從收到的全文檢索目錄 blob 要求的屬性,不符合全文檢索目錄屬性的目前值。
呼叫者應該以傳回的值呼叫 SetProperty 或卸載全文檢索目錄並以 blob 掛載它。 |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
Alınan katalog blob'undan istenen özellik, katalog özelliğinin geçerli değeriyle eşleşmiyor.
Katalog tarafından kullanılan özellik değeri başarıyla döndürüldü.
Çağıran, SetProperty işlevini döndürülen değerle çağırmalı veya kataloğu ayırıp yeniden blob'a bağlamalıdır. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
调用方应该使用此返回值调用 SetProperty,或者先卸除编录,然后将其装回到块中。 |
ผู้เรียกควรเรียก SetProperty ด้วยค่าที่ถูกส่งกลับ หรือยกเลิกการเมาต์แค็ตตาล็อกแล้วเมาต์แค็ตตาล็อกกลับด้วยก้อนวัตถุนั้น |
A propriedade solicitada do blob de catálogo recebido não corresponde ao valor atual da propriedade do catálogo.
O valor de propriedade usado pelo catálogo foi retornado com êxito.
O chamador deve chamar SetProperty com o valor retornado ou desmontar o catálogo e montá-lo novamente com o blob. |
Свойство, запрошенное из полученного BLOB-объекта каталога, не соответствует значению свойства каталога.
Значение свойства, используемое в каталоге, успешно возвращено.
Необходимо вызвать функцию SetProperty с указанием возвращенного значения или отсоединить каталог и затем подсоединить снова вместе с BLOB-объектом. |
Den egenskap som begärts från katalog-blobobjektet stämmer inte med katalogegenskapens aktuella värde.
Det egenskapsvärde som katalogen använder returnerades.
Anroparen bör anropa SetProperty med returvärdet, eller demontera katalogen och montera den igen med blobobjektet. |
De eigenschap die is aangevraagd uit de ontvangen catalogusblob komt niet overeen met de huidige waarde van de cataloguseigenschap.
De door de catalogus gebruikte eigenschapwaarde is geretourneerd.
De aanvrager dient SetProperty aan te roepen met de geretourneerde waarde of de catalogus te ontkoppelen en opnieuw te koppelen met de blob. |
המאפיין המבוקש מקובץ ה- blob של הקטלוג שהתקבל אינו תואם לערך הנוכחי של מאפיין הקטלוג.
ערך המאפיין בו משתמש הקטלוג הוחזר בהצלחה.
על הגורם הקורא לקרוא ל- SetProperty עם הערך שהוחזר או לפרוק את הקטלוג ולטעון אותו שוב עם קובץ ה-blob. |
Luettelon Blob-kohteesta pyydetty ominaisuus ei vastaa luettelon ominaisuuden nykyistä arvoa.
Luettelon käyttämän ominaisuusarvon palauttaminen onnistui.
Kutsujan tulisi kutsua SetProperty-toimintoa palautetulla arvolla tai poistaa luettelo käytöstä ja ottaa se sitten takaisin käyttöön Blob-kohteen kanssa. |
받은 카탈로그 BLOB에서 요청한 속성이 현재 카탈로그 속성 값과 일치하지 않습니다.
카탈로그에서 사용한 속성 값을 성공적으로 반환했습니다.
호출자가 반환된 값이 있는 SetProperty를 호출하거나 카탈로그를 분리한 후 BLOB와 함께 다시 탑재해야 합니다. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
A propriedade solicitada a partir do blob do catálogo recebido não corresponde ao valor actual da propriedade do catálogo.
O valor da propriedade utilizado pelo catálogo foi devolvido com êxito.
A função chamadora deve chamar SetProperty com o valor devolvido ou desmontar o catálogo e montá-lo novamente com o blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
Η ιδιότητα που ζητήθηκε από το αντικείμενο blob καταλόγου που παραλήφθηκε δεν ταιριάζει με την τρέχουσα τιμή της ιδιότητας καταλόγου.
Η τιμή της ιδιότητας που χρησιμοποιήθηκε από τον κατάλογο επιστράφηκε με επιτυχία.
Ο καλών πρέπει να καλέσει την SetProperty με την τιμή που επιστράφηκε ή να απενεργοποιήσει τον κατάλογο και να τον ενεργοποιήσει πάλι με το αντικείμενο blob. |
Egenskapen som ble forespurt fra den mottatte katalogens blob, samsvarer ikke med gjeldende verdi i katalogegenskapen.
Egenskapsverdien som brukes av katalogen, ble returnert.
Kalleren skal enten kalle SetProperty med den returnerte verdien eller demontere katalogen og montere den tilbake med bloben. |
Właściwość zażądana z odebranego obiektu blob wykazu nie odpowiada bieżącej wartości właściwości wykazu.
Wartość właściwości użyta przez wykaz została pomyślnie zwrócona.
Obiekt wywołujący powinien wywoływać polecenie SetProperty z wartością zwróconą lub odinstalować wykaz i zainstalować go ponownie z obiektem blob. |
Den anmodede egenskab, der er modtaget fra katalog-blob, svarer ikke til den aktuelle værdi af katalogegenskaben.
Den egenskabsværdi, der bruges af kataloget, er blevet returneret.
Kalderen skal enten kalde SetProperty med den returnerede værdi eller afbryde og genoprette forbindelsen til kataloget med denne blob. |
A katalógus BLOB-objektumától kért és kapott tulajdonság nem egyezik a katalógustulajdonság jelenlegi értékével.
A katalógus által használt tulajdonságértéket visszaadta a program.
A hívónak a visszaadott értékkel kell meghívnia a SetProperty tulajdonságot, vagy le kell választania a katalógust, és újból csatlakoztatnia kell a BLOB-objektummal. |
La propriété demandée à partir du blob du catalogue reçu ne correspond pas à la valeur actuelle de la propriété du catalogue.
La valeur de propriété utilisée par le catalogue a été renvoyée avec succès.
L'appelant doit appeler SetProperty avec la valeur renvoyée ou démonter le catalogue et le remonter avec le blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
Požadovaná vlastnost přijatá z binárního rozsáhlého objektu katalogu neodpovídá aktuální hodnotě vlastnosti katalogu.
Byla úspěšně vrácena hodnota vlastnosti použitá katalogem.
Volající by měl buď volat metodu SetProperty s vrácenou hodnotou, nebo odpojit katalog a připojit jej zpět s binárním rozsáhlým objektem. |
La propiedad solicitada del objeto binario del catálogo recibido no coincide con el valor actual de la propiedad del catálogo.
El valor de propiedad utilizado por el catálogo se ha devuelto con éxito.
El llamador debería llamar a SetProperty con el valor devuelto o desmontar el catálogo y volverlo a montar con el objeto binario. |
Die vom empfangenen Katalog-Blob angeforderte Eigenschaft entspricht nicht dem aktuellen Wert der Katalogeigenschaft.
Der vom Katalog verwendete Eigenschaftenwert wurde erfolgreich zurückgegeben.
Der Aufrufer muss entweder SetProperty mit dem zurückgegebenen Wert aufrufen oder die Bereitstellung des Katalogs aufheben und diesen noch einmal mit dem Blob bereitstellen. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.
The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.
The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
الخاصية التي تم طلبها من كائن تخزين البيانات الثنائية الكبيرة (blob) المتلقى للكتالوج غير متوافقة مع القيمة الحالية لخاصية الكتالوج.
تم إرجاع قيمة الخاصية المستخدمة من قبل الكتالوج بنجاح.
يجب على المتصل إما استدعاء SetProperty مع القيمة التي تم إرجاعها أو إلغاء تحميل الكتالوج ثم إعادة تحميله مرة أخرى مع كائن تخزين البيانات الثنائية الكبيرة (blob). |
受け取ったカタログ blob から要求されたプロパティは、現在のカタログ プロパティの値と一致しません。
返された値で SetProperty を呼び出すか、カタログのマウントを解除して、blob で再度マウントしてください。 |
La proprietà richiesta dal blob del catalogo ricevuto non corrisponde al valore corrente della proprietà del catalogo.
Il valore della proprietà utilizzato dal catalogo è stato restituito.
È necessario chiamare SetProperty con il valore restituito o smontare il catalogo e rimontarlo con il blob. |
一或多個屬性已重設成預設值。 |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
Bir veya birden fazla özellik varsayılan değer olarak sıfırlandı. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
已将一个或多个属性重置为默认值。 |
มีคุณสมบัติตั้งแต่หนึ่งค่าขึ้นไปถูกตั้งค่ากลับเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น |
Uma ou mais propriedades foram redefinidas para o valor padrão. |
Одному или нескольким свойствам присвоено значение по умолчанию. |
En eller flera egenskaper återställdes till standardvärdet. |
Er zijn één of meer eigenschappen opnieuw ingesteld op de standaardwaarde. |
מאפיין אחד או יותר אופס לערך ברירת המחדל. |
Ainakin yksi ominaisuus palautettiin oletusarvoksi. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
하나 이상의 속성이 기본값으로 다시 설정되었습니다. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
Uma ou mais propriedades foram repostas para o valor predefinido. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
Έγινε επαναφορά μίας ή περισσότερων ιδιοτήτων στην προεπιλεγμένη τιμή. |
En eller flere egenskaper ble tilbakestilt til standardverdien. |
Co najmniej jedna właściwość została zresetowana do wartości domyślnej. |
En eller flere egenskaber er nulstillet til standardværdien. |
Legalább egy tulajdonság vissza lett állítva az alapértékre. |
La valeur par défaut d'une ou plusieurs propriétés a été rétablie. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
Nejméně jedna vlastnost byla obnovena na výchozí hodnotu. |
Se han restablecido una o varias propiedades a su valor predeterminado. |
Mindestens eine Eigenschaft wurde auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
تمت إعادة تعيين خاصية واحدة أو أكثر إلى القيمة الافتراضية. |
1 つ以上のプロパティが既定値にリセットされました。 |
Una o più proprietà sono state reimpostate al valore predefinito. |
注意: 需要此虛擬錯誤訊息以強制 MC 在
而不要留空。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOT: Bu sözde hata iletisi, MC'yi, FACILITY_WINDOWS koruyucusunu
boş bırakmak yerine yukarıdaki tanımların çıktısını bunun içine
vermeye zorlamak için gerekli. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此伪错误消息是必需的,它强制 MC 输出
而不是将它保留空白。 |
หมายเหตุ: ข้อความแสดงข้อผิดพลาดตัวอย่างนี้มีไว้สำหรับส่ง MC ออกเป็นผลลัพธ์
แต่ข้อมูลข้างบนกำหนดไว้ภายในคำสั่ง FACILITY_WINDOWS แทนที่จะ
ปล่อยให้ว่างไว้ |
Observação: esta mensagem fictícia é necessária para forçar o MC para saída
indicada acima dentro da guarda FACILITY_WINDOWS em vez de
deixá-la vazia. |
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Это фиктивное сообщение об ошибке необходимо, чтобы вынудить
MC вывести указанные выше определения в FACILITY_WINDOWS, а
не оставлять его пустым. |
Obs! Det här markörfelmeddelandet behövs för att tvinga MC att
visa ovanstående i FACILITY_WINDOWS i stället för att
lämna detta tomt. |
OPMERKING: dit dummyfoutbericht is nodig om MC de bovenstaande
definities binnen het bereik van FACILITY_WINDOWS te laten plaatsen
in plaats van deze leeg te laten. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
참고: 이 오류 메시지는 MC가 출력하는 데 필요하며
위의 내용을 FACILITY_WINDOWS 내에서 가드를
공백으로 두는 대신 가드를 정의합니다. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTA: Esta mensagem de erro fictícia é necessária para forçar o MC a colocar
as definições anteriores dentro da protecção FACILITY_WINDOWS, em vez
de a deixar vazia. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Αυτό το τεχνητό μήνυμα σφάλματος είναι απαραίτητο για να εξαναγκαστεί το MC να εμφανίσει
τους παραπάνω ορισμούς μέσα στο πλαίσιο προστασίας FACILITY_WINDOWS αντί
να το αφήσει κενό. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
UWAGA: Ten fikcyjny komunikat o błędzie jest konieczny, aby wymusić na wyjściu MC
powyższe definicje w strażniku FACILITY_WINDOWS zamiast
pozostawiania go pustym. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
MEGJEGYZÉS: Ez az üres hibaüzenet ahhoz szükséges, hogy az MC a fenti definíciókat
a FACILITY_WINDOWS biztonsági mezőbe
írja, ahelyett, hogy üresen hagyná azt. |
REMARQUE : message d'erreur factice nécessaire pour forcer MC à enregistrer les
définitions ci-dessus dans FACILITY_WINDOWS au lieu de le laisser
vide. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
POZNÁMKA: Tato fiktivní chybová zpráva je nutná pouze k tomu, aby program MC
generoval výše uvedené definice v chybovém bloku FACILITY_WINDOWS
a nenechal jej prázdný. |
NOTA: Este mensaje de error no funcional es necesario para forzar a MC a mostrar
las definiciones anteriores dentro del protector FACILITY_WINDOWS en lugar
de dejarlo vacío. |
HINWEIS: Durch diese Dummyfehlermeldung wird MC gezwungen, die oben genannten Werte im FACILITY_WINDOWS-Fenster auszugeben, anstatt das Fenster leer zu lassen. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ملاحظة: رسالة الخطأ الوهمية هذه ضرورية لحمل MC على إخراج
التعريفات أعلاه داخل حماية FACILITY_WINDOWS بدلاً من
تركها فارغة. |
注意: このダミー エラー メッセージは、MC が上記の定義を FACILITY_WINDOWS ガードに出力して、空白にならないようにします。 |
NOTA: il presente messaggio di errore fittizio è necessario per forzare l'output delle
precedenti definizioni nel controllo FACILITY_WINDOWS, per non
lasciarlo vuoto. |
注意: 需要此虛擬錯誤訊息以強制 MC 在
而不要留空。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOT: Bu sözde hata iletisi, MC'yi, FACILITY_WINDOWS koruyucusunu
boş bırakmak yerine yukarıdaki tanımların çıktısını bunun içine
vermeye zorlamak için gerekli. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此伪错误消息是必需的,它强制 MC 输出
而不是将它保留空白。 |
หมายเหตุ: ข้อความแสดงข้อผิดพลาดตัวอย่างนี้มีไว้สำหรับส่ง MC ออกเป็นผลลัพธ์
แต่ข้อมูลข้างบนกำหนดไว้ภายในคำสั่ง FACILITY_WINDOWS แทนที่จะ
ปล่อยให้ว่างไว้ |
Observação: esta mensagem fictícia é necessária para forçar o MC para saída
indicada acima dentro da guarda FACILITY_WINDOWS em vez de
deixá-la vazia. |
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Это фиктивное сообщение об ошибке необходимо, чтобы вынудить
MC вывести указанные выше определения в FACILITY_WINDOWS, а
не оставлять его пустым. |
Obs! Det här markörfelmeddelandet behövs för att tvinga MC att
visa ovanstående i FACILITY_WINDOWS i stället för att
lämna detta tomt. |
OPMERKING: dit dummyfoutbericht is nodig om MC de bovenstaande
definities binnen het bereik van FACILITY_WINDOWS te laten plaatsen
in plaats van deze leeg te laten. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
참고: 이 오류 메시지는 MC가 출력하는 데 필요하며
위의 내용을 FACILITY_WINDOWS 내에서 가드를
공백으로 두는 대신 가드를 정의합니다. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTA: Esta mensagem de erro fictícia é necessária para forçar o MC a colocar
as definições anteriores dentro da protecção FACILITY_WINDOWS, em vez
de a deixar vazia. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Αυτό το τεχνητό μήνυμα σφάλματος είναι απαραίτητο για να εξαναγκαστεί το MC να εμφανίσει
τους παραπάνω ορισμούς μέσα στο πλαίσιο προστασίας FACILITY_WINDOWS αντί
να το αφήσει κενό. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
UWAGA: Ten fikcyjny komunikat o błędzie jest konieczny, aby wymusić na wyjściu MC
powyższe definicje w strażniku FACILITY_WINDOWS zamiast
pozostawiania go pustym. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
MEGJEGYZÉS: Ez az üres hibaüzenet ahhoz szükséges, hogy az MC a fenti definíciókat
a FACILITY_WINDOWS biztonsági mezőbe
írja, ahelyett, hogy üresen hagyná azt. |
REMARQUE : message d'erreur factice nécessaire pour forcer MC à enregistrer les
définitions ci-dessus dans FACILITY_WINDOWS au lieu de le laisser
vide. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
POZNÁMKA: Tato fiktivní chybová zpráva je nutná pouze k tomu, aby program MC
generoval výše uvedené definice v chybovém bloku FACILITY_WINDOWS
a nenechal jej prázdný. |
NOTA: Este mensaje de error no funcional es necesario para forzar a MC a mostrar
las definiciones anteriores dentro del protector FACILITY_WINDOWS en lugar
de dejarlo vacío. |
HINWEIS: Durch diese Dummyfehlermeldung wird MC gezwungen, die oben genannten Werte im FACILITY_WINDOWS-Fenster auszugeben, anstatt das Fenster leer zu lassen. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ملاحظة: رسالة الخطأ الوهمية هذه ضرورية لحمل MC على إخراج
التعريفات أعلاه داخل حماية FACILITY_WINDOWS بدلاً من
تركها فارغة. |
注意: このダミー エラー メッセージは、MC が上記の定義を FACILITY_WINDOWS ガードに出力して、空白にならないようにします。 |
NOTA: il presente messaggio di errore fittizio è necessario per forzare l'output delle
precedenti definizioni nel controllo FACILITY_WINDOWS, per non
lasciarlo vuoto. |
注意: 需要此虛擬錯誤訊息以強制 MC 在
而不要留空。 |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOT: Bu sözde hata iletisi, MC'yi, FACILITY_WINDOWS koruyucusunu
boş bırakmak yerine yukarıdaki tanımların çıktısını bunun içine
vermeye zorlamak için gerekli. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
注意: 此伪错误消息是必需的,它强制 MC 输出
而不是将它保留空白。 |
หมายเหตุ: ข้อความแสดงข้อผิดพลาดตัวอย่างนี้มีไว้สำหรับส่ง MC ออกเป็นผลลัพธ์
แต่ข้อมูลข้างบนกำหนดไว้ภายในคำสั่ง FACILITY_WINDOWS แทนที่จะ
ปล่อยให้ว่างไว้ |
Observação: esta mensagem fictícia é necessária para forçar o MC para saída
indicada acima dentro da guarda FACILITY_WINDOWS em vez de
deixá-la vazia. |
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Это фиктивное сообщение об ошибке необходимо, чтобы вынудить
MC вывести указанные выше определения в FACILITY_WINDOWS, а
не оставлять его пустым. |
Obs! Det här markörfelmeddelandet behövs för att tvinga MC att
visa ovanstående i FACILITY_WINDOWS i stället för att
lämna detta tomt. |
OPMERKING: dit dummyfoutbericht is nodig om MC de bovenstaande
definities binnen het bereik van FACILITY_WINDOWS te laten plaatsen
in plaats van deze leeg te laten. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
참고: 이 오류 메시지는 MC가 출력하는 데 필요하며
위의 내용을 FACILITY_WINDOWS 내에서 가드를
공백으로 두는 대신 가드를 정의합니다. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTA: Esta mensagem de erro fictícia é necessária para forçar o MC a colocar
as definições anteriores dentro da protecção FACILITY_WINDOWS, em vez
de a deixar vazia. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Αυτό το τεχνητό μήνυμα σφάλματος είναι απαραίτητο για να εξαναγκαστεί το MC να εμφανίσει
τους παραπάνω ορισμούς μέσα στο πλαίσιο προστασίας FACILITY_WINDOWS αντί
να το αφήσει κενό. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
UWAGA: Ten fikcyjny komunikat o błędzie jest konieczny, aby wymusić na wyjściu MC
powyższe definicje w strażniku FACILITY_WINDOWS zamiast
pozostawiania go pustym. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
MEGJEGYZÉS: Ez az üres hibaüzenet ahhoz szükséges, hogy az MC a fenti definíciókat
a FACILITY_WINDOWS biztonsági mezőbe
írja, ahelyett, hogy üresen hagyná azt. |
REMARQUE : message d'erreur factice nécessaire pour forcer MC à enregistrer les
définitions ci-dessus dans FACILITY_WINDOWS au lieu de le laisser
vide. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
POZNÁMKA: Tato fiktivní chybová zpráva je nutná pouze k tomu, aby program MC
generoval výše uvedené definice v chybovém bloku FACILITY_WINDOWS
a nenechal jej prázdný. |
NOTA: Este mensaje de error no funcional es necesario para forzar a MC a mostrar
las definiciones anteriores dentro del protector FACILITY_WINDOWS en lugar
de dejarlo vacío. |
HINWEIS: Durch diese Dummyfehlermeldung wird MC gezwungen, die oben genannten Werte im FACILITY_WINDOWS-Fenster auszugeben, anstatt das Fenster leer zu lassen. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output
the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead
of leaving it empty. |
ملاحظة: رسالة الخطأ الوهمية هذه ضرورية لحمل MC على إخراج
التعريفات أعلاه داخل حماية FACILITY_WINDOWS بدلاً من
تركها فارغة. |
注意: このダミー エラー メッセージは、MC が上記の定義を FACILITY_WINDOWS ガードに出力して、空白にならないようにします。 |
NOTA: il presente messaggio di errore fittizio è necessario per forzare l'output delle
precedenti definizioni nel controllo FACILITY_WINDOWS, per non
lasciarlo vuoto. |
Windows Search Service 已啟動。%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
Windows Arama Hizmeti başladı.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
Windows Search Service 已启动。%1 |
Windows Search Service เริ่มการทำงาน%1 |
O serviço Windows Search foi iniciado.%1 |
Служба поиска Windows запущена.%1 |
Windows Search-tjänsten startades.%1 |
De Windows-zoekservice is gestart.%1 |
שירות החיפוש של Windows הופעל.%1 |
Windowsin etsintäpalvelu käynnistettiin.%1 |
Windows Search Service를 시작했습니다.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
O Serviço de Procura do Windows foi iniciado.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
Η υπηρεσία Windows Search Service ξεκίνησε.%1 |
Windows Search-tjenesten har startet.%1 |
Usługa wyszukiwania systemu Windows została uruchomiona.%1 |
Windows Search Service er startet.%1 |
A Windows keresési szolgáltatás elindult.%1 |
Le service Recherche Windows a été démarré.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
Vyhledávací služba systému Windows byla spuštěna.%1 |
Se inició el Servicio de búsqueda de Windows.%1 |
Der Windows-Suchdienst wurde gestartet.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
تم بدء تشغيل "خدمة البحث في Windows".%1 |
Windows Search Service が開始されました。%1 |
Il servizio Ricerca di Windows è stato avviato.%1 |
Windows Search Service 正在建立 SystemIndex 搜尋索引。%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
Windows Arama hizmeti SystemIndex arama dizinini oluşturuyor.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
Windows Search Service 正在创建 SystemIndex 搜索索引。%1 |
บริการการค้นหาของ Windows กำลังสร้างดัชนีการค้นหา SystemIndex%1 |
O serviço Windows Search está criando o índice de pesquisa SystemIndex.%1 |
Служба поиска Windows создает поисковый индекс SystemIndex.%1 |
Windows Search-tjänsten skapar sökindexet SystemIndex.%1 |
De Windows-zoekservice maakt de SystemIndex-zoekindex.%1 |
שירות החיפוש של Windows יוצר את אינדקס החיפוש SystemIndex.%1 |
Windowsin etsintäpalvelu luo SystemIndex-hakuindeksiä.%1 |
Windows Search Service가 SystemIndex 검색 인덱스를 만드는 중입니다.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
O Serviço de Procura do Windows está a criar o índice de procura SystemIndex.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
Η υπηρεσία Windows Search δημιουργεί το ευρετήριο αναζήτησης SystemIndex.%1 |
Windows Search-tjenesten oppretter SystemIndex-søkeindeksen.%1 |
Usługa wyszukiwania systemu Windows tworzy indeks wyszukiwania SystemIndex.%1 |
Windows Search Service opretter SystemIndex-søgeindeks.%1 |
A Windows keresési szolgáltatás létrehozza a SystemIndex keresési indexet.%1 |
Le service Recherche Windows crée l'index de recherche SystemIndex.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
Vyhledávací služba systému Windows vytváří nový vyhledávací index SystemIndex.%1 |
El servicio de búsqueda de Windows está creando el índice de búsqueda SystemIndex.%1 |
Der SystemIndex-Suchindex wird vom Windows-Suchdienst erstellt.%1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the SystemIndex search index.%1 |
تقوم "خدمة البحث في Windows" بإنشاء فهرس البحث SystemIndex.%1 |
Windows Search Service では、SystemIndex 検索インデックスを作成しています。%1 |
Creazione dell'indice di ricerca SystemIndex in corso.%1 |
Windows Search Service 已成功建立新的系統全文檢索目錄。%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
Windows Arama Hizmeti yeni sistem kataloğunu başarıyla oluşturdu.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
Windows Search Service 已成功创建新系统编录。%1 |
Windows Search Service ได้สร้างแค็ตตาล็อกระบบใหม่เสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว%1 |
O serviço Windows Search criou com êxito o novo catálogo do sistema.%1 |
Служба поиска Windows успешно создала новый системный каталог.%1 |
Windows Search-tjänsten har skapat den nya systemkatalogen.%1 |
De Windows-zoekservice heeft de nieuwe systeemcatalogus opnieuw gemaakt.%1 |
שירות החיפוש של Windows יצר בהצלחה את קטלוג המערכת החדש.%1 |
Windowsin etsintäpalvelu on luonut uuden järjestelmäluettelon.%1 |
Windows Search Service가 새 시스템 카탈로그를 만들었습니다.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
O Serviço de Procura do Windows criou com êxito o novo catálogo do sistema.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
Η υπηρεσία Windows Search Service δημιούργησε με επιτυχία τον νέο κατάλογο συστήματος.%1 |
Windows Search-tjenesten har opprettet den nye systemkatalogen.%1 |
Usługa wyszukiwania systemu Windows utworzyła pomyślnie nowy wykaz systemowy.%1 |
Det nye systemkatalog er korrekt oprettet af Windows Search Service.%1 |
A Windows keresési szolgáltatás sikeresen létrehozta az új rendszerkatalógust.%1 |
Le service Recherche Windows a créé le nouveau catalogue système. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
Vyhledávací služba systému Windows úspěšně vytvořila nový systémový katalog.%1 |
El Servicio de búsqueda de Windows ha creado correctamente el nuevo catálogo del sistema.%1 |
Der neue Systemkatalog wurde vom Windows-Suchdienst erfolgreich erstellt.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new system catalog.%1 |
لقد قامت "خدمة البحث في Windows" بإنشاء كتالوج النظام الجديد بنجاح.%1 |
Windows Search Service によって新しいシステム カタログが作成されました。%1 |
Creazione del nuovo catalogo di sistema completata.%1 |
Windows Search Service 已成功移除舊的全文檢索目錄。%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
Windows Arama Hizmeti eski sistem kataloğunu başarıyla kaldırdı.%1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
Windows Search Service 已成功删除旧编录。%1 |
Windows Search Service ได้เอาแค็ตตาล็อกเก่าออกเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว%1 |
O serviço Windows Search removeu com êxito o catálogo antigo. %1 |
Служба поиска Windows успешно удалила старый каталог. %1 |
Windows Search-tjänsten har tagit bort den gamla katalogen. %1 |
De Windows-zoekservice heeft de oude catalogus verwijderd. %1 |
שירות החיפוש של Windows הסיר בהצלחה את הקטלוג הישן. %1 |
Windowsin etsintäpalvelu on poistanut vanhan luettelon. %1 |
Windows Search Service가 이전 카탈로그를 제거했습니다. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
O Serviço de Procura do Windows removeu com êxito o catálogo antigo. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
Η υπηρεσία Windows Search Service κατάργησε με επιτυχία τον παλιό κατάλογο. %1 |
Windows Search-tjenesten har fjernet den gamle katalogen. %1 |
Usługa wyszukiwania systemu Windows usunęła pomyślnie stary wykaz. %1 |
Det gamle katalog er korrekt fjernet af Windows Search Service. %1 |
A Windows keresési szolgáltatás sikeresen eltávolította a régi rendszerkatalógust. %1 |
Le service Recherche Windows a supprimé l'ancien catalogue. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
Vyhledávací služba systému Windows úspěšně odebrala nový systémový katalog. %1 |
El Servicio de búsqueda de Windows ha quitado correctamente el catálogo antiguo. %1 |
Der alte Katalog wurde vom Windows-Suchdienst erfolgreich entfernt. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old catalog. %1 |
لقد قامت "خدمة البحث في Windows" بإزالة الكتالوج القديم بنجاح. %1 |
Windows Search Service によって古いカタログが削除されました。%1 |
Rimozione del vecchio catalogo completata. %1 |
Windows Search Service 已正常停止。%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Windows Arama Hizmeti normal şekilde durduruldu.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Windows Search Service 已正常停止。%1 |
Windows Search Service หยุดทำงานตามปกติ%1 |
O serviço Windows Search parou normalmente.%1 |
Служба поиска Windows успешно остановлена.%1 |
Windows Search-tjänsten har stoppats normalt.%1 |
De Windows-zoekservice is normaal gestopt.%1 |
שירות החיפוש של Windows הופסק באופן רגיל.%1 |
Windowsin etsintäpalvelu pysähtyi normaalisti.%1 |
Windows Search Service를 정상적으로 중지했습니다.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
O Serviço de Procura do Windows parou normalmente.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Η υπηρεσία Windows Search Service διακόπηκε κανονικά.%1 |
Windows Search-tjenesten stoppet normalt.%1 |
Usługa wyszukiwania systemu Windows została normalnie zatrzymana.%1 |
Windows Search Service stoppede normalt.%1 |
A Windows keresési szolgáltatás szabályosan leállt.%1 |
Le service Recherche Windows a été arrêté normalement. %1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
Vyhledávací služba systému Windows byla řádně zastavena.%1 |
El Servicio de búsqueda de Windows se detuvo con normalidad.%1 |
Der Windows-Suchdienst wurde normal beendet.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
تم إيقاف "خدمة البحث في Windows" بشكلٍ عادي.%1 |
Windows Search Service が正常に停止しました。%1 |
Servizio Ricerca di Windows interrotto correttamente.%1 |