WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: 找不到符合的語言套件。請檢查用戶端自動安裝檔案。語言套件 [%1]。 |
WdsClient: Não foi encontrado um pacote de idiomas correspondente. Verifique o ficheiro de instalação automática do cliente. Language Pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: Eşleşen bir dil paketi bulunamadı. Lütfen istemcinizin katılımsız yükleme dosyasını denetleyin. Dil paketi [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: 未找到匹配的语言包。请检查您的客户端无人参与安装文件。语言包 [%1]。 |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: não foi encontrado um pacote de idiomas correspondente. Verifique o arquivo de instalação autônoma do cliente. Pacote de idiomas [%1]. |
WdsClient: Требуемый пакет языковой поддержки не найден. Обратитесь к файлу автоматической установки клиента. Пакет языковой поддержки [%1]. |
WdsClient: impossibile trovare il Language Pack. Controllare il file di installazione automatica client. Language Pack: [%1]. |
WdsClient: Det gick inte att hitta något matchande språkpaket. Kontrollera filen för oövervakad klientinstallation. Språkpaket: [%1]. |
WdsClient: kan geen overeenkomend taalpakket vinden. Controleer het bestand voor onbewaakte installatie. Taalpakket [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: 일치하는 언어 팩을 찾을 수 없습니다. 클라이언트 무인 설치 파일을 확인하십시오. 언어 팩 [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Nie znaleziono pasującego pakietu językowego. Sprawdź plik instalacji nienadzorowanej klienta. Pakiet językowy: [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A rendszer nem talált megfelelő nyelvi csomagot. Ellenőrizze az ügyfél felügyelet nélküli telepítési fájlját. Nyelvi csomag: [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient : Impossible de trouver le pack de langue correspondant. Vérifiez le fichier d’installation sans assistance de votre poste client. Pack de langue [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
Klient WDS: Nebyla nalezena odpovídající jazyková sada. Zkontrolujte soubor bezobslužné instalace klienta. Jazyková sada: [%1]. |
Cliente WDS: no se encontró un paquete de idioma coincidente. Compruebe el archivo de instalación desatendida del cliente. Paquete de idioma [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: Es wurde kein übereinstimmendes Sprachpaket gefunden. Überprüfen Sie die Datei für die unbeaufsichtigte Installation auf dem Client. Sprachpaket [%1]. |
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack [%1]. |
WdsClient: 一致する言語パックが見つかりませんでした。クライアント無人インストール ファイルを確認してください。言語パックは [%1] です。 |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: 處理選取的映像時發生問題。 |
WdsClient: Ocorreu um problema ao processar a imagem seleccionada. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: Seçilen yansıma işlenirken sorun oluştu. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: 处理选定映像时出现问题。 |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: ocorreu um problema durante o processamento da imagem selecionada. |
WdsClient: Неполадка при обработке выбранного образа. |
WdsClient: problema di elaborazione dell'immagine selezionata. |
WdsClient: Det gick inte att bearbeta den markerade avbildningen. |
WdsClient: er is een probleem met het verwerken van de geselecteerde installatiekopie. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: 선택한 이미지를 처리하는 동안 문제가 발생했습니다. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: wystąpił problem z przetwarzaniem wybranego obrazu. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: Hiba történt a kijelölt kép feldolgozásakor. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient : Un problème est survenu au cours du traitement de l’image sélectionnée. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
Klient WDS: Při zpracovávání vybrané bitové kopie došlo k problému. |
Cliente WDS: problema al procesar la imagen seleccionada. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: Problem beim Verarbeiten des ausgewählten Abbilds. |
WdsClient: There was a problem processing the selected image. |
WdsClient: 選択されたイメージの処理中に問題が発生しました。 |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
處理要求時發生不明的錯誤。系統傳回下列錯誤: [0x%1!x!]. |
Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao processar o pedido. O sistema devolveu o seguinte erro: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
İsteğiniz işlenirken bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu. Sistemin döndürdüğü hata: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
处理您的请求时出现未知错误。系统返回下列错误: [0x%1!x!]。 |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
Erro desconhecido ao processar a solicitação. O sistema retornou o seguinte erro: [0x%1!x!]. |
Во время обработки запроса произошла неизвестная ошибка. Система вернула следующую ошибку: [%1!x!]. |
Errore sconosciuto durante l'elaborazione della richiesta. Errore restituito dal sistema: [0x%1!x!]. |
Ett okänt fel inträffade när begäran bearbetades. Följande fel returnerades från systemet: [0x%1!x!]. |
Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens het verwerken van uw aanvraag. De volgende fout is geretourneerd: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
요청을 처리하는 동안 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 시스템에서 다음과 같은 오류를 반환했습니다. [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
Podczas przetwarzania tego żądania wystąpił nieznany błąd. System zwrócił następujący błąd: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
Ismeretlen hiba történt az ön kérelmének feldolgozásakor. A rendszer a következő hibaüzenetet küldte: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
Une erreur inconnue s’est produite lors du traitement de votre demande. Le système a retourné l’erreur suivante : [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
Při zpracovávání požadavku došlo k neznámé chybě. Systém vrátil následující chybu: [0x%1!x!]. |
Error desconocido al procesar la solicitud. El sistema devolvió el siguiente error: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
Unbekannter Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Anforderung. Folgender Fehler wurde zurückgegeben: [0x%1!x!]. |
An unknown error occurred processing your request. The system returned the following error: [0x%1!x!]. |
要求の処理中に原因不明のエラーが発生しました。システムから次のエラーが返されました: [0x%1!x!]。 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
處理要求時發生錯誤。%1 |
Ocorreu um erro ao processar o pedido. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
İsteğiniz işlenirken bir hata oluştu. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
处理您的请求时出错。%1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
Erro ao processar a solicitação. %1 |
Ошибка при обработке запроса. %1 |
Errore durante l'elaborazione della richiesta. %1 |
Ett fel inträffade när begäran bearbetades. %1 |
Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwerken van uw aanvraag. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
요청을 처리하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
Podczas przetwarzania tego żądania wystąpił błąd. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
Hiba történt az ön kérelmének feldolgozásakor. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
Une erreur s’est produite lors du traitement de votre demande. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
Při zpracovávání požadavku došlo k chybě. %1 |
Error al procesar la solicitud. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Anforderung. %1 |
An error has occurred while processing your request. %1 |
要求の処理中に原因不明のエラーが発生しました。%1 |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
指定的使用者名稱或密碼不正確。 |
A palavra-passe ou nome de utilizador especificado não está correcto. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
Belirtilen kullanıcı adı veya parola doğru değil. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
指定的用户名或密码不正确。 |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
Nome de usuário ou senha incorretos. |
Неверное имя пользователя или пароль. |
Nome utente o password non corretta. |
Det angivna användarnamnet eller lösenordet är inte korrekt. |
De opgegeven gebruikersnaam of het wachtwoord is onjuist. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
지정한 사용자 이름 또는 암호가 잘못되었습니다. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
Określona nazwa użytkownika lub hasło są niepoprawne. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
A megadott felhasználónév vagy jelszó helytelen. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
Le nom d’utilisateur ou le mot de passe n’est pas correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
Zadané uživatelské jméno nebo heslo není správné. |
La contraseña o el nombre de usuario especificado no es correcto. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
Der angegebene Benutzername oder das Kennwort ist nicht richtig. |
The specified username or password is not correct. |
指定したユーザー名またはパスワードが正しくありません。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: 啟動網路功能時發生錯誤: 在這個映像中找不到符合的網路卡驅動程式。請透過系統管理員將此電腦的網路驅動程式新增至 Windows 部署服務伺服器上的 Windows PE 映像。 |
WdsClient: Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar o funcionamento em rede: não foi encontrado um controlador de placa de rede correspondente nesta imagem. Solicite ao Administrador que adicione a placa de rede relativa a este computador na imagem Windows PE no servidor dos Serviços de Implementação do Windows. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: Ağ iletişimi başlatılırken hata oluştu. bu yansımada eşleşen bir ağ kartı sürücüsü bulunamadı. Lütfen Yöneticinizden Windows Dağıtım Hizmetleri sunucusundaki Windows PE yansımasına bu makinenin ağ sürücüsünü eklemesini isteyin. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: 启动网络时出错: 在此映像中未找到匹配的网卡驱动程序。请让您的 Administrator 在 Windows 部署服务服务器上将此计算机的网络驱动程序添加到 Windows PE 映像中。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: erro ao iniciar a rede: não foi encontrado um driver de placa de rede correspondente nesta imagem. Peça que o administrador adicione o driver de rede desta máquina à imagem do Windows PE no servidor dos Serviços de Implantação do Windows. |
WdsClient: Ошибка при начале работе в сети: в данном образе не найден требуемый драйвер сетевой платы. Обратитесь к администратору для добавления сетевого драйвера для данного компьютера в образ Windows PE на сервере служб развертывания Windows. |
WdsClient: errore durante l'avvio dei servizi di rete. Impossibile trovare il driver della scheda di rete nell'immagine. Rivolgersi all'amministratore per aggiungere il driver di rete per il computer all'immagine di Ambiente preinstallazione di Windows nel server di Servizi di distribuzione Windows. |
WdsClient: Ett fel inträffade när nätverksfunktionerna startades: det gick inte att hitta någon matchande nätverkskortsdrivrutin i den här avbildningen. Be administratören lägga till nätverkskortsdrivrutinen för den här datorn i Windows PE-avbildningen på Windows Deployment Services-servern. |
WdsClient: er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het tot stand brengen van de netwerkverbinding. Er is geen overeenkomend stuurprogramma voor de netwerkkaart gevonden in deze installatiekopie. Vraag of uw systeembeheerder het netwerkstuurprogramma voor deze computer toevoegt aan de Windows PE-installatiekopie op de Windows Deployment Services-server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: 네트워킹을 시작하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 이 이미지에서 일치하는 네트워크 카드 드라이버를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 컴퓨터에 대한 네트워크 드라이버를 Windows 배포 서비스 서버의 Windows PE 이미지에 추가하도록 관리자에게 요청하십시오. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Podczas uruchamiania trybu pracy w sieci wystąpił błąd — w tym obrazie nie znaleziono pasującego sterownika karty sieciowej. Zwróć się do administratora o dodanie sterownika karty sieciowej dla tego komputera do obrazu środowiska Windows PE na serwerze Usług wdrażania systemu Windows. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: Hiba történt a hálózat elindításakor: a rendszer nem talált megfelelő illesztőprogramot a hálózati kártyához ezen a lemezképen. Kérje meg a rendszergazdát, hogy adja hozzá a számítógéphez tartozó hálózati illesztőprogramot a Windows PE lemezképhez a központi Windows-telepítési kiszolgálón. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient : Une erreur s’est produite lors du démarrage de la mise en réseau : aucun pilote de carte réseau correspondant n’a été trouvé pour cette image. Demandez à votre administrateur d’ajouter le pilote réseau de cette machine correspondant à l’image Windows PE sur le serveur des services de déploiement Windows. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
Klient WDS: Při zahajování práce v síti došlo k chybě: v této bitové kopii nebyl nalezen odpovídající ovladač síťové karty. Požádejte správce, aby na serveru Služby pro nasazení systému Windows přidal síťový ovladač pro tento počítač do bitové kopie prostředí Windows PE. |
Cliente WDS: error al iniciar las redes; no se encontró un controlador de tarjeta de red coincidente en esta imagen. Solicite al administrador que agregue el controlador de red de este equipo a la imagen de Windows PE en el servidor de Servicios de implementación de Windows. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: Fehler beim Starten des Netzwerkbetriebs: In diesem Abbild wurde kein übereinstimmender Netzwerkkartentreiber gefunden. Bitten Sie den Administrator, den Netzwerktreiber für diesen Computer zum Windows PE-Abbild auf dem Windows-Bereitstellungsdiensteserver hinzuzufügen. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: a matching network card driver was not found in this image. Please have your Administrator add the network driver for this machine to the Windows PE image on the Windows Deployment Services server. |
WdsClient: ネットワーク処理の開始時にエラーが発生しました。一致するネットワーク カード ドライバがイメージ内に見つかりませんでした。このコンピュータ用のネットワーク ドライバを Windows 展開サービス サーバー上の Windows PE イメージに追加するように、管理者に依頼してください。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: 啟動網路功能時發生錯誤: 安裝電腦的網路卡驅動程式時發生失敗。請連絡系統管理員。 |
WdsClient: Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar o funcionamento em rede: ocorreu uma falha ao instalar o controlador da placa de rede relativo ao computador. Contacte o Administrador. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: Ağ iletişimi başlatılırken hata oluştu. makinenizin ağ kartı sürücüsü yüklenirken hata oluştu. Lütfen Yöneticinize başvurun. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: 启动网络时出错: 为您的计算机安装网卡驱动程序出现故障。请与您的管理员联系。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: erro ao iniciar a rede: ocorreu uma falha durante a instalação do driver da placa de rede na sua máquina. Contate o Administrador. |
WdsClient: Ошибка при начале работе в сети: сбой при установке драйвера сетевой платы для компьютера. Обратитесь к системному администратору. |
WdsClient: errore durante l'avvio dei servizi di rete. Errore durante l'installazione del driver della scheda di rete per il computer in uso. Contattare l'amministratore. |
WdsClient: Ett fel inträffade när nätverksfunktionerna startades: det gick inte att installera nätverkskortsdrivrutinen för datorn. Kontakta administratören. |
WdsClient: er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het tot stand brengen van de netwerkverbinding. Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het installeren van het stuurprogramma voor de netwerkkaart voor uw computer. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: 네트워킹을 시작하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 사용자 컴퓨터에 대한 네트워크 카드 드라이버를 설치하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 관리자에게 문의하십시오. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Podczas uruchamiania trybu pracy w sieci wystąpił błąd — w trakcie instalowania sterownika karty sieciowej dla tego komputera miała miejsce awaria. Skontaktuj się z administratorem. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: Hiba történt a hálózat elindításakor: a hálózati kártya illesztőprogramjának telepítése nem sikerült a számítógépre. Forduljon a rendszergazdához. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient : Une erreur s’est produite lors du démarrage de la mise en réseau : un incident est survenu lors de l’installation du pilote de carte réseau pour votre ordinateur. Contactez votre administrateur. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
Klient WDS: Při zahajování práce v síti došlo k chybě: nezdařila se instalace ovladače síťové karty pro tento počítač. Obraťte se na správce. |
Cliente WDS: error al iniciar las redes; se produjo un error al instalar el controlador de tarjeta de red del equipo. Póngase en contacto con el administrador. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: Fehler beim Starten des Netzwerkbetriebs: Bei der Installation des Netzwerkkartentreibers für den Computer ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wenden Sie sich an den Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network card driver for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: ネットワーク処理の開始時にエラーが発生しました。ご使用のコンピュータ用のネットワーク カード ドライバをインストール中にエラーが発生しました。管理者に問い合わせてください。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: 啟動網路功能時發生錯誤: 安裝電腦的網路軟體時發生失敗。請連絡系統管理員。 |
WdsClient: Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar o funcionamento em rede: ocorreu uma falha ao instalar o software de rede relativo ao computador. Contacte o Administrador. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: Ağ iletişimi başlatılırken hata oluştu. makineniz için ağ yazılımı yüklenirken hata oluştu. Lütfen Yöneticinize başvurun. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: 启动网络时出错: 为您的计算机安装网络软件时出现故障。请与您的管理员联系。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: erro ao iniciar a rede: ocorreu uma falha durante a instalação do software de rede na sua máquina. Contate o Administrador. |
WdsClient: Ошибка при начале работе в сети: ошибка установки сетевого программного обеспечения для компьютера. Обратитесь к системному администратору. |
WdsClient: errore durante l'avvio dei servizi di rete. Errore durante l'installazione del software di rete per il computer in uso. Contattare l'amministratore. |
WdsClient: Ett fel inträffade när nätverksfunktionerna startades: det gick inte att installera nätverksprogramvaran för datorn. Kontakta administratören. |
WdsClient: er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het tot stand brengen van de netwerkverbinding. Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het installeren van de netwerksoftware voor uw computer. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: 네트워킹을 시작하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 사용자 컴퓨터에 대한 네트워크 소프트웨어를 설치하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 관리자에게 문의하십시오. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Podczas uruchamiania trybu pracy w sieci wystąpił błąd — w trakcie instalowania oprogramowania sieciowego dla tego komputera miała miejsce awaria. Skontaktuj się z administratorem. |
WdsClient: Hiba történt a hálózat elindításakor: a hálózati szoftver telepítése nem sikerült a számítógépre. Forduljon a rendszergazdához. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient : Une erreur s’est produite lors du démarrage de la mise en réseau : un incident est survenu lors de l’installation du logiciel réseau pour votre ordinateur. Contactez votre administrateur. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
Klient WDS: Při zahajování práce v síti došlo k chybě: nezdařila se instalace síťového softwaru pro tento počítač. Obraťte se na správce. |
Cliente WDS: error al iniciar las redes; se produjo un error al instalar el software de red del equipo. Póngase en contacto con el administrador. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: Fehler beim Starten des Netzwerkbetriebs: Bei der Installation der Netzwerksoftware für den Computer ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wenden Sie sich an den Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while starting networking: there was a failure while installing the network software for your machine. Please contact your Administrator. |
WdsClient: ネットワーク処理の開始時にエラーが発生しました。ご使用のコンピュータ用のネットワーク ソフトウェアをインストール中にエラーが発生しました。管理者に問い合わせてください。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: 在從 DHCP 伺服器取得 IP 位址時發生錯誤。請檢查以確保在此網路區段上有可操作的 DHCP 伺服器。 |
WdsClient: Ocorreu um erro ao obter um endereço IP a partir do servidor DHCP. Certifique-se de que existe um servidor DHCP operacional neste segmento de rede. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: DHCP sunucusundan IP adresi alınırken hata oluştu. Lütfen bu ağ kesiminde çalışır durumda bir DHCP sunucusu bulunduğundan emin olun. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: 从 DHCP 服务器获取 IP 地址时出错。请检查以确保在此网络段中存在可用的 DHCP 服务器。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: erro ao obter endereço IP do servidor DHCP. Verifique se há um servidor DHCP neste segmento de rede. |
WdsClient: ошибка при получении IP-адреса от сервера DHCP. Убедитесь в наличии рабочего DHCP-сервера в данном сегменте сети. |
WdsClient: errore durante il recupero di un indirizzo IP dal server DHCP server. Controllare che un server DHCP sia operativo all'interno del segmento di rete. |
WdsClient: Ett fel inträffade vid försök att skaffa en IP-adress från DHCP-servern. Kontrollera att det finns en fungerande DHCP-server i det här nätverkssegmentet. |
WdsClient: er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verkrijgen van een IP-adres van de DHCP-server. Controleer of dit netwerksegment een operationele DHCP-server bevat. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: DHCP 서버에서 IP 주소를 가져오는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 이 네트워크 세그먼트에 작동 중인 DHCP 서버가 있는지 확인하십시오. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Podczas uzyskiwania adresu IP z serwera DHCP wystąpił błąd. Sprawdź, czy w tym segmencie sieci jest sprawny serwer DHCP. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: Hiba történt az IP-cím DHCP-kiszolgálóról történő lekérdezése során. Ellenőrizze, hogy létezik-e működő DHCP-kiszolgáló ezen a hálózati szegmensen. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient : Une erreur s’est produite lors de l’obtention d’une adresse IP à partir du serveur DHCP. Vérifiez si le serveur DHCP de ce segment du réseau est fonctionnel. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
Klient WDS: Při získávání adresy IP ze serveru DHCP došlo k chybě. Ujistěte se, zda se v tomto segmentu sítě nachází funkční server DHCP. |
Cliente WDS: error al obtener una dirección IP del servidor DHCP. Asegúrese de que haya un servidor DHCP operativo en este segmento de red. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: Fehler beim Abrufen einer IP-Adresse vom DHCP-Server. Stellen Sie sicher, dass in diesem Netzwerksegment ein funktionierender DHCP-Server in Betrieb ist. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server. Please check to ensure that there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment. |
WdsClient: DHCP サーバーから IP アドレスを取得中にエラーが発生しました。このネットワーク セグメントで DHCP サーバーが動作していることを確認してください。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: 在與 Windows 部署服務伺服器通訊時發生錯誤。請檢查以確保伺服器是可操作的,而且該必要的連接埠已在伺服器防火牆中開啟。伺服器名稱 [%1],伺服器 IP 位址 [%2]。 |
WdsClient: Ocorreu um erro ao comunicar com o servidor dos Serviços de Implementação do Windows. Certifique-se de que o servidor está operacional e que as portas necessárias estão abertas na firewall do servidor. Nome do servidor [%1], Endereço IP do servidor [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: Windows Dağıtım Hizmetleri sunucusuyla iletişim kurulmaya çalışılırken hata oluştu. Lütfen sunucunun çalışır durumda olduğundan ve sunucunun güvenlik duvarında gerekli bağlantı noktalarının açık olduğundan emin olun. Sunucu adı [%1], Sunucu IP adresi [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: 与 Windows 部署服务服务器通讯时出错。请检查以确保该服务器可用,并且在服务器的防火墙上已打开必要端口。服务器名称 [%1],服务器 IP 地址 [%2]。 |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: erro ao se comunicar com o servidor dos Serviços de Implantação do Windows. Verifique se o servidor está operacional e que as portas necessárias estão abertas no firewall do servidor. Nome do servidor [%1], endereço IP [%2]. |
WdsClient: Ошибка связи с сервером служб развертывания Windows. Убедитесь, что сервер работоспособен, а на брандмауэре сервера открыты необходимые порты. Имя сервера [%1], IP-адрес сервера [%2]. |
WdsClient: errore durante la comunicazione con il server di Servizi di distribuzione Windows. Verificare che il server sia operativo e che sul firewall del server le porte necessarie siano aperte. Nome del server: [%1]. Indirizzo IP del server: [%2]. |
WdsClient: Ett fel inträffade vid kommunikation med Windows Deployment Services-servern. Kontrollera att servern körs och att de nödvändiga portarna är öppna i serverns brandvägg. Servernamn: [%1], serverns IP-adress: [%2]. |
WdsClient: er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het communiceren met de Windows Deployment Services-server. Controleer of de server operationeel is en of de benodigde poorten open zijn in de firewall van de server. Servernaam [%1], IP-adres [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: Windows 배포 서비스 서버와 통신하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 서버가 작동 중이며 서버의 방화벽에서 필요한 포트가 열려 있는지 확인하십시오. 서버 이름 [%1], 서버 IP 주소 [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
Klient Usług wdrażania systemu Windows: Wystąpił błąd podczas komunikacji z serwerem Usług wdrażania systemu Windows. Sprawdź, czy serwer jest sprawny i czy w zaporze serwera są otwarte wymagane porty. Nazwa serwera [%1], adres IP serwera [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: Hiba történt a központi Windows-telepítési kiszolgálóval történő kommunikáció során. Ellenőrizze, hogy működőképes-e a kiszolgáló, és a szükséges portok meg vannak-e nyitva a kiszolgáló tűzfalán. Kiszolgálónév: [%1], kiszolgáló IP-címe: [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient : Une erreur s’est produite lors de la communication avec le serveur de services de déploiement Windows. Vérifiez si le serveur fonctionne et si les ports nécessaires sont ouverts sur le pare-feu du serveur. Nom du serveur [%1], Adresse IP du serveur [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
Klient WDS: Při komunikaci se serverem Služby pro nasazení systému Windows došlo k chybě. Ujistěte se, zda je tento server v provozu a zda má na bráně firewall otevřeny potřebné porty. Název serveru: [%1]. Adresa IP serveru: [%2]. |
Cliente WDS: error de comunicación con el servidor de Servicios de implementación de Windows. Asegúrese de que el servidor esté operativo y de que los puertos necesarios estén abiertos en el firewall del servidor. Nombre de servidor [%1], dirección IP del servidor [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: Fehler während des Datenaustauschs mit dem Windows-Bereitstellungsdiensteserver. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Server betriebsbereit ist und die erforderlichen Ports in der Firewall des Servers geöffnet sind. Servername [%1], Server-IP-Adresse [%2]. |
WdsClient: An error occurred while communicating with the Windows Deployment Services server. Please check to ensure that the server is operational and that the necessary ports are open on the server's firewall. Server name [%1], Server IP address [%2]. |
WdsClient: Windows 展開サービス サーバーとの通信中にエラーが発生しました。このサーバーが稼働中であり、サーバーのファイアウォール上で必要なポートが開かれていることを確認してください。サーバー名は [%1]、サーバー IP アドレスは [%2] です。 |