Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
指定的文件或文件夹路径无效。有效的路径应包含由单个反斜杠分隔的有效的文件或文件夹名称,并且不应以空白字符开始或结束。有效的文件或文件夹名称不应以空白字符开始或结束,或以句点结束,或与任何保留名称匹配(如 COM1 或 LPT2),或包含下列任一字符 \ / : * ? " < > |。
Unlocalized message
The specified file or folder path is invalid. Valid paths should consist of valid file or folder names separated by single backslashes and should not start or end with whitespaces. Valid file or folder names names should not start or end with whitespaces, end with periods, match any reserved names such as COM1 or LPT2, or include any of the characters \ / : * ? " < > | .
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