Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
指定的檔案或資料夾路徑不正確。正確路徑應該包含正確檔案或由一條反斜線分隔開來的資料夾名稱,而且不應該以空格開頭或結尾。正確的檔案或資料夾名稱的副檔名不應以空格開頭或結尾、以句點結尾、與 COM1 或 LPT2 等保留名稱重複,或包含 \ / : * ? " < > | 中的其中任一字元。
Unlocalized message
The specified file or folder path is invalid. Valid paths should consist of valid file or folder names separated by single backslashes and should not start or end with whitespaces. Valid file or folder names names should not start or end with whitespaces, end with periods, match any reserved names such as COM1 or LPT2, or include any of the characters \ / : * ? " < > | .
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