Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a non-auxiliary class incorrectly listed as an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Non-auxiliary class identifier:
Non-auxiliary class name:
The non-auxiliary class will be ignored. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The abstract schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from nonabstract schema class identifier %3 (class name %4). This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
%3%4 |
Aşağıdaki yeni öznitelik için, yeni veritabanı sütunu oluşturma girişimi başarısız oldu.
Öznitelik tanımlayıcı:
%1Öznitelik adı:
Öznitelik tanımı yoksayıldı.
Ek Veriler
hata değeri:
%3 %4 |
%3 %4 |
Попытка создания в базе данных нового столбца для следующего нового атрибута завершилась ошибкой.
Идентификатор атрибута:
Имя атрибута:
Это определение атрибута проигнорировано.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %4 |
De poging om een nieuwe databasekolom voor het volgende nieuwe kenmerk te maken, is mislukt.
Naam van kenmerk:
De kenmerkdefinitie wordt genegeerd.
Extra gegevens
%3 %4 |
Försöket att skapa en ny databaskolumn för följande nya attribut misslyckades.
Attributets namn:
Attributdefinitionen ignorerades.
Ytterligare data
%3 %4 |
다음 새 특성에 대한 새 데이터베이스 열을 만들지 못했습니다.
특성 식별자:
특성 이름:
특성 정의가 무시됩니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %4 |
A tentativa para criar uma nova coluna da base de dados para o seguinte atributo novo falhou.
Identificador do atributo:
Nome do atributo:
A definição do atributo foi ignorada.
Dados adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Próba utworzenia nowej kolumny bazy danych dla następującego nowego atrybutu nie powiodła się.
Identyfikator atrybutu:
Nazwa atrybutu:
Definicja atrybutu została zignorowana.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %4 |
A következő új attribútum új adatbázisoszlopának létrehozása nem sikerült.
Attribútum azonosítója:
Attribútum neve:
A rendszer figyelmen kívül hagyta az attribútum definícióját.
További adatok
%3 %4 |
La tentative de création d’une nouvelle colonne de base de données pour le nouvel attribut suivant a échoué.
Identificateur de l’attribut :
Nom de l’attribut :
La définition de l’attribut a été ignorée.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%3 %4 |
Houve falha na tentativa de criar uma nova coluna de banco de dados para o novo atributo a seguir.
Identificador do atributo:
Nome do atributo:
A definição do atributo foi ignorada.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Pokus vytvořit nový sloupec databáze pro následující nový atribut se nezdařil.
Identifikátor atributu:
Název atributu:
Definice atributu byla ignorována.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %4 |
Error al intentar crear una nueva columna de la base de datos para el nuevo atributo siguiente.
Identificador de atributo:
Nombre de atributo:
La definición del atributo se omitió.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%3 %4 |
Fehler beim Versuch, eine neue Datenbankspalte für das folgende neue Attribut zu
Die Attributdefinition wurde ignoriert.
Zusätzliche Daten
%3 %4 |
%3 %4 |
Impossibile creare una nuova colonna di database per il seguente nuovo
Identificatore attributo:
Nome attributo:
La definizione di attributo è stata ignorata.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore di errore:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory 網域服務在釋放記憶體時發生錯誤。
請重新啟動目錄服務。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri belleği boşaltırken hatayla karşılaştı.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Dizin hizmetini yeniden başlatın. |
Active Directory 域服务释放内存时遇到错误。
重新启动目录服务。 |
Доменные службы Active Directory столкнулись с ошибкой при освобождении памяти.
Действие пользователя
Перезапустите службу каталогов. |
Er is een fout aangetroffen in Active Directory Domain Services tijdens het vrijmaken van geheugen.
Start de directoryservice opnieuw. |
Active Directory Domain Services upptäckte ett fel när minne frigjordes.
Starta om den här katalogtjänsten. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 메모리를 비우는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
사용자 작업
디렉터리 서비스를 다시 시작하십시오. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory detectaram um erro ao libertar memória.
Acção do Utilizador
Reinicie o serviço de directório. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory napotkały błąd podczas zwalniania pamięci.
Akcja użytkownika
Uruchom ponownie usługę katalogową. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások memóriafelszabadítás közben hibába ütközött.
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Indítsa újra a címtárszolgáltatást. |
Les services de données Active Directory ont rencontré une erreur lors de la libération de mémoire.
Action utilisateur
Redémarrez le service d’annuaire. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory encontraram um erro ao liberar memória.
Ação do Usuário
Reinicie o serviço de diretório. |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services zjistila chybu při uvolňování paměti.
Akce uživatele
Restartujte adresářovou službu. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory encontraron un error mientras liberaban memoria.
Acción del usuario
Reinicie el servicio de directorio. |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste stellten während der Freigabe von Arbeitsspeicher einen Fehler fest.
Starten Sie den Verzeichnisdienst neu. |
メモリの解放中に Active Directory ドメイン サービスでエラーが発生しました。
ディレクトリ サービスを再起動してください。 |
Errore durante il processo di liberazione della memoria.
Azione utente
Riavviare il servizio directory. |
必須等到更正登錄值後,才會處理事件日誌記錄覆寫。 |
Bir olay günlüğü geçersiz kılma kayıt defteri anahtarı işlenirken, aşağıdaki konum ve dizede geçersiz bir karakter bulundu.
Kayıt defteri değeri düzeltilene kadar, hiçbir olay günlüğü geçersiz kılması işlenmeyecek. |
不会处理事件日志替代直到更正注册表值。 |
При обработке параметра реестра перекрытия журнала событий в следующей позиции указанной строки обнаружен недопустимый знак.
Пока значение этого параметра не будет исправлено, перекрытия журнала событий обрабатываться не будут. |
Tijdens het verwerken van een registersleutel voor logboekregistratieopheffingen van gebeurtenissen is er een ongeldig teken gevonden op de volgende positie.
Er worden geen logboekregistratieopheffingen uitgevoerd voordat de registerwaarde is gecorrigeerd. |
Ett ogiltigt tecken upptäcktes vid följande plats och sträng när en registernyckel för åsidosättning av loggmeddelande behandlades.
Inga åsidosättningar av behandling av loggmeddelande kommer att behandlas förrän registervärdet åtgärdats. |
이벤트 로깅이 레지스트리 키를 덮어쓰는 중, 다음 위치 및 문자열에 올바르지 않은 문자가 검색되었습니다.
레지스트리 값이 올바르게 수정되기 전에는 이벤트 우선 로깅이 처리되지 않습니다. |
Foi encontrado um carácter não válido na seguinte posição e cadeia ao processar uma chave de registo de substituição do registo de eventos.
Não serão processadas substituições de registo até o valor do registo estar corrigido. |
W następującej lokalizacji następującego ciągu odnaleziono nieprawidłowy znak podczas przetwarzania klucza rejestru zastąpienia rejestrowania zdarzeń.
Do czasu poprawienia wartości rejestru zastąpienia rejestrowania zdarzeń nie będą przetwarzane. |
Egy eseménynapló-felülírási beállításkulcs feldolgozása közben a program érvénytelen karaktert talált az alábbi karakterlánc következő pozíciójában.
A beállításazonosító kijavításáig a rendszer nem dolgozza fel az eseménynaplózási felülírásokat. |
Un caractère non valide a été trouvé dans la chaîne suivante à la position suivante lors du traitement d’une clé de Registre de dépassement du journal des événements.
Position :
Chaîne :
Aucun dépassement de journalisation d’événement ne sera traité jusqu’à ce que la valeur de Registre soit corrigée. |
Um caractere inválido foi encontrado na posição e cadeia de caracteres a seguir ao processar uma chave do Registro de substituição do log de eventos.
Cadeia de caracteres:
Nenhuma substituição do log de eventos será processada até que o valor do Registro seja corrigido. |
Při zpracovávání klíče registru pro přepis protokolu událostí byl nalezen neplatný znak na následující pozici a v následujícím řetězci.
Dokud nebude opravena hodnota registru, nebude zpracována žádná hodnota přepisu protokolu událostí. |
Se encontró un carácter no válido en la cadena y posición siguientes al procesar una clave del Registro para invalidación del registro de eventos.
No se procesarán invalidaciones de registros de eventos hasta que se corrija el valor del Registro. |
Beim Verarbeiten eines Registrierungsschlüssels für
Ereignisprotokollüberschreibungen wurde ein ungültiges Zeichen an der
folgenden Position in der folgenden Zeichenfolge gefunden.
Es werden keine Ereignisprotokollüberschreibungen verarbeitet, solange
der Registrierungsschlüssel nicht korrigiert wurde. |
イベント ログの無効化のレジストリ キーを処理中に、次の位置および文字列で無効な文字が見つかりました。
レジストリ値が訂正されるまで、イベント ログの無効化は処理されません。 |
È stato trovato un carattere non valido nella seguente posizione e stringa durante l'elaborazione di una chiave del Registro per le sostituzioni del registro eventi.
Non verrà elaborata alcuna sostituzione del registro eventi finché non verrà corretto il valore del Registro. |
除非修正登錄值,否則將不會進行事件日誌記錄覆寫。 |
Günlüğe kaydetme geçersiz kılmalarının aşağıdaki kayıt defteri değeri, geçersiz sayıda karakter içeriyor.
Kayıt defteri değeri:
Kayıt defteri değeri düzeltilene kadar, hiçbir olay günlüğü geçersiz kılması işlenmeyecek. |
不会替代处理事件日志替代,直到更正注册表值。 |
Следующий параметр реестра перекрытия журнала содержит несколько недопустимых знаков.
Значение реестра:
Пока значение этого параметра не будет исправлено, перекрытия журнала событий обрабатываться не будут. |
De volgende registerwaarde voor logboekregistratieopheffingen bevat een ongeldig aantal tekens.
Er worden geen logboekregistratieopheffingen uitgevoerd voordat de registerwaarde is gecorrigeerd. |
Följande registervärde för åsidosättning av loggning innehåller flera ogiltiga tecken.
Inga åsidosättningar av behandling av loggmeddelande kommer att behandlas förrän registervärdet har åtgärdats. |
우선 로깅에 대한 다음 레지스트리 값에 올바르지 않은 문자가 포함되어 있습니다.
레지스트리 값:
레지스트리 값이 올바르게 수정되기 전에는 이벤트 우선 로깅이 처리되지 않습니다. |
O seguinte valor de registo para as substituições de registo contém um número de caracteres inválido.
Valor de registo:
Não serão processadas substituições de registo do evento até o valor de registo ser corrigido. |
Następująca wartość rejestru odpowiadająca zastąpieniom rejestrowania zawiera nieprawidłowe znaki.
Wartość rejestru:
Do czasu poprawienia wartości rejestru zastąpienia rejestrowania zdarzeń nie będą przetwarzane. |
A naplózás-felülírásokra szolgáló alábbi beállításazonosító érvénytelen karaktereket tartalmaz.
A beállításazonosító kijavításáig a rendszer nem dolgozza fel az eseménynaplózási felülírásokat. |
La valeur de Registre suivante pour les dépassements de journalisation contient un nombre de caractères non valide.
Valeur du Registre :
Aucun dépassement de journalisation d’événement ne sera traité jusqu’à ce que la valeur de Registre soit corrigée. |
O valor do Registro a seguir para substituições de log contém um número inválido de caracteres.
Valor do Registro:
Nenhuma substituição do log de eventos será processada até que o valor do Registro seja corrigido. |
Následující hodnota registru pro přepis protokolu obsahuje celou řadu znaků, které nejsou platné.
Hodnota registru:
Dokud nebude opravena hodnota registru, nebudou zpracovány žádné hodnoty přepisu protokolu. |
El siguiente valor del Registro para las invalidaciones de registro contiene un número de caracteres que no es válido.
Valor del Registro:
No se procesarán invalidaciones de registro de eventos hasta que el valor del Registro sea correcto. |
Der folgende Registrierungswert für Protokollierungsüberschreibungen enthält
eine ungültige Anzahl Zeichen.
Keine Ereignisprotokollierungsüberschreibungen werden durchgeführt, bis der
Registrierungswert korrigiert ist. |
レジストリ値が訂正されるまで、イベント ログの無効化は処理されません。 |
La seguente chiave del Registro per le sostituzioni del registro eventi contiene un numero di caratteri non valido.
Valore del Registro:
Non verrà elaborata alcuna sostituzione del registro eventi finché non verrà corretto il valore del Registro. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not build the Address Book hierarchy table. The next attempt will occur at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Address Book searches will be disabled on this domain controller during this interval. |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: Active Directory Domain Services was unable to allocate a new directory server GUID, which is necessary since this directory server was restored from backup media. As a result, this directory server will not be able to start up in normal mode.
User Action
Reinstall the Server operating system and either attempt to restore the directory server from backup media again or promote the machine to be a new directory server.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal error: An Active Directory Domain Services error has occurred.
Additional Data
Error value (decimal):
Error value (hex):
Internal ID:
%3 |