已沒有文件可供列舉。 |
Numaralandırılacak belge yok. |
没有再要枚举的文档了。 |
Больше нет документов, которые нужно перечислить. |
Det finns inga fler dokument att numrera. |
Er zijn geen documenten meer die in de inventarisatie kunnen worden opgenomen. |
열거할 문서가 더 이상 없습니다. |
Não existem mais documentos para enumerar. |
Nie ma więcej dokumentów do wyliczenia. |
Δεν υπάρχουν άλλα έγγραφα για απαρίθμηση. |
Ingen flere dokumneter kan listes opp. |
Der er ikke flere dokumenter at optælle. |
Nincs több felsorolható dokumentum. |
Il n'y a plus de documents à énumérer. |
Não há mais documentos a enumerar. |
Pro vytváření výčtu již neexistují další dokumenty. |
No hay más documentos para enumerar. |
Keine weiteren Dokumente zum Aufzählen. |
אין עוד מסמכים לספירה. |
Ei ole enempää luetteloitavia tiedostoja. |
これ以上列挙するドキュメントはありません。 |
لا يوجد مزيد من المستندات لتعدادها. |
Non esistono altri documenti da enumerare. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
ไม่มีเอกสารเพิ่มเติมที่จะแจงนับ |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
用戶端的系統管理連線並未關聯到 docstore。 |
Bir belge deposuyla ilişkisi olmayan bir istemciden yönetimsel bağlantılar için. |
对于不跟 docstore 关联的来自客户的管理性连接。 |
Для административных подключений со стороны клиента без сопоставления с хранилищем документов. |
För administrative anslutningar från en klient utan association till ett dokumentarkiv. |
Voor beheerverbindingen vanaf client zonder associatie met een docstore. |
클라이언트에서부터 문서 저장 영역과 연관 없는 관리적 연결을 위한 것입니다. |
Para ligações administrativas a partir de um cliente sem associações a um arquivo de documentos. |
Dla połączeń administracyjnych z klienta bez skojarzenia z obiektem docstore. |
Για συνδέσεις διαχείρισης από πρόγραμμα-πελάτη χωρίς συσχετισμό με αποθήκευση εγγράφων. |
For administrative tilkoblinger fra klient, uten tilknytning til et dokumentlager. |
Til administrative forbindelser fra en klient uden tilknytning til et dokumentlager. |
Felügyeleti kapcsolatokhoz dokumentumtárolókhoz való társítások nélküli ügyfelektől. |
Pour des connexions administratives à partir d'un client sans association avec un magasin de documents. |
Para conexões administrativas do cliente sem associação a um armazenamento de documentos. |
Pro administrativní připojení od klienta bez přidružení k úložišti dokumentů. |
Para las conexiones administrativas desde un cliente sin asociación a un almacén de documentos. |
Für administrative Verbindungen des Clients ohne Verknüpfung mit einem Dokumentationspeichers. |
עבור חיבורים ניהוליים מהלקוח ללא שיוך למאגר מסמכים. |
Järjestelmänvalvojan yhteyksiä varten asiakkaista, joilla ei ole kytkentää asiakirjasäilöön. |
docstore への関連付けなしにクライアントから管理者用接続をします。 |
للاتصالات الإدارية من العميل بدون إرفاق لمخزن مستندات. |
Per connessioni amministrative da client non associati a un archivio documenti. |
類別目錄已經停止。 |
Katalog durduruldu. |
编录已被停止。 |
Просмотр каталога остановлен. |
Filförteckningen har stoppats. |
De catalogus is gestopt. |
카탈로그가 중지되었습니다. |
O catálogo foi parado. |
Wykaz został zatrzymany. |
Ο κατάλογος έχει διακοπεί. |
Katalogen er stoppet. |
Kataloget er stoppet. |
A katalógus leállt. |
Le catalogue a été arrêté. |
Catálogo foi parado. |
Katalog byl zastaven. |
Se ha detenido el catálogo. |
Der Katalog wurde angehalten. |
הקטלוג הופסק. |
Luettelo on pysäytetty. |
カタログは停止しました。 |
تم إيقاف النشرة المصورة. |
Il catalogo è stato arrestato. |
注意: 此虛假錯誤訊息是必要的,它強制 MC 輸出
上述在 FACILITY_WINDOWS Guard 內定義,而非
將它空白。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此伪错误消息是必需的,它强制 MC 输出
而不是将它保留空白。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
הערה: הודעת שגיאה מדומה זו הכרחית כדי לכפות על MC לספק
את ההגדרות המוזכרות קודם בתוך השומר FACILITY_WINDOWS במקום
להשאירו ריק. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ملاحظة: رسالة الخطأ الزائف هذه ضرورية لفرض MC لإخراج
التعريفات أعلاه داخل حماية FACILITY_WINDOWS بدلاً
من تركها فارغة. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此虛假錯誤訊息是必要的,它強制 MC 輸出
上述在 FACILITY_WINDOWS Guard 內定義,而非
將它空白。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此伪错误消息是必需的,它强制 MC 输出
而不是将它保留空白。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
הערה: הודעת שגיאה מדומה זו הכרחית כדי לכפות על MC לספק
את ההגדרות המוזכרות קודם בתוך השומר FACILITY_WINDOWS במקום
להשאירו ריק. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ملاحظة: رسالة الخطأ الزائف هذه ضرورية لفرض MC لإخراج
التعريفات أعلاه داخل حماية FACILITY_WINDOWS بدلاً
من تركها فارغة. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此虛假錯誤訊息是必要的,它強制 MC 輸出
上述在 FACILITY_WINDOWS Guard 內定義,而非
將它空白。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此伪错误消息是必需的,它强制 MC 输出
而不是将它保留空白。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
הערה: הודעת שגיאה מדומה זו הכרחית כדי לכפות על MC לספק
את ההגדרות המוזכרות קודם בתוך השומר FACILITY_WINDOWS במקום
להשאירו ריק. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ملاحظة: رسالة الخطأ الزائف هذه ضرورية لفرض MC لإخراج
التعريفات أعلاه داخل حماية FACILITY_WINDOWS بدلاً
من تركها فارغة. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
已在 %1 啟動主合併。 |
Ana birleştirme %1 üzerinde başlatıldı. |
主合并已在 %1 上开始。 |
Основное слияние началось на %1. |
Sammanslagning av index har startats på %1. |
Samenvoegen tot hoofdindex is gestart op %1. |
%1에서 마스터 병합을 시작했습니다. |
A intercalação mestre foi iniciada em %1. |
Rozpoczęło się scalanie główne na %1. |
Ξεκίνησε η κεντρική συγχώνευση στο %1. |
Hovedsammenslåing har startet på %1. |
Sammenlægningen er startet på %1. |
A teljes összefésülés megkezdődött a következőn: %1. |
La fusion principale a démarré sur %1. |
A mesclagem mestre foi iniciada em %1. |
V %1 bylo spuštěno slučování hlavního indexu. |
La combinación maestra se ha iniciado en %1. |
Hauptzusammenführung auf %1 wurde gestartet. |
מיזוג ראשי הופעל ב- %1. |
Pääindeksin yhdistäminen on käynnistetty luettelossa %1. |
%1 のマスタ結合が開始されました。 |
بدأ الدمج الرئيسى على %1. |
Unione master avviata su %1. |
%2 的主合併已經完成。 |
Ana birleştirme %2 üzerinde tamamlandı. |
主合并已在 %2 上结束。 |
Основное слияние завершилось на %2. |
Sammanslagning av index har slutförts på %2. |
Samenvoegen tot hoofdindex is voltooid op %2. |
%2에서 마스터 병합을 완료했습니다. |
A intercalação mestre foi completada em %2. |
Zakończyło się scalanie główne na %2. |
Ολοκληρώθηκε η κεντρική συγχώνευση στο %2. |
Hovedsammenslåing er fullført på %2. |
Sammenlægningen er udført på %2. |
A teljes összefésülés befejeződött a következőn: %2. |
La fusion principale est terminée sur %2. |
A mesclagem mestre foi concluída em %2. |
V %2 bylo dokončeno slučování hlavního indexu. |
La combinación maestra se ha completado en %2. |
Hauptzusammenführung in %2 wurde abgeschlossen. |
מיזוג ראשי הושלם ב- %2. |
Pääindeksin yhdistäminen on suoritettu loppuun luettelossa %2. |
%2 のマスタ結合は完了しました。 |
تم إكمال الدمج الرئيسي على %2. |
Unione master completata su %2. |
因為錯誤 %3,%2 的主合併已經暫停。
稍後將重新排定這個操作。 |
Ana birleştirme %2 üzerinde %3 hatası nedeniyle duraklatıldı.
Daha sonra yeniden zamanlanacak. |
由于错误 %3,主合并在 %2 上暂停。
以后会重新计划。 |
Основное слияние приостановлено на %2 из-за ошибки %3.
Оно будет запланировано на более позднее время. |
Sammanslagningen av index har pausats på %2 på grund av felet %3.
Den kommer att schemaläggas till ett senare tillfälle. |
Samenvoegen tot hoofdindex is onderbroken op %2 vanwege fout %3.
De bewerking wordt later opnieuw uitgevoerd. |
%3 오류 때문에 %2에서 마스터 병합을 일시 중지했습니다.
다음에 다시 예약할 것입니다. |
A intercalação mestre foi colocada em pausa em %2 devido ao erro %3.
Poderá ser novamente agendada mais tarde. |
Scalanie główne zostało wstrzymane na %2 z powodu błędu %3.
Zostanie ono zaplanowane ponownie na później. |
Έγινε παύση της κύριας συγχώνευσης στο %2 εξαιτίας σφάλματος %3.
Θα προγραμματιστεί ξανά. |
Hovedsammenslåing er midlertidig stanset på %2 på grunn av feil %3.
Den vil bli planlagt for kjøring senere. |
Sammenlægningen er standset midlertidigt på %2 pga. fejlen %3.
Den planlægges igen senere. |
A teljes összefésülés felfüggesztődött a következőn: %2 a következő hiba miatt: %3.
Későbbre lesz ütemezve. |
La fusion principale a été suspendue sur %2 à cause de l'erreur %3.
Elle sera reprogrammée plus tard. |
A mesclagem mestre foi pausada em %2 devido ao erro %3.
Ela será reagendada posteriormente. |
Slučování hlavního indexu v %2 bylo pozastaveno z důvodu chyby %3.
Slučování bude naplánováno na později. |
Se pausó la combinación maestra en %2, error %3.
Se volverá a programar más adelante. |
Hauptzusammenführung in %2 wurde aufgrund des Fehlers %3 angehalten
und wird zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt fortgesetzt. |
מיזוג ראשי הושהה ב- %2 עקב השגיאה %3.
המיזוג ייקבע למועד מאוחר יותר. |
Pääindeksin yhdistäminen on pysäytetty luettelossa %2 virheen %3 takia.
Se ajoitetaan suoritettavaksi uudelleen myöhemmin. |
エラー %3 のため %2 のマスタ結合は停止されています。
後から再スケジュールします。 |
تم إيقاف الدمج الرئيسي مؤقتاً على %2 بسبب الخطأ %3.
سيتم إعادة جدولتها لاحقاً. |
Sospensione di Unione master su %2. Errore %3.
Unione master verrà ripianificata in un secondo momento. |
因為陰影索引的大小超過磁碟的 %3%
所以在 %2 啟動主合併。 |
Ana birleştirme %2 üzerinde başlatıldı çünkü gölge dizinlerinin boyutu
diskin yüzde %3% den daha büyük. |
因为阴影索引大于磁盘的 %3%,主机合并
在 %2 上启动。 |
Основное слияние было запущено на %2, так как размер теневых индексов
превышает %3% диска. |
Sammanslagning av index startades på %2 eftersom storleken på skuggindexetär mer än %3 % av disken. |
Samenvoegen tot hoofdindex is gestart op %2 omdat de grootte van de
schaduwindexen groter is dan %3% van de schijf. |
그림자 인덱스의 크기가 디스크의 %3%보다 크기 때문에 %2에서
마스터 병합을 시작했습니다. |
A intercalação mestre foi iniciada em %2 porque o tamanho dos índices de sombraé maior do que %3% do disco. |
Na %2 uruchomiono scalanie główne, ponieważ rozmiar indeksów
przesłaniania wynosi ponad %3% wielkości dysku. |
Έγινε εκκίνηση της κύριας συγχώνευσης στο %2 επειδή το μέγεθος των ευρετηρίων σκιάς
είναι μεγαλύτερο από %3% του δίσκου. |
Hovedsammenslåing ble startet på %2 fordi størrelsen på skyggeindeksene
er mer enn %3 % av disken. |
Sammenlægningen blev startet på %2, fordi størrelsen på skyggeindekserne
er mere end %3% af disken. |
Teljes összefésülés kezdeményezése történt a következőn: %2, mert
az árnyékindexek mérete meghaladta a lemez %3%-át. |
La fusion principale a été démarrée sur %2 parce que la taille des index
secondaires fait plus de %3% du disque. |
A mesclagem mestre foi iniciada em %2 porque o tamanho dos
índices ocultos é %3% maior do que o disco. |
V %2 bylo spuštěno slučování hlavního indexu, protože
stínové indexy tvoří více než %3 % disku. |
La combinación maestra se ha iniciado en %2 porque el tamaño de los
índices secundarios es mayor que el %3% del tamaño del disco. |
Hauptzusammenführung in %2 wurde gestartet, da die Größe der Ergänzungsindizes
%3% des Speicherplatzes übersteigt. |
מיזוג ראשי הופעל ב- %2 כיוון שהגודל של אינדקס הצל
עולה על %3% מגודל הדיסק. |
Pääindeksin yhdistäminen on käynnistetty luettelossa %2, koska tilapäisindeksien koko on enemmän kuin
%3 % levyn koosta. |
シャドウ インデックスのサイズがディスクの %3% を超えたので、%2 のマスタ結合が開始
されました。 |
بدأ الدمج الرئيسي على %2 لأن حجم فهارس الظل
أكثر من %3% للقرص. |
Avvio di Unione master su %2. Le dimensioni degli indici ombra
non sono superiori al %3% del disco. |