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Pornirea serviciului de conectare a dispozitivului de tip vechi în Windows Mobile nu a reuşit din cauza erorii %1 (consultaţi informaţiile privind codul de eroare).
由於 %1 錯誤,Windows Mobile 傳統裝置連線服務啟動失敗 (詳情請見錯誤碼)。
Ocorreu uma falha ao iniciar o serviço de conectividade de dispositivos antigos do Windows Mobile devido à falha %1 (consulte os dados do código de falhas).
%1 hatası nedeniyle Windows Mobile eski aygıt bağlanabilirlik hizmeti başlatılamadı (hata kodu verilerine bakın).
由于 %1 故障(请参阅故障代码数据),无法启动旧 Windows Mobile 设备连接服务。
Falha ao iniciar o serviço de conectividade do dispositivo herdado do Windows Mobile devido à falha %1 (consulte os dados de código de falha).
Не удается запустить службу подключений устаревших устройств на платформе Windows Mobile из-за сбоя в работе %1 (код ошибки см. в сведениях).
Impossibile avviare il servizio di connessione per il dispositivo Windows Mobile esistente a causa dell'errore %1 (vedere dati sul codice di errore).
Det gick inte att starta anslutningstjänsten i den bakåtkompatibla Windows Mobile-enheten på grund av ett %1-fel (felkod anges i data).
De verbindingsservice van het Windows Mobile legacy-apparaat kan niet worden gestart als gevolg van %1 fout (zie gegevens voor foutcode).
Vanhan Windows Mobile -laitteen liitettävyyspalvelun käynnistäminen epäonnistui virheen %1 vuoksi (virhekoodi on tiedoissa).
Nepodarilo sa spustiť službu pripojenia staršieho zariadenia so systémom Windows Mobile z dôvodu zlyhania %1 (Pozrite údaje s kódom zlyhania).
%1 오류로 인해 Windows Mobile 레거시 장치 연결 서비스를 시작할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드 데이터를 참고하십시오.
Η έναρξη της υπηρεσίας σύνδεσης προϋπαρχουσών συσκευών Windows Mobile απέτυχε λόγω αποτυχίας %1 (ανατρέξτε στα δεδομένα για τον κωδικό αποτυχίας).
Kunne ikke starte den eldre tilkoblingstjenesten for Windows Mobile-enhet på grunn av feilen %1 (se data for feilkode).
Uruchomienie usługi łączności starszego urządzenia z systemem Windows Mobile nie powiodło się z powodu błędu %1 (patrz dane dotyczące kodu błędu).
Det lykkedes ikke at starte tilslutningstjenesten til ældre Windows Mobile-enheder på grund af fejlen %1 (se fejlkodedata).
Nem sikerült elindítani az örökölt Windows Mobile eszköz csatlakoztatásához való szolgáltatást. A hiba oka: %1 (lásd a hibakód adatait).
Échec du démarrage du service de connectivité de l'appareil hérité Windows Mobile du fait d'une erreur de %1 (voir les données pour connaître le code d'échec).
Spuštění služby pro připojení starších zařízení se systémem Windows Mobile se nepodařilo z důvodu chyby %1 (viz data pro kód chyby).
No se pudo iniciar el servicio de conectividad de dispositivos heredados de Windows Mobile debido a un error de %1 (consulte los datos para ver el código del error).
Die Windows Mobile-Legacygeräteverbindung konnte aufgrund von Fehler %1 nicht gestartet werden. (Weitere Infos zum Fehlercode finden Sie in den Daten.)
%1 エラーのため、Windows Mobile レガシ デバイス接続サービスを起動できませんでした (エラー コード情報を参照してください)。
Conectarea dispozitivului bazat pe Windows Mobile nu a reuşit din cauza erorii %1 (consultaţi informaţiile privind codul de eroare).
由於 %1 錯誤,Windows Mobile 裝置連接失敗,由於 %1 錯誤,(詳情請見錯誤碼)。
%1 hatası nedeniyle Windows Mobile tabanlı aygıt bağlanamıyor (hata kodu verilerine bakın).
由于 %1 故障(请参阅故障代码数据),Windows Mobile 设备无法进行连接。
Falha ao conectar o dispositivo baseado no Windows Mobile devido à falha %1 (consulte os dados de código de falha).
Устройству на платформе Windows Mobile не удается установить подключение из-за сбоя в работе %1 (код ошибки см. в сведениях).
Impossibile eseguire la connessione del dispositivo Windows Mobile esistente a causa dell'errore %1 (vedere dati sul codice di errore).
Den Windows Mobile-baserade enheten kunde inte ansluta på grund av ett %1-fel (felkod anges i data).
Op Windows Mobile gebaseerd apparaat kan geen verbinding maken als gevolg van %1 fout (zie gegevens voor foutcode).
Windows Mobile -laitteen yhteyden muodostaminen epäonnistui virheen %1 vuoksi (virhekoodi on tiedoissa).
Zariadeniu so systémom Windows Mobile sa nepodarilo pripojiť z dôvodu zlyhania %1 (Pozrite údaje s kódom zlyhania).
Ocorreu uma falha ao ligar o dispositivo baseado no Windows Mobile, devido à falha %1 (consulte os dados do código de falhas).
%1 오류로 인해 Windows Mobile 기반 장치를 연결할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드 데이터를 참고하십시오.
Η συσκευή με Windows Mobile απέτυχε να συνδεθεί λόγω αποτυχίας %1 (ανατρέξτε στα δεδομένα για τον κωδικό αποτυχίας).
Windows Mobile-basert enhet kunne ikke koble til på grunn av feilen %1 (se data for feilkode).
Nawiązanie połączenia z urządzeniem z systemem Windows Mobile nie powiodło się z powodu błędu %1 (patrz dane dotyczące kodu błędu).
Det lykkedes ikke for den Windows Mobile-baserede enhed at oprette forbindelse på grund af fejlen %1 (se fejlkodedata).
A Windows Mobile alapú eszköz nem tudott csatlakozni. A hiba oka: %1 (lásd a hibakód adatait).
L'appareil Windows Mobile ne parvient pas à se connecter du fait d'une erreur de %1 (voir les données pour connaître le code d'échec).
Zařízení se systémem Windows Mobile se nepodařilo připojit z důvodu chyby %1 (viz data pro kód chyby).
El dispositivo basado en Windows Mobile no se pudo conectar debido a un error de %1 (consulte los datos para ver el código de error).
Die Verbindung mit Windows Mobile-basierten Gerät ist aufgrund von Fehler %1 fehlgeschlagen. (Weitere Infos zum Fehlercode finden Sie in den Daten.)
%1 エラーのため、Windows Mobile ベース デバイスを接続できませんでした (エラー コード情報を参照してください)。
已觸發系統看間狗計時器 ( watchdog timer)。
O temporizador watchdog do sistema foi despoletado.
Sistem bekçisi süreölçeri başlatıldı.
O watchdog do sistema foi iniciado.
Запущен триггер сторожевой системы.
Il watchdog timer del sistema è stato avviato.
Datorns övervakningstimer utlöstes.
De bewakingstimer van het systeem is ingeschakeld.
‏‏Watchdog Timer של המערכת הופעל.
Järjestelmän valvontaohjelman ajastin käynnistettiin.
시스템 watchdog 타이머가 시작되었습니다.
Η επιτήρηση συστήματος ενεργοποιήθηκε.
Overvåkingstidtakeren for systemet ble startet.
Licznik alarmowy systemu został wyzwolony.
Systemet timer blev udløst.
Elindult a rendszer figyelőidőzítője.
Le temporisateur de surveillance du système a été déclenché.
Byl spuštěn systémový časovač sledovacích požadavků.
Se desencadenó el temporizador de vigilancia del sistema.
Der Systemüberwachungszeitgeber wurde ausgelöst.
‏‏تم تشغيل جهاز ضبط وقت watchdog الخاص بالنظام.
システム ウォッチドッグ タイマがトリガされました。
驅動程式繫結副版本比目前載入之 KMDF 程式庫的副版本大 -- 版本: %2。
A versão secundária de enlace dos controladores é superior à versão secundária da biblioteca KMDF actualmente carregada -- Versões: %2.
Sürücü Bağlama Ara sürümü şu an Yüklü KMDF kitaplığının ara sürümünden daha büyük -- Sürümler: %2.
驱动程序绑定次要版本高于当前加载的 KMDF 库(版本: %2)的次要版本。
A versão Secundária de Ligação de Drivers é maior do que a versão secundária da biblioteca KMDF Carregada no momento -- Versões: %2.
Вспомогательная версия пакета драйверов больше, чем вспомогательная версия загруженной библиотеки KMDF -- Версии: %2.
La versione secondaria del binding dei driver è superiore alla versione secondaria della libreria KMDF caricata attualmente -- Versioni: %2.
Drivrutinens delversion för Bind är större än delversionen för det aktuella inlästa KMDF-biblioteket. Versioner: %2.
De versie van het stuurporgramma voor binding is groter dan de versie van de huidige geladen KMDF-bibliotheek -- versies: %2.
‏‏הגירסה המשנית של איגוד מנהלי ההתקנים עדכנית יותר מהגירסה המשנית של ספריית KMDF הנטענת כעת -- גירסאות: %2.
Ohjaimien sidonnan aliversio on suurempi kuin ladattuna olevan KMDF-kirjaston aliversio -- versiot: %2.
Drivers Bind Minor 버전은 현재 로드된 KMDF 라이브러리 -- 버전: %2의 부 버전보다 높습니다.
Η δευτερεύουσα έκδοση σύνδεσης προγραμμάτων οδήγησης είναι νεότερη από την δευτερεύουσα έκδοση της τρέχουσας φορτωμένης βιβλιοθήκης KMDF -- Εκδόσεις: %2.
Minste versjon av driverbinding er større enn den minste versjonen av det gjeldende innlastede KMDF-biblioteket - versjoner: %2.
Wersja podrzędna Drivers Bind jest wyższa niż wersja podrzędna aktualnie załadowanej biblioteki KMDF — wersje: %2.
Driveres lavere Bind-version er højere end den lavere version af det aktuelt indlæste KMDF-bibliotek -- Versioner: %2.
Az Illesztőprogram-kötés alverziószáma nagyobb, mind a betöltött KDMF kódtár alverziószáma -- Verziók: %2.
La version mineure des liaisons de pilotes est supérieure à la version mineure de la bibliothèque KMDF actuellement chargée -- Versions : %2.
Dílčí verze vazby ovladačů je vyšší než dílčí verze aktuálně zavedené knihovny KMDF – verze: %2.
El número de versión secundaria de enlace del controlador es superior al número de versión secundaria de la biblioteca KMDF cargada actualmente -- Versiones: %2.
Die Nebenversion der Treiberbindung ist größer als die Nebenversion der aktuell geladenen KMDF-Bibliothek -- Versionen: %2.
‏‏يعد الإصدار Drivers Bind Minor إصدارًا أكبر من الإصدار المصغر لمكتبة KMDF التي يتم تحميلها الآن -- الإصدارات: %2.
バインドされたドライバのマイナー バージョンは、現在読み込まれている KMDF ライブラリのマイナー バージョンより新しく、バージョン %2 です。
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: 初始化 WDS 模式發生問題。
WdsClient: Ocorreu um problema ao inicializar o Modo WDS.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: WDS Modu başlatılırken sorun oluştu.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: 初始化 WDS 模式时出现问题。
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: ocorreu um problema ao inicializar o Modo WDS.
WdsClient: Проблема с инициализацией режима WDS.
WdsClient: problema durante l'inizializzazione della modalità di Servizi di distribuzione Windows.
WdsClient: Det gick inte att initiera WDS-läge.
WdsClient: er is een probleem met het initialiseren van de WDS-modus.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: WDS 모드를 초기화하는 동안 문제가 발생했습니다.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: wystąpił problem w czasie inicjowania trybu Usług wdrażania systemu Windows.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: Hiba történt a Központi Windows-telepítési szolgáltatások üzemmódjának inicializálásakor.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient : un problème est survenu lors de l’initialisation du mode WDS.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
Klient WDS: Při inicializaci režimu WDS došlo k problému.
Cliente WDS: problema al inicializar el modo WDS.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: Problem beim Initialisieren des WDS-Modus.
WdsClient: There was a problem initializing WDS Mode.
WdsClient: WDS モードの初期化中に問題が発生しました。
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE 無法啟動網路功能。
WdsClient: O WinPE não consegue iniciar o funcionamento em rede.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE ağ iletişimini başlatamıyor.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE 无法启动网络。
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE não conseguiu iniciar a rede.
WdsClient: среда WinPE не может начать работу в сети.
WdsClient: Ambiente preinstallazione di Windows non è in grado di avviare i servizi di rete.
WdsClient: Det går inte att ansluta WinPE till nätverket.
WdsClient: WinPE kan geen netwerkverbinding tot stand brengen.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE에서 네트워킹을 시작할 수 없습니다.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: środowisko WinPE nie może uruchomić trybu pracy w sieci.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: A WinPE nem tudja elindítani a hálózatot.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient : WinPE ne peut pas démarrer la mise en réseau.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
Klient WDS: Prostředí WinPE nemůže zahájit práci v síti.
Cliente WDS: WinPE no puede iniciar las redes.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE kann den Netzwerkbetrieb nicht aufnehmen.
WdsClient: WinPE cannot start networking.
WdsClient: WinPE でネットワーク処理を開始できません。
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 自動登入發生問題。錯誤碼為 [0x%1!X!]。
WdsClient: Ocorreu um problema no início de sessão automático. O código de erro é [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Katılımsız oturum açmada sorun oluştu. Hata kodu [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 无人参与登录出现问题。错误代码是 [0x%1!X!]。
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: ocorreu um problema com um login autônomo. Código de erro: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Неполадка при автоматическом входе. Код ошибки [%1!X!].
WdsClient: problema con l'accesso automatico. Codice errore: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Det gick inte att utföra oövervakad inloggning. Felkoden är [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: er is een probleem met onbewaakte aanmelding. De foutcode is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 무인 로그인에 문제가 발생했습니다. 오류 코드는 [0x%1!X!]입니다.
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Wystąpił problem z nienadzorowanym logowaniem. Kod błędu: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Hiba történt a felügyelet nélküli bejelentkezéssel. Hibakód: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient : Un problème est survenu avec une connexion sans assistance. Le code d’erreur est [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
Klient WDS: Došlo k problému s bezobslužným přihlášením. Kód chyby je [0x%1!X!].
Cliente WDS: problema con el inicio de sesión desatendido. El código de error es [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Problem bei der unbeaufsichtigten Anmeldung. Fehlercode: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended login. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 無人ログインで問題が発生しました。エラー コードは [0x%1!X!] です。
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 自動映像選擇發生問題。錯誤碼為 [0x%1!X!]。
WdsClient: Ocorreu um problema na selecção de imagens automática. O código de erro é [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Katılımsız yansıma seçiminde sorun oluştu. Hata kodu [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 无人参与映像选择出现问题。错误代码是 [0x%1!X!]。
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: ocorreu um problema com uma seleção de imagem autônoma. Código de erro: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Неполадка при автоматическом выборе образа. Код ошибки [%1!X!].
WdsClient: problema con la selezione automatica dell'immagine. Codice errore: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Det gick inte att utföra oövervakad avbildningsmarkering. Felkoden är [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: er is een probleem met onbewaakte selectie van installatiekopieën. De foutcode is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 무인 이미지 선택에 문제가 발생했습니다. 오류 코드는 [0x%1!X!]입니다.
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Wystąpił problem z nienadzorowanym wybieraniem obrazu. Kod błędu: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Hiba történt a felügyelet nélküli képkijelöléssel. Hibakód: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient : Un problème est survenu avec une sélection d’image sans assistance. Le code d’erreur est [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
Klient WDS: Došlo k problému s bezobslužným výběrem bitové kopie. Kód chyby je [0x%1!X!].
Cliente WDS: problema con la selección de imagen desatendida. El código de error es [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: Problem bei der unbeaufsichtigten Abbildauswahl. Fehlercode: [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: There was a problem with unattended image selection. The error code is [0x%1!X!].
WdsClient: 無人イメージ選択で問題が発生しました。エラー コードは [0x%1!X!] です。
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: 找不到符合的映像。請檢查用戶端自動安裝檔案。映像名稱 [%1],映像群組 [%2]。
WdsClient: Não foi encontrada uma imagem correspondente. Verifique o ficheiro de instalação automática do cliente. Nome da imagem [%1], Grupo de imagens [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: 未找到匹配的映像。请检查您的客户端无人参与安装文件。映像名 [%1],映像组 [%2]。
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: Eşleşen bir yansıma bulunamadı. İstemcinizin katılımsız yükleme dosyasını denetleyin. Yansıma adı [%1], Yansıma grubu [%2].
WdsClient: uma imagem correspondente não foi encontrada. Verifique o arquivo de instalação autônoma do cliente. Nome da imagem [%1], grupo de imagens [%2].
WdsClient: Соответствующий образ не найден. Обратитесь к файлу автоматической установки клиента. Имя образа [%1], Группа образов [%2].
WdsClient: impossibile trovare l'immagine corrispondente. Controllare il file di installazione automatica client. Nome dell'immagine: [%1]. Gruppo di immagini: [%2].
WdsClient: Det gick inte att hitta någon matchande avbildning. Kontrollera filen för oövervakad klientinstallation. Avbildningsnamn: [%1], avbildningsgrupp: [%2].
WdsClient: kan geen overeenkomende installatiekopie vinden. Controleer het bestand voor onbewaakte installatie op de client. Naam installatiekopie [%1], kopiegroep [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: 일치하는 이미지를 찾을 수 없습니다. 클라이언트 무인 설치 파일을 확인하십시오. 이미지 이름 [%1], 이미지 그룹 [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Nie znaleziono pasującego obrazu. Sprawdź plik instalacji nienadzorowanej klienta. Nazwa obrazu: [%1], grupa obrazów: [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A rendszer nem talált megfelelő lemezképet. Ellenőrizze az ügyfél felügyelet nélküli telepítési fájlját. Lemezképnév: [%1], lemezképcsoport: [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient : Image correspondante introuvable. Vérifiez le fichier d’installation sans assistance de votre poste client. Nom de l’image [%1], Groupe d’images [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
Klient WDS: Nebyla nalezena odpovídající bitová kopie. Zkontrolujte soubor bezobslužné instalace klienta. Název bitové kopie: [%1]. Skupina bitových kopií: [%2].
Cliente WDS: no se encontró una imagen coincidente. Compruebe el archivo de instalación desatendida del cliente. Nombre de imagen [%1], grupo de imágenes [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: Es wurde kein übereinstimmendes Abbild gefunden. Überprüfen Sie die Datei für die unbeaufsichtigte Installation auf dem Client. Abbildname [%1], Abbildgruppe [%2].
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].
WdsClient: 一致するイメージが見つかりませんでした。クライアント無人インストール ファイルを確認してください。イメージ名は [%1]、イメージ グループは [%2] です。
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: 找到多個符合的映像。請嘗試使用用戶端自動安裝檔案中的 <filename> 標記。映像名稱 [%1],映像群組 [%2]。</filename>
WdsClient: Foram encontradas várias imagens correspondentes. Tente utilizar o tag <filename> no ficheiro de instalação automática do cliente. Nome da imagem [%1], Grupo de imagens [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Eşleşen birden fazla yansıma bulundu. İstemci katılımsız yükleme dosyasında <filename> etiketini kullanmayı deneyin. Yansıma adı [%1], Yansıma grubu [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: 未找到多个匹配的映像。请尝试在客户端无人参与安装文件中使用 <filename> 标记。映像名 [%1],映像组 [%2]。</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: foram encontradas várias imagens correspondentes. Tente usar a marca <nome do="" arquivo=""> no arquivo de instalação autônoma do cliente. Nome da imagem [%1], grupo de imagens [%2].</nome>
WdsClient: Найдено неесколько соответствующих образов. Используйте тег <имя_файла> в файле автоматической установки клиента. Имя образа [%1], группа образов [%2].</имя_файла>
WdsClient: sono state trovate più immagini corrispondenti. Utilizzare il tag <nomefile> nel file di installazione automatica client. Nome dell'immagine: [%1]. Gruppo di immagini: [%2].</nomefile>
WdsClient: Flera matchande avbildningar hittades. Försök med att använda taggen <filename> i filen för oövervakad klientinstallation. Avbildningsnamn: [%1], avbildningsgrupp: [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: er zijn meerdere overeenkomende installatiekopieën gevonden. Gebruik de code <bestandsnaam> in het bestand voor onbewaakte installatie op de client. Naam installatiekopie [%1], kopiegroep [%2].</bestandsnaam>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: 일치하는 이미지를 여러 개 찾았습니다. 클라이언트 무인 설치 파일에서 <파일 이름=""> 태그를 사용해 보십시오. 이미지 이름 [%1], 이미지 그룹 [%2].</파일>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Znaleziono wiele pasujących obrazów. Spróbuj użyć tagu <filename> w pliku instalacji nienadzorowanej klienta. Nazwa obrazu: [%1], grupa obrazów: [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: A rendszer több megfelelő lemezképet talált. Próbálja meg a(z) <filename> beállításcímkét használni az ügyfél felügyelet nélküli telepítési fájljában. Lemezképnév: [%1], lemezképcsoport: [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient : Plusieurs images correspondantes ont été trouvées. Utilisez la balise <nom_fichier> dans le fichier d’installation sans assistance du poste client. Nom de l’image [%1], Groupe d’images [%2].</nom_fichier>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
Klient WDS: Bylo nalezeno více odpovídajících bitových kopií. Zkuste v souboru bezobslužné instalace klienta použít značku <filename>. Název bitové kopie: [%1]. Skupina bitových kopií: [%2].</filename>
Cliente WDS: se encontraron varias imágenes coincidentes. Intente usar la etiqueta <filename> en el archivo de instalación desatendida del cliente. Nombre de imagen [%1], grupo de imágenes [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: Mehrere übereinstimmende Abbilder wurden gefunden. Verwenden Sie das Tag <dateiname> in der Datei für die unbeaufsichtigte Installation auf dem Client. Abbildname [%1], Abbildgruppe [%2].</dateiname>
WdsClient: Multiple matching images were found. Try using the <filename> tag in the client unattended installation file. Image name [%1], Image group [%2].</filename>
WdsClient: 一致するイメージが複数見つかりました。クライアント無人インストール ファイルで、<filename> タグを使用してください。イメージ名は [%1]、イメージ グループは [%2] です。</filename>
See catalog page for all messages.