無法讀取使用者名稱對應。請檢查資料庫、檢視以及欄位名稱是否正確; 該 Notes 資料庫是否可以存取,以及排序選項是否已啟用。有關進一步的資訊,請參閱「管理員手冊」。 |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
Kullanıcı adı eşlemesi okunamıyor. Veritabanı, görünüm ve sütun adlarının doğru olduğunu, Notes veritabanının erişilebilir olduğunu ve sıralama seçeneğinin etkin olduğunu denetleyin. Daha fazla bilgi için Yönetici Kılavuzu'na bakın. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
无法读取用户名映射。请检查数据库、视图和列名是否正确,Notes 数据库是否可以访问,以及是否已启用排序选项。有关详细信息,请参阅管理员指南。 |
ไม่สามารถอ่านการแมปชื่อผู้ใช้ได้ ให้ตรวจสอบว่าฐานข้อมูล มุมมอง และชื่อคอลัมน์ถูกต้องแล้ว ว่าฐานข้อมูล Notes เข้าถึงได้ และว่าตัวเลือกการเรียงลำดับเปิดใช้งานอยู่ สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม ให้ดูคำแนะนำของผู้ดูแล |
Não é possível ler o mapeamento do nome do usuário. Verifique se os nomes do banco de dados, do modo de exibição e das colunas estão corretos, se o banco de dados do Notes pode ser acessado e se a opção de classificação está habilitada. Para obter mais informações, consulte o Guia do Administrador. |
Не удается прочитать сопоставление имени пользователя. Проверьте, правильно ли указаны имена базы данных, представления и столбцов, доступна ли база данных Notes и разрешена ли сортировка для столбцов. Дополнительные сведения см. в руководстве по администрированию. |
Impossibile leggere il mapping dei nomi utente. Verificare che i nomi del database, della vista e della colonna siano corretti, che il database Notes sia accessibile e che l'opzione di ordinamento sia attivata. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere il Manuale dell'amministratore. |
Det går inte att läsa användarnamnsmappningen. Kontrollera att namnen för databasen, vyn och kolumnen är korrekta, att det går att komma åt Notes-databasen och att sorteringsalternativet har aktiverats. Mer information finns i administratörshandboken. |
De toewijzing van de gebruikersnaam kan niet worden gelezen. Controleer de namen van de database, de weergave en de kolommen, controleer of de Notes-database toegankelijk is en of de sorteeroptie is ingeschakeld. Raadpleeg de beheerdershandleiding voor meer informatie. |
לא ניתן לקרוא את מיפוי שם המשתמש. ודא שהשמות של מסד הנתונים, התצוגה והעמודה נכונים, שמסד הנתונים של Notes נגיש ושאפשרות המיון פעילה. לקבלת מידע נוסף, עיין במדריך למנהל. |
Käyttäjänimien yhdistämismäärityksiä ei voi lukea. Tarkista, että tietokannan, näkymän ja sarakkeen nimet on määritetty oikein, Notes-tietokanta on käytettävissä ja lajittelu on käytössä. Lisätietoja on järjestelmänvalvojan oppaassa. |
사용자 이름 매핑을 읽을 수 없습니다. 데이터베이스, 뷰 및 열 이름이 맞는지, Notes 데이터베이스에 액세스할 수 있는지, 열에 정렬 옵션을 사용할 수 있는지 확인하십시오. 자세한 내용은 관리자 사용 설명서를 참조하십시오. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
Não é possível ler o mapeamento de nomes de utilizador. Verifique se os nomes de base de dados, de vista e de coluna estão correctos, se a base de dados do Notes está acessível e se a opção de ordenação está activada nas colunas. Para mais informações, consulte o manual do administrador. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
Δεν είναι δυνατή η ανάγνωση της αντιστοίχισης ονομάτων χρηστών. Ελέγξτε ότι η βάση δεδομένων, η προβολή και τα ονόματα στηλών είναι σωστά, ότι είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στη βάση δεδομένων των Notes και ότι η επιλογή ταξινόμησης είναι ενεργοποιημένη. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, ανατρέξτε στον Οδηγό διαχειριστή. |
Tilordning av brukernavn kan ikke leses. Kontroller at databaser, visninger og kolonnenavn er korrekte, at Notes-databasen er tilgjengelig, og at sorteringsalternativet er aktivert. Se i administratorhåndboken hvis du vil ha mer informasjon. |
Nie można odczytać mapowania nazwy użytkownika. Sprawdź, czy nazwy bazy danych, widoku i kolumn są poprawne, czy baza danych programu Notatki jest dostępna i czy opcja sortowania jest włączona. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w Pomocy dla administratorów. |
Tilknytningen af brugernavn kan ikke læses. Kontroller, at database-, visnings- og kolonnenavnene er korrekte, at der er adgang til Notes-databasen, og at sorteringsindstillingen er aktiveret. Se Administrator's Guide for at få yderligere oplysninger. |
Nem olvasható a felhasználónevek megfeleltetése. Ellenőrizze az adatbázis-, a nézet- és az oszlopnevek helyességét, hogy a Notes adatbázis elérhető-e, valamint hogy a rendezés engedélyezve van-e. További információt a rendszergazdai útmutató nyújt. |
Impossible de lire le mappage du nom d'utilisateur. Vérifiez que les noms de la base de données, de l'affichage et de la colonne sont corrects, que la base de données Notes est accessible et que l'option de tri est activée au niveau des colonnes. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le Guide de l'administrateur. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
Mapování uživatelského jména nelze číst. Ověřte, zda jsou správné názvy databáze, zobrazení a sloupce, zda je databáze aplikace Notes přístupná a zda je povolena možnost řazení. Další informace najdete v příručce správce (Administrator's Guide). |
No se puede leer la asignación de nombre de usuario. Compruebe si tiene acceso a la base de datos Notes y que ésta, la vista y los nombres de columnas son correctos, y que la opción de ordenación está habilitada. Para obtener más información, consulte la Guía del administrador. |
Die Benutzernamenzuordnung kann nicht gelesen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datenbank-, Ansichts- und Spaltennamen richtig sind, ob auf die Notes-Datenbank zugegriffen werden kann und ob die Sortieroption aktiviert ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Administratorhilfe. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
تعذّر قراءة تعيين اسم المستخدم. تحقق من صحة أسماء قاعدة البيانات، والعرض، والعمود، ومن إمكانية الوصول إلى قاعدة بيانات Notes، ومن تمكين خيار الفرز. لمزيد من المعلومات، راجع دليل المسؤول. |
ユーザー名マッピングを読み取れませんでした。データベース、ビュー、列の名前が正しいかどうか、ノーツ データベースにアクセスできるかどうか、および並べ替えオプションが列で利用できるかどうか確認してください。詳細については、「管理者ガイド」を参照してください。 |
不明的 Lotus Notes 錯誤: %1。 |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Bilinmeyen Lotus Notes Hatası: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
未知的 Lotus Notes 错误: %1。 |
ข้อผิดพลาด Lotus Notes ที่ไม่รู้จัก: %1 |
Erro desconhecido do Lotus Notes: %1. |
Неизвестная ошибка Lotus Notes: %1. |
Errore Lotus Notes sconosciuto: %1. |
Ett okänt Lotus Notes-fel har uppstått. %1. |
Onbekende Lotus Notes-fout: %1. |
שגיאת Lotus Notes לא ידועה: %1. |
Tuntematon Lotus Notes -virhe: %1. |
알 수 없는 Lotus Notes 오류입니다.%1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Erro do Lotus Notes desconhecido: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Άγνωστο σφάλμα των Lotus Notes: %1. |
Ukjent Lotus Notes-feil: %1. |
Nieznany błąd programu Lotus Notes: %1. |
Ukendt Lotus Notes-fejl: %1. |
Ismeretlen Lotus Notes hiba: %1. |
Erreur Lotus Notes inconnue : %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Neznámá chyba aplikace Lotus Notes: %1. |
Error desconocido de Lotus Notes: %1. |
Unbekannter Lotus Notes-Fehler: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
خطأ في Lotus Notes غير معروف: %1. |
不明な Lotus Notes エラー: %1。 |
SharePoint Team Services XML 錯誤 |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
SharePoint Team Services XML Hatası |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
SharePoint Team Services XML 错误 |
ข้อผิดพลาด SharePoint Team Services XML |
Erro XML no SharePoint Team Services |
Ошибка XML SharePoint Team Services |
Errore XML SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services XML-fel |
XML-fout in SharePoint Team Services |
שגיאת XML של SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services -XML-virhe |
SharePoint Team Services XML 오류 |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
Erro XML do SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
Σφάλμα XML των υπηρεσιών SharePoint Team Services |
XML-feil i SharePoint Team Services |
Błąd pliku XML programu SharePoint Team Services. |
XML-fejl i SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services - XML-hiba |
Erreur XML SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
Chyba XML služby SharePoint Team Services |
Error XML de SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services-XML-Fehler |
SharePoint Team Services XML Error |
خطأ XML في SharePoint Team Services |
SharePoint Team Services の XML エラー |
內部 Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler 錯誤 |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
İç Windows SharePoint Services Protokol İşleyicisi Hatası |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
内部 Windows SharePoint Services 协议处理程序错误 |
ข้อผิดพลาดภายในของตัวจัดการโพรโทคอล Windows SharePoint Services |
Erro Interno do Manipulador de Protocolo do Windows SharePoint Services |
Внутренняя ошибка обработчика протокола Windows SharePoint Services |
Errore interno del gestore di protocollo Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services |
Internt Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services-protokollhanterarfel |
Interne protocol-handlerfout in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services |
שגיאה פנימית של המטפל בפרוטוקול של Windows SharePoint Services |
Sisäinen Windows SharePoint Services -protokollankäsittelytoimintovirhe |
내부 Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler 오류 |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Erro Interno da Rotina de Tratamento de Protocolos do Windows SharePoint Services |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Εσωτερικό σφάλμα δείκτη χειρισμού πρωτοκόλλου των υπηρεσιών Windows SharePoint Services |
Intern protokollbehandlingsfeil i Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services |
Błąd wewnętrzny programu obsługi protokołu programu Windows SharePoint Services. |
Intern protokolhåndteringsfejl i Windows SharePoint Services |
Belső hiba történt a Windows SharePoint Services protokollkezelőjében. |
Erreur interne du gestionnaire de protocole Windows SharePoint Services |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
Vnitřní chyba popisovače protokolu služby Windows SharePoint Services |
Error interno del controlador de protocolo de Windows SharePoint Services |
Interner Fehler des Windows SharePoint Services-Protokollhandlers. |
Internal Windows SharePoint Services Protocol Handler Error |
خطأ معالج بروتوكول داخلي في Windows SharePoint Services |
Windows SharePoint Services プロトコル ハンドラのエラー |
停止剖析 XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
XML Ayrıştırmayı Durdur |
Stop Parsing XML |
停止 XML 分析 |
ยุติการแยก XML |
Parar Análise de XML |
Приостановка разбора XML |
Interruzione analisi XML |
Avbryt XML-tolkning |
Parseren van XML stoppen |
הפסק ניתוח מבנה טקסט של XML |
Keskeytä XML-jäsentäminen |
XML 구문 분석 중단 |
Stop Parsing XML |
Parar análise de XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
Τερματισμός ανάλυσης XML |
Avbryt XML-analyse |
Zatrzymaj analizę pliku XML |
Stop parsing af XML |
XML-elemzés leállítása |
Arrêter l'analyse du XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
Zastavit analýzu XML |
Detener análisis de XML |
XML-Analyse anhalten |
Stop Parsing XML |
إيقاف تحليل XML |
XML の解析を中止 |
內部 SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler 錯誤 |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
İç SharePoint Portal Server Protokol İşleyicisi Hatası |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
内部 SharePoint Portal Server 协议处理程序错误 |
ข้อผิดพลาดภายในของตัวจัดการโพรโทคอล SharePoint Portal Server |
Erro Interno do Manipulador de Protocolos do SharePoint Portal Server |
Внутренняя ошибка обработчика протокола SharePoint Portal Server |
Errore interno del gestore di protocollo SharePoint Portal Server |
Internt SharePoint Portal Server-protokollhanterarfel |
Interne protocol-handlerfout in SharePoint Portal Server |
שגיאה פנימית של המטפל בפרוטוקול של SharePoint Portal Server |
Sisäinen SharePoint Portal Server -protokollankäsittelytoiminnon virhe |
내부 SharePoint Portal Server 프로토콜 처리기 오류 |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Erro Interno da Rotina de Tratamento de Protocolos do SharePoint Portal Server |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Εσωτερικό σφάλμα δείκτη χειρισμού πρωτοκόλλου του SharePoint Portal Server |
Intern protokollbehandlingsfeil i SharePoint Portal Server |
Błąd wewnętrzny programu obsługi protokołu programu SharePoint Portal Server. |
Intern protokolhåndteringsfejl i SharePoint Portal Server |
Belső hiba történt a SharePoint Portal Server protokollkezelőjében. |
Erreur interne du gestionnaire de protocole SharePoint Portal Server |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
Vnitřní chyba popisovače protokolu serveru SharePoint Portal Server |
Error interno del controlador de protocolo de SharePoint Portal Server |
Interner Fehler des SharePoint Portal Server-Protokollhandlers. |
Internal SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handler Error |
خطأ معالج بروتوكول داخلي في SharePoint Portal Server |
SharePoint Portal Server プロトコル ハンドラの内部エラー |
網站資料網路服務發生錯誤。 |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Site Verileri Web Hizmeti hatası. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Site Data Web 服务中的错误。 |
ข้อผิดพลาดในบริการเว็บข้อมูลของไซต์ |
Erro no Serviço de Dados do Site na Web. |
Ошибка веб-службы данных узла. |
Errore nel servizio Web per i dati del sito. |
Ett fel uppstod i webbtjänsten för webbplatsdata. |
Fout in de webservice Sitegegevens. |
שגיאה בשירות נתוני האתר. |
Virhe Site Data Web Service -palvelussa. |
Site Data Web Service에 오류가 있습니다. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Erro no serviço Web de dados do site. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα στην υπηρεσία Web δεδομένων τοποθεσίας. |
Feil i webtjenesten for områdedata. |
Błąd usługi danych witryny sieci Web. |
Fejl i webtjenesten Site Data. |
Hiba lépett fel a helyadatok webszolgáltatásában. |
Erreur du Service Web Données de site. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Ve službě Site Data Web Service došlo k chybě. |
Error en el Servicio web de datos de sitio. |
Fehler im Websitedaten-Webdienst. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
خطأ في خدمة ويب لبيانات الموقع. |
Site Data Web Service でエラーが発生しました。 |
PortalCrawl 網路服務發生錯誤。 |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Portal Gezme Web Hizmeti hatası. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
PortalCrawl Web 服务中的错误。 |
ข้อผิดพลาดในบริการเว็บ PortalCrawl |
Erro no Serviço PortalCrawl na Web. |
Ошибка веб-службы обхода содержимого портала. |
Errore nel servizio Web PortalCrawl. |
Ett fel uppstod i webbtjänsten PortalCrawl. |
Fout in de webservice PortalCrawl. |
שגיאה בשירות סריקת הפורטל. |
Virhe PortalCrawl Web Service -palvelussa. |
PortalCrawl Web Service에 오류가 있습니다. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Erro no serviço Web de pesquisa no portal. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα στην υπηρεσία Web PortalCrawl. |
Feil i webtjenesten PortalCrawl. |
Błąd usługi przeszukiwania portali sieci Web. |
Fejl i webtjenesten PortalCrawl. |
Hiba lépett fel a PortalCrawl webszolgáltatásban. |
Erreur du Service Web Analyse de portail. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Ve službě PortalCrawl Web Service došlo k chybě. |
Error en el Servicio web de rastreo de sitio. |
Fehler im PortalCrawl-Webdienst. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
خطأ في خدمة ويب لـ PortalCrawl. |
PortalCrawl Web Service でエラーが発生しました。 |
Exstore 通訊協定處理程式中發生意外的錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
Exstore protokol işleyicisinde beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu. Microsoft Ürün Desteği'ne başvurun. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
exstore 协议处理程序发生意外错误。请与 Microsoft 产品支持部门联系。 |
มีข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่คาดคิดเกิดขึ้นในตัวจัดการโพรโทคอล exstore ให้ติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุนผลิตภัณฑ์ของ Microsoft |
Erro inesperado no manipulador do protocolo exstore. Contate o Atendimento Microsoft. |
Неожиданная ошибка в обработчике протокола хранилища exstore. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки Майкрософт. |
Errore imprevisto nel gestore di protocollo dell'archivio di Exchange. Rivolgersi al Servizio Supporto Tecnico Clienti Microsoft. |
Ett oväntat fel uppstod i exstore-protokollhanteraren. Kontakta Microsoft Support. |
Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden in de protocol-handler exstore. Neem contact op met de productondersteuning van Microsoft. |
שגיאה לא צפויה אירעה במטפל בפרוטוקול Exstore. פנה לשירות התמיכה במוצר של Microsoft. |
Odottamaton exstore-protokollankäsittelytoiminnon virhe. Ota yhteyttä Microsoftin tuotetukeen. |
Exstore 프로토콜 처리기에서 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. Microsoft 기술 지원 서비스에 문의하십시오. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
Ocorreu um erro inesperado na rotina de tratamento do protocolo exstore. Contacte o Suporte Técnico da Microsoft. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
Παρουσιάστηκε μη αναμενόμενο σφάλμα στο δείκτη χειρισμού πρωτοκόλλου exstore. Επικοινωνήστε με την υπηρεσία υποστήριξης προϊόντων της Microsoft. |
Det oppstod en uventet feil i protokollbehandling for exstore. Kontakt Microsoft Kundestøtte. |
Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd programu obsługi protokołu exstore. Skontaktuj się z Pomocą techniczną firmy Microsoft. |
Der opstod en uventet fejl i exstore. Kontakt Microsoft Teknisk Support. |
Nem várt hiba lépett fel az exstore protokollkezelőben. Kérje a Microsoft tanácsadó szolgálatának segítségét. |
Une erreur inattendue s'est produite dans le gestionnaire de protocole exstore. Contactez le Support technique de Microsoft. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
V popisovači protokolu úložiště exstore došlo k neočekávané chybě. Obraťte se na podporu produktů společnosti Microsoft. |
Error inesperado en el controlador de protocolo exstore. Póngase en contacto con el Servicio de soporte técnico de Microsoft. |
Unerwarteter Fehler des Exstore-Protokollhandlers. Wenden Sie sich an den Microsoft Support Service. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
حدث خطأ غير متوقع في معالج بروتوكول exstore. اتصل بخدمة دعم المنتجات في Microsoft. |
exstore プロトコル ハンドラで予期しないエラーが発生しました。Microsoft の製品サポートに問い合わせてください。 |
找不到編目此網站存取所需的指定用戶端憑證。 |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Bu siteyi gezmek için belirtilen istemci sertifikası bulunamıyor veya sertifikaya erişilemiyor. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
无法找到或访问指定的用于爬网此网站的客户端证书。 |
ไม่พบหรือไม่สามารถเข้าถึงใบรับรองไคลเอ็นต์ที่ถูกระบุไว้สำหรับการตระเวนไซต์นี้ |
Não é possível encontrar ou acessar o certificado de cliente especificado para rastrear este site. |
Сертификат клиента, указанный для обхода содержимого этого узла, не найден или недоступен. |
Impossibile trovare o accedere al certificato client specificato per la ricerca per indicizzazione di questo sito. |
Det gick inte att hitta eller komma åt klientcertifikatet som angetts för crawlning av den här webbplatsen. |
Kan het clientcertificaat niet vinden of niet openen dat is opgegeven voor het verkennen van deze site. |
אין אפשרות לאתר או לקבל גישה אל אישור הלקוח שצוין לשם סריקת אתר זה. |
Sivuston selaamista varten määritettyä asiakasvarmennetta ei löydy, tai sitä ei voi käyttää. |
이 사이트를 크롤링하기 위해 지정한 클라이언트 인증서를 찾지 못하거나 이에 액세스할 수 없습니다. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Não é possível localizar ou aceder ao certificado de cliente especificado para pesquisar este site. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Δεν είναι δυνατή η εύρεση ή η πρόσβαση στο πιστοποιητικό προγράμματος-πελάτη που έχει οριστεί για την ανίχνευση σε αυτήν την τοποθεσία. |
Kan ikke finne eller få tilgang til klientsertifikatet som er angitt for kravlesøk på dette området. |
Nie można odnaleźć certyfikatu klienta określonego do przeszukiwania tej witryny lub uzyskać do niego dostępu. |
Det angivne klientcertifikat til søgning på dette websted blev ikke fundet, eller der er ikke adgang til det. |
A program nem találja vagy nem tudja megnyitni a hely bejáráshoz megadott ügyféltanúsítványt. |
Le certificat client spécifié pour analyser ce site est introuvable ou inaccessible. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Nelze najít klientský certifikát zadaný pro procházení tímto webem nebo k němu nelze získat přístup. |
No se puede encontrar u obtener acceso al certificado de cliente especificado para el rastreo de este sitio. |
Das Clientzertifikat, das zum Crawling dieser Website angegeben wurde, kann nicht gefunden oder es kann nicht darauf zugegriffen werden. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
تعذّر العثور على شهادة العميل المحددة لتتبع ارتباطات هذا الموقع أو الوصول إليها. |
このサイトのクロール用に指定されたクライアント証明書が見つからないか、クライアント証明書にアクセスできません。 |