory 域服务复制调度程序线程无法继续。
重新启动目录服务。 |
Продолжение работы потока диспетчера репликации доменных служб Active Directory невозможно.
Действие пользователя
Перезапустите службу каталогов. |
De thread voor het replicatieverdeelprogramma voor Active Directory Domain Services kan niet worden voortgezet.
Start de directoryservice opnieuw. |
Replikeringsdispatcherns tråd i Active Directory Domain Services kan inte fortsätta.
Starta om katalogtjänsten. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 복제 발송자 스레드를 계속 진행할 수 없습니다.
사용자 작업
디렉터리 서비스를 다시 시작하십시오. |
O thread despachante de replicação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não consegue continuar.
Acção do Utilizador
Reinicie o serviço de directório. |
Wątek dyspozytora replikacji Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie może kontynuować działania.
Akcja użytkownika
Uruchom ponownie usługę katalogową. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások replikációkézbesítő szála nem tudja folytatni a működését.
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Indítsa újra a címtárszolgáltatást. |
Le thread du répartiteur de réplication des services de domaine Active Directory ne peut pas continuer.
Action utilisateur
Redémarrez le service d’annuaire. |
O thread do distribuidor de replicação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não pode continuar.
Ação do Usuário
Reinicie o serviço de diretório. |
Podproces dispečera replikace služby Active Directory Domain Services nemůže pokračovat.
Akce uživatele:Restartujte adresářovou službu. |
El subproceso de distribución de replicación de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no puede continuar.
Acción del usuario
Reinicie el servicio de directorio. |
Der Active Directory-Domänendienste-Replikationsverteilerthread kann den Vorgang nicht fortsetzen.
Starten Sie den Verzeichnisdienst neu. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスのレプリケーション ディスパッチャ スレッドは続行できません。
ディレクトリ サービスを再起動してください。 |
Impossibile continuare il thread del dispatcher di replica di Servizi di dominio Active Directory.
Azione utente
Riavviare il servizio directory. |
Active Directory 網域服務複寫調派程式執行緒因錯誤而結束。在這個事件發生的 35 分鐘內將會重試重新啟動複寫調派程式。
%1 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri çoğaltma dağıtıcısı iş parçacığı, bir hata oluşturarak çıktı. Bu olaydan 35 dakika sonra çoğaltma dağıtıcısı iş parçacığı yeniden başlatılmaya çalışılacak.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu olay devam ederse, dizin hizmetini yeniden başlatın.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%1 |
Active Directory 域服务复制调度程序线程因错误退出。此事件后 35 分钟内将尝试重新启动复制调度程序线程。
%1 |
Работа потока диспетчера репликации доменных служб Active Directory завершилась ошибкой. Попытка перезапуска потока диспетчера репликации будет предпринята в течение 35 минут после этого события.
Действие пользователя
Если это событие будет повторяться, перезапустите службу каталогов.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%1 |
De thread voor het replicatieverdeelprogramma voor Active Directory Domain Services is gestopt met een fout. Binnen 35 minuten na deze gebeurtenis wordt opnieuw geprobeerd de thread voor het replicatieverdeelprogramma opnieuw te starten.
Start de directoryservice opnieuw als deze gebeurtenis blijft optreden.
Aanvullende gegevens
%1 |
Replikeringsdispatcherns tråd i Active Directory Domain Services avslutades med ett fel. Ett nytt försök att starta tråden igen kommer att göras 35 minuter efter att den här händelsen loggar.
Om den här händelsen fortsätter inträffa bör du starta om katalogtjänsten.
Ytterligare data
%1 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 복제 발송자 스레드에 오류가 발생하여 중지되었습니다. 이 이벤트 발생 후 35분 이내에 복제 발송자 스레드를 다시 시작합니다.
사용자 작업
이 이벤트가 계속 발생하면 디렉터리 서비스를 다시 시작해 보십시오.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%1 |
O thread despachante de replicação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory foi encerrado com um erro. Será repetida uma tentativa para reiniciar o thread despachante de replicação num período de 35 minutos a partir deste evento.
Acção do Utilizador
Se este evento persistir, reinicie o serviço de directório.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%1 |
Praca wątku dyspozytora replikacji Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory zakończyła się błędem. Próba ponownego uruchomienia wątku dyspozytora replikacji zostanie podjęta ponownie w czasie 35 minut trwania tego zdarzenia.
Akcja użytkownika
Jeżeli to zdarzenie się powtarza, ponownie uruchom usługę katalogową.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%1 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások replikációkézbesítő szála hibával leállt. A kézbesítő szál újraindítására az eseményt követően 35 perc múlva történik kísérlet.
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Ha ez az esemény a későbbiekben is fellép, indítsa újra a címtárszolgáltatást.
További adatok
%1 |
Le thread du répartiteur de réplication des services de domaine Active Directory s’est terminé avec une erreur. Une tentative de redémarrage du thread du répartiteur de réplication aura lieu 35 minutes au plus après cet événement.
Action utilisateur
Si cet événement persiste, redémarrez le service d’annuaire.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%1 |
O thread do distribuidor de replicação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory foi finalizado com um erro. Haverá uma nova tentativa de reiniciar o thread do distribuidor de replicação dentro de 35 minutos após esse evento.
Ação do Usuário
Se esse evento persistir, reinicie o serviço de diretório.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%1 |
Podproces dispečera replikace služby Active Directory Domain Services byl ukončen s chybou. Pokus restartovat tento podproces bude zopakován za 35 minut od této události.
Akce uživatele
Pokud tento stav přetrvává, restartujte adresářovou službu.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%1 |
El subproceso de distribución de replicación de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory se cerró con un error. Se intentará reiniciar el subproceso de distribución de replicación a los 35 minutos de ocurrir este evento.
Acción del usuario
Si sigue ocurriendo este evento, reinicie el servicio de directorio.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%1 |
Der Active Directory-Domänendienste-Replikationsverteilerthread wurde mit einem Fehler beendet. Innerhalb von 35 Minuten nach diesem Ereignis wird erneut versucht, den Replikationsvertreilerthread neu zu starten.
Wenn dieses Ereignis weiterhin besteht, starten Sie den Verzeichnisdienst neu.
Zusätzliche Daten
%1 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスのレプリケーション ディスパッチャ スレッドは、エラーが発生して終了しました。このイベントから 35 分以内に、レプリケーション ディスパッチャ スレッドの再起動が行われます。
このイベントが引き続き発生する場合は、ディレクトリ サービスを再起動してください。
%1 |
Il thread del dispatcher di replica di Servizi di dominio Active Directory è terminato con un errore. Il thread verrà riavviato entro 35 minuti dal verificarsi dell'evento.
Azione utente
Se il problema persiste, riavviare il servizio directory.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%1 |
在這個站台上找不到分割 %1 的來源。一致性檢查程式無法為在站台中沒有複本的分割建立連線。無法執行這個分割的輸入複寫。請手動為這個分割設定連線。 |
Bu site içinde bölümleme %1 için kaynak bulunamadı. Tutarlılık denetleyicisi, site içinde kopyası olmayan bölümlemeler ile ilgili bağlantı oluşturamıyor. Bu bölümlemenin gelen çoğaltma gerçekleştirilemiyor. Lütfen bu bölümleme için bağlantıyı el ile yapılandırın. |
在这个站点中没有找到分区 %1 的源。一致性检验程序无法为在站点中没有副本的分区创建连接。无法执行这个分区的入站复制。请手动为这个分区配置连接。 |
Не найден источник для раздела %1 внутри этого сайта. Программа проверки согласованности не может создавать подключения для разделов, не имеющих реплики внутри сайта. Входящая репликация этого раздела не может быть выполнена. Выполните настройку подключения для этого раздела вручную. |
Kan geen bron vinden voor partitie %1 binnen deze site. De consistentiecontrole kan geen verbindingen maken voor partities die geen replica binnen deze site hebben. Binnenkomende replicatie van deze partitie kan niet worden uitgevoerd. Configureer een verbinding voor deze partitie handmatig. |
Det går inte att hitta någon källa för partitionen %1 på den här platsen. Konsekvensgranskaren kan inte skapa anslutningar för partitioner som inte har några repliker på platsen. Det går inte att utföra inkommande replikering av den här partitionen. Konfigurera en anslutning för den här partitionen manuellt. |
이 사이트 내에서 %1 파티션에 관한 원본을 찾을 수 없습니다. 일관성 검사가 이 사이트 내에서 복제본을 가지고 있지 않은 파티션으로 연결할 수 없습니다. 파티션의 인바운드 복제를 실행할 수 없습니다. 수동으로 파티션 연결을 구성하십시오. |
Não foi encontrada nenhuma origem para a partição %1 neste local. O verificador de consistência não consegue criar ligações para partições que não tenham réplicas no local. Não é possível executar a replicação de recepção desta partição. Configure manualmente uma ligação para esta partição. |
Nie odnaleziono źródła dla partycji %1 wewnątrz tej lokacji. Narzędzie sprawdzania spójności nie może utworzyć połączeń dla partycji, które nie mają repliki wewnątrz lokacji. Replikacja przychodząca tej partycji nie może być wykonana. Skonfiguruj ręcznie połączenie dla tej partycji. |
A partíciónak (%1) nincs forrása ezen a helyen. A konzisztenciaellenőrző nem tud kapcsolatot létesíteni olyan partíciókkal, amelyeknek nincs replikája ezen a helyen. A partíció bejövő replikálása nem végezhető el. Manuálisan állítsa be a kapcsolatot ehhez a partícióhoz. |
Aucune source pour la partition %1 n’a été trouvée sur ce site. Le vérificateur de cohérence ne peut pas créer de connexions pour les partitions qui n’ont pas de réplica sur ce site. La réplication entrante de cette partition ne peut pas être effectuée. Configurez manuellement une connexion pour cette partition. |
Nenhuma origem para a partição %1 pode ser encontrada neste site. O verificador de consistência não pode criar conexões para partições que não tenham réplica no site. A replicação de entrada desta partição não pode ser executada. Configure manualmente uma conexão para essa partição. |
V rámci této lokality nelze nalézt žádný zdroj pro oddíl %1. Kontrola konzistence nemůže vytvořit připojení pro oddíly, které nemají v této lokalitě repliku. Příchozí replikaci tohoto oddílu nelze provést. Připojení pro tento oddíl nakonfigurujte ručně. |
No se puede encontrar un origen para la partición %1 dentro de este sitio. El comprobador de coherencia no puede crear conexiones para particiones sin réplica dentro del sitio. No se puede realizar la replicación entrante de esta partición. Configure de forma manual una conexión para esta partición. |
Für die Partition %1 wurde innerhalb dieses Standorts keine Quelle gefunden. Die Konsistenzprüfung kann keine Verbindungen für Partitionen herstellen, die innerhalb des Standorts keine Replikate vorweisen. Die eingehende Replikation dieser Partition kann nicht durchgeführt werden. Konfigurieren Sie manuell eine Verbindung für diese Partition. |
パーティション %1 のソースは、このサイトの中に見つかりません。整合性チェッカーは、サイトの中にレプリカを持たないパーティションの接続を作成できません。このパーティションに対する入力方向のレプリケーションは実行できません。このパーティションについて接続を手動で構成してください。 |
Nessuna origine per la partizione %1 in questo sito. Il controllo di coerenza non è in grado di creare connessioni per partizioni che non dispongono di repliche nel sito. Impossibile eseguire la replica in ingresso della partizione selezionata. Configurare manualmente una connessione per la partizione. |
修改排程屬性。 |
Aşağıdaki nesneye ait zamanlama özniteliğinin biçimi tanınmıyor.
Bunun yerine, varsayılan zamanlama kullanılacak. Bu olay, bu nesnenin zamanlama özniteliği düzeltilinceye kadar ortaya oluşmaya devam edecek.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Zamanlama özniteliğini değiştirin. |
修改计划属性。 |
Формат атрибута расписания для следующего объекта не распознан.
Заменяется расписанием по умолчанию. Событие будет продолжаться до тех пор, пока атрибут расписания для данного объекта не будет исправлен.
Действие пользователя
Измените атрибут расписания. |
De indeling van het kenmerk Schedule in het volgende object %1 is onherkenbaar.
Een standaardplanning komt hiervoor in de plaats. Deze gebeurtenis zal blijven voorkomen totdat het kenmerk Schedule voor dit object is hersteld.
Aanbevolen actie
Wijzig het kenmerk Schedule. |
Formatet för schemaläggningsattributet i följande objekt känns inte igen.
Standardschemat kommer att användas istället. Denna händelse kommer att fortsätta uppstå fram tills dess att schemaläggningsattributet i objektet åtgärdas.
AnvändaråtgärdÅtgärda schemaattributet. |
다음 개체의 일정 특성 형식이 인식되지 않습니다.
기본 일정이 대체됩니다. 이 개체의 일정 특성이 수정될 때까지 이 이벤트가 계속 발생하게 됩니다.
사용자 작업
일정 특성을 수정합니다. |
O formato do atributo de agenda do seguinte objecto não é reconhecível.
Uma agenda predefinida será substituída. Este evento vai continuar a ocorrer até o atributo de agenda neste objecto ter sido corrigido.
Acção do utilizador
Modifique o atributo de agenda. |
Format atrybutu harmonogramu następującego obiektu jest nierozpoznawalny.
Zostanie podstawiony harmonogram domyślny. To zdarzenie będzie występować nadal do czasu poprawienia atrybutu harmonogramu w tym obiekcie.
Akcja użytkownika
Zmodyfikuj atrybut harmonogramu. |
Az alábbi objektum ütemezési attribútumának formátuma nem ismerhető fel.
Ehelyett a program az alapértelmezett ütemezést fogja használni. Ez az esemény mindaddig nem szűnik meg, amíg ki nem javítja az objektum ütemezési attribútumát.
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Módosítsa az ütemezési attribútumot. |
Le format de l’attribut de planification de l’objet suivant n’est pas reconnu.
Objet :
Une planification par défaut sera utilisée à la place. Cet événement continuera à se produire jusqu’à ce que l’attribut de planification sur cet objet soit corrigé.
Action utilisateur
Modifiez l’attribut de planification. |
O formato do atributo de agendamento do objeto a seguir não pode ser reconhecido.
Um agendamento padrão será substituído. Esse evento continuará a ocorrer até que o atributo de agendamento nesse objeto tenha sido corrigido.
Ação do Usuário
Modifique o atributo de agendamento. |
Formát atributu plánu následujícího objektu nelze rozpoznat.
Jako náhrada bude použit výchozí plán. Tento stav se bude opakovat, dokud nebude opraven atribut plánu na tomto objektu.
Akce uživatele:Změňte atribut plánu. |
El formato del atributo de programación del siguiente objeto no se reconoce.
Se utilizará una programación predeterminada. Este evento seguirá teniendo lugar hasta que el atributo de programación de este objeto se haya corregido.
Acción del usuario
Modifique el atributo de programación. |
Das Format des Zeitplanattributs für das folgende Objekt ist unbekannt.
Ein Standardzeitplan wird ersetzt. Dieses Ereignis wird weiterhin bestehen bleiben, bis das Zeitplanattribut dieses Objekts korrigiert wird.
BenutzeraktionÄndern Sie das Zeitplanattribut. |
スケジュール属性を変更してください。 |
Impossibile riconoscere il formato dell'attributo di pianificazione del seguente oggetto.
In alternativa verrà utilizzata una pianificazione predefinita. Questo problema continuerà a verificarsi finché non verrà corretto l'attributo di pianificazione di questo oggetto.
Azione utente
Modificare l'attributo di pianificazione. |