Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Parentesi graffa di chiusura mancante o elemento di matrice non valido |
Er ontbreekt een haakje sluiten of er is een ongeldig matrixelement |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Accolade fermante manquante ou élément de tableau incorrect |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
Falta una llave de cierre, o hay un elemento no válido en la tabla |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
"Geschweifte Klammer zu" fehlt, oder es ist ein ungültiges Arrayelement vorhanden. |
Missing closing brace, or illegal array element |
閉じ大かっこがないか、配列の要素が正しくありません |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Attesa parentesi di chiusura |
Er wordt een haakje sluiten verwacht |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Crochet fermant attendu |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Expected closing bracket |
Se esperaba un corchete de cierre |
Expected closing bracket |
"Eckige Klammer zu" wird erwartet. |
Expected closing bracket |
予期された閉じ大かっこです |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Attese parentesi di chiusura |
Er wordt een accolade sluiten verwacht |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Parenthèse fermante attendue |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Expected closing parenthesis |
Se esperaba un paréntesis de cierre |
Expected closing parenthesis |
"Runde Klammer zu" erwartet. |
Expected closing parenthesis |
予期された閉じ小かっこです |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Valore costante non consentito. (valore numerico al di fuori dell'intervallo consentito o virgolette mancanti nelle stringhe) |
Dit is een ongeldige constante waarde.
(Numerieke waarde ligt buiten het bereik of de tekenreeks
heeft geen aanhalingstekens) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Valeur de constante non autorisée. (Valeur numérique hors de l'étendue ou chaînes sans apostrophe) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Valor de constante no válido. (Valor numérico fuera de intervalo o las cadenas sin comillas) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
Der Wert der Konstanten ist ungültig. (Der numerische Wert liegt außerhalb des Bereichs, oder Zeichenfolgen stehen nicht in Anführungszeichen) |
Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes) |
定数値が正しくありません (数値が範囲外か、または文字列に引用符がありません)。 |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Atteso identificatore di tipo |
Er wordt een type-id verwacht |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Identificateur de type attendu |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Expected type identifier |
Se esperaba un identificador de tipo |
Expected type identifier |
Typenbezeichner wird erwartet. |
Expected type identifier |
予期された種類を表す識別子です |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Attesa parentesi di apertura |
Er wordt een haakje openen verwacht |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Parenthèse ouvrante attendue |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
Se esperaba un paréntesis de apertura |
Expected open parenthesis |
"Runde Klammer auf" wird erwartet. |
Expected open parenthesis |
Expected open parenthesis |
予期された開き小かっこです |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Token non previsto per l'ambito del file |
Onverwacht token in het bestandsbereik. |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Jeton inattendu sur l'étendue de fichier |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Token al alcance del archivo inesperado |
Unexpected token at file scope |
Der Dateibereich enthält einen unerwarteten Token. |
Unexpected token at file scope |
ファイルの範囲で予期せぬトークンです |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Tipo di identificatore non riconosciuto o non supportato |
Niet-herkend of niet-ondersteund type id |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Identificateur de type non reconnu ou non pris en charge |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Tipo de identificador no reconocido o no compatible |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Typenbezeichner wurde nicht erkannt oder wird nicht unterstützt. |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier |
認識されない、またはサポートされない種類の識別子です |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Atteso nome proprietà o metodo |
Verwachte eigenschaps- of methodenaam |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Nom de propriété ou de méthode attendu |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Expected property or method name |
Se espera un nombre de propiedad o de método |
Expected property or method name |
Es wurde ein Eigenschaften- oder Methodenname erwartet. |
Expected property or method name |
予期されたプロパティ名またはメソッド名です |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs e tipi enumerati attualmente non supportati. |
Typedefs en geïnventariseerde typen worden op dit moment niet ondersteund. |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs et les types énumérés ne sont pas actuellement pris en charge |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Las definiciones de tipos y los tipos enumerados no se permiten actualmente |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
Typendefinitionen und Aufzählungstypen werden zurzeit nicht unterstützt. |
Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported |
TYPEDEF と列挙された種類は現在サポートされていません |