Message in Korean (한국어)
규칙에 맞도록 하려면 'rpc-literal' 또는 'document-literal' SOAP 메시지를 사용하도록 서비스 구현을 변경하십시오. 명시적 <font class="value">Use=SoapBindingUse.Literal</font> 속성을 모든 서비스 및 메서드 수준 특성, 즉 SoapRpcService, SoapRpcMethod, SoapDocumentService, SoapDocumentMethod에 추가해야 합니다.
Unlocalized message
To make it conformant change the implementation of the service to use 'rpc-literal' or 'document-literal' SOAP messages. You need to add explicit <font class="value">Use=SoapBindingUse.Literal</font> property to all service and method level attributes: SoapRpcService, SoapRpcMethod, SoapDocumentService, SoapDocumentMethod.
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