Active Directory 網域服務無法將預設架構移動到 %1。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri varsayılan şemayı %1 üzerine taşıyamadı. |
Active Directory 域服务无法将默认架构移动到 %1。 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удалось переместить схему по умолчанию на %1. |
Het standaardschema kan in Active Directory Domain Services niet worden verplaatst naar %1. |
Active Directory Domain Services kunde inte flytta standardschemat till %1. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 기본 스키마를 %1에 옮기지 못했습니다. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram mover o esquema predefinido para %1. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą przenieść domyślnego schematu do %1. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudta áthelyezni az alapértelmezett sémát a(z) %1 helyre. |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu déplacer le schéma par défaut vers %1. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam mover o esquema padrão para %1. |
Službě Active Directory Domain Services se nepodařilo přesunout výchozí schéma do %1. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron mover el esquema predeterminado a %1. |
Das Standardschema konnte von den Active Directory-Domänendiensten nicht nach %1 verschoben werden. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは既定のスキーマを %1 へ移動できませんでした。 |
Impossibile spostare lo schema predefinito in %1. |
Active Directory 網域服務無法設定產品類型登錄機碼值來降級這台 Active Directory 網域控制站。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ni indirgemek için ürün türü kayıt defteri anahtarı değerini ayarlayamadı. |
Active Directory 域服务无法设置产品类型注册表项值以降级此 Active Directory 域控制器。 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удалось задать в разделе реестра значение типа продукта для понижения роли этого контроллера домена Active Directory. |
De waarde voor de producttyperegistersleutel kan in Active Directory Domain Services niet zo worden ingesteld dat deze Active Directory-domeincontroller wordt gedegradeerd. |
Active Directory DS kunde inte ange registervärdet för produkttyp så att den här Active Directory-domänkontrollanten kunde degraderas. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 이 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러의 수준을 내리기 위해 제품 종류 레지스트리 키를 설정하지 못했습니다. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram definir o valor da chave de Registo do tipo de produto para despromover este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą ustawić wartości klucza rejestru typu produktu w celu obniżenia poziomu tego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudta beállítani a terméktípus beállításkulcsát az Active Directory-tartományvezérlő lefokozásához. |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu définir la valeur de clé de Registre du type de produit pour rétrograder ce contrôleur de domaine Active Directory. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam definir o valor de chave do Registro de tipo de produto para rebaixar este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory. |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nenastavila hodnotu klíče registru typu produktu ke snížení úrovně tohoto řadiče domény služby Active Directory. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron establecer el valor de la clave del Registro de este tipo de producto para degradar este controlador de dominio de Active Directory. |
Der zur Herabstufung des Active Directory-Domänencontrollers benötigte Wert des Produkttyp-Registrierungsschlüssels
konnte von den Active Directory-Domänendiensten nicht festgelegt werden. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、この Active Directory ドメイン コントローラを降格する、製品の種類のレジストリ キーの値を設定できませんでした。 |
Impossibile impostare il valore della chiave del Registro di sistema relativa al tipo di prodotto per abbassare di livello questo controller di dominio Active Directory. |
下列操作的 Active Directory 網域服務資料庫傾出失敗。
%2%3 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri veritabanı dökümü aşağıdaki işlem sırasında başarısız oldu.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%2 %3 |
下列操作过程中 Active Directory 域服务数据库转储失败。
%2 %3 |
Не удалось обработать дамп базы данных доменных служб Active Directory в ходе следующей операции.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%2 %3 |
Het is niet gelukt een dump te maken van de Active Directory Domain Services-database tijdens de volgende bewerking.
Aanvullende gegevens
%2 %3 |
Dumpning av Active Directory Domain Services-databasen misslyckades under följande åtgärd.
Ytterligare data
%2 %3 |
다음 작업을 진행하는 동안 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 데이터베이스 덤프에 실패했습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%2 %3 |
A imagem de erro da base de dados dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory falhou durante a seguinte operação.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%2 %3 |
Zrzut bazy danych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie powiódł się podczas poniższej operacji.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%2 %3 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások adatbázisának listázása megszakadt a következő művelet közben.
További adatok
%2 %3 |
Le vidage de la base de données des services de domaine Active Directory a échoué lors de l’opération suivante.
Opération :
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%2 %3 |
Houve falha no despejo do banco de dados dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory durante a seguinte operação.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%2 %3 |
Výpis databáze služby Active Directory Domain Services se při následující operaci nezdařil.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%2 %3 |
Error en el volcado de base de datos de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory durante la siguiente operación.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%2 %3 |
Fehler bei der Abbildung der Active Directory-Domänendienste-Datenbank ist beim folgenden Vorgang.
Zusätzliche Daten
%2 %3 |
次の操作中に Active Directory ドメイン サービス データベースのダンプは失敗しました。
%2 %3 |
Si è verificato un errore nel dump del database di Servizi di dominio Active Directory durante l'operazione seguente.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%2 %3 |
站台間訊息服務要求在下列使用 LDAP 物件的修改操作時失敗。
%2%3 |
Siteler Arası İleti Gönderme hizmeti, aşağıdaki LDAP kullanan nesnede bir değişiklik isteğinde bulundu ve işlem başarısız oldu.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%2 %3 |
站点间消息服务使用 LDAP 在下列对象上请求修改操作。此操作失败。
%2 %3 |
Служба межсайтовых сообщений запросила для следующего объекта операцию изменения по протоколу LDAP, которая завершилась ошибкой.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%2 %3 |
De Intersite Messaging-service heeft met behulp van LDAP een modify-bewerking aangevraagd voor het volgende object aangevraagd. De bewerking is mislukt.
Extra gegevens
%2 %3 |
Tjänsten Intersite Messaging begärde en ändringsåtgärd på följande objekt genom att använda LDAP, men åtgärden misslyckades.
Ytterligare data
%2 %3 |
사이트 간 메시징 서비스가 LDAP를 사용하여 다음 개체에서 수정 작업을 요청했지만, 작업에 실패했습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%2 %3 |
O serviço de mensagens entre locais pediu uma operação de modificação no seguinte objecto utilizando LDAP e a operação falhou.
Dados adicionais
Valor do erro:
%2 %3 |
Usługa Komunikacja międzylokacyjna zażądała zmodyfikowania operacji na poniższym obiekcie przy użyciu protokołu LDAP i operacja nie powiodła się
Dane dodatkowe
Wartość błędu:
%2 %3 |
A helyek közötti üzenetküldő szolgáltatás módosítási műveletet kért a következő objektumon LDAP használatával, de a művelet nem sikerült.
További adatok
%2 %3 |
Le service Messagerie intersite a demandé une opération de modification sur les objets suivants en utilisant LDAP et l’opération a échoué.
Objet :
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%2 %3 |
O serviço de mensagens entre sites solicitou uma operação de modificação no seguinte objeto utilizando o LDAP, e houve uma falha nessa operação.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%2 %3 |
Služba zasílání zpráv mezi lokalitami požadovala úpravu následujícího objektu pomocí protokolu LDAP a tato operace se nezdařila.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%2 %3 |
El servicio de mensajería entre sitios solicitó una operación de modificación en el siguiente objeto mediante LDAP y se ha producido un error en la operación.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%2 %3 |
Der standortübergreifende Messagingdienst hat einen Änderungsvorgang
für das folgende Objekt unter Verwendung von LDAP angefordert.
Der Vorgang konnte nicht ausgefüfrt werden.
Zusätzliche Daten
%2%3 |
サイト間メッセージング サービスにより、次のオブジェクトへの修正操作が LDAP で要求されましたが、操作は失敗しました。
%2 %3 |
Impossibile eseguire l'operazione di modifica richiesta dal servizio Messaggistica tra siti (ISM) sui seguenti oggetti mediante LDAP.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore di errore:
%2 %3 |
Active Directory 網域服務無法為下列的目錄服務建立相互驗證服務主要名稱 (SPN)。
%3 %2 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, aşağıdaki dizin hizmeti için bir karşılıklı kimlik doğrulama hizmeti asıl adı (SPN) oluşturamadı.
Dizin hizmeti:
Çağrı reddedildi. Bu dizin hizmetiyle iletişim etkilenmiş olabilir.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%3 %2 |
Active Directory 域服务无法构造下列目录服务的相互身份验证服务主体名称(SPN)。
%3 %2 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удалось собрать имя участника-службы (SPN) взаимной проверки подлинности для следующей службы каталогов.
Служба каталогов:
Вызов отклонен. Возможно, это повлияет на связь с этим сервером службы каталогов.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %2 |
Het is niet gelukt een SPN-naam (Service Principal Name) voor wederzijdse verificatie samen te stellen in Active Directory Domain Services voor de volgende directoryservice.
De aanroep is afgewezen. Dit kan gevolgen hebben voor de communicatie met deze directoryservice.
Aanvullende gegevens
%3 %2 |
Active Directory Domain Services kunde inte skapa ett SPN (Service Principal Name) för ömsesidig autentisering för följande katalogtjänst.
Anropet nekades. Kommunikation med den här katalogtjänsten kan påverkas.
Ytterligare data
%3 %2 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 다음 디렉터리 서비스에 대한 상호 인증 SPN(서비스 사용자 이름)을 만들지 못했습니다.
디렉터리 서비스:
호출이 거부되었습니다. 이 디렉터리 서비스와의 통신에 문제가 발생할 수도 있습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram construir um nome do principal do serviço (SPN) de autenticação mútua para o seguinte serviço de directório.
Serviço de directório:
A chamada foi negada. A comunicação com este serviço de directório pode estar afectada.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %2 |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą utworzyć nazwy podmiotu usługi (SPN) wzajemnego uwierzytelniania dla następującej usługi katalogowej.
Usługa katalogowa:
Nastąpiła odmowa wywołania. Może to mieć wpływ na komunikację z tą usługą katalogową.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %2 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudott kölcsönös hitelesítésű egyszerű kiszolgálónevet (SPN) létrehozni a címtárszolgáltatás (%1) számára.
A hívás letiltva. Ez a tény hatással lehet a címtárszolgáltatás kommunikációjára.
További adatok
%3 %2 |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu créer un nom principal de service d’authentification mutuelle pour le service d’annuaire suivant.
Service d’annuaire :
L’appel a été refusé. La communication avec ce service d’annuaire peut être affectée.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%3 %2 |
Houve falha dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory na criação de um nome da entidade de segurança de serviço (SPN) de autenticação mútua para o seguinte serviço de diretório.
Serviço de diretório:
A chamada foi negada. A comunicação com esse serviço de diretório pode ser afetada.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %2 |
Službě Active Directory Domain Services se nepodařilo sestavit hlavní název služby (SPN) vzájemného ověřování pro následující adresářovou službu.
Adresářová služba:
Volání bylo odepřeno. Může být ovlivněna komunikace s touto adresářovou službou domény.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %2 |
Error de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory al construir un nombre principal de servicio (SPN) de autenticación mutua para el siguiente servicio de directorio.
Servicio de directorio:
Se denegó la llamada. La comunicación con este servicio de directorio puede verse afectada.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%3 %2 |
Es konnte keine gegenseitige Authentifizierung mit dem Dienstprinzipalnamen (SPN) für den folgenden Verzeichnisdienst erstellt werden.
Der Aufruf wurde verweigert. Dies kann Auswirkungen auf die Kommunikation mit diesem Verzeichnisdienst haben.
Zusätzliche Daten
%3%2 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、次のディレクトリ サービスの相互認証のサービス プリンシパル名 (SPN) を構築できませんでした。
ディレクトリ サービス:
呼び出しは拒否されました。このディレクトリ サービスとの通信に影響を与える可能性があります。
%3 %2 |
Impossibile costruire un nome principale di servizio (SPN) di autenticazione reciproca per il servizio directory seguente.
Servizio directory:
La chiamata è stata rifiutata. Questo problema può influire sulla comunicazione con il servizio directory.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%3 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not add a necessary object.
The task will continue to process phantom objects, but final results will be delayed.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%3 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task could not locate some stale phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to contact a global catalog while trying to verify the names of some phantom references.
The task will continue, but final results will be delayed. |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to find a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is found. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task failed to create a necessary index.
No infrastructure updates will complete until the index is created. This operation will be tried again later.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |