Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider 要求在计算机上安装授权存储组件。默认情况下,只有 Windows Server 2003 上安装和提供了授权存储组件。当前似乎尚未安装组件,或者尚未在全局程序集缓存(GAC)中注册主互操作程序集。要完成这两个步骤,可以从网上下载您的操作系统的“Authorization Manager”(授权管理器)安装软件包,然后在计算机上安装该软件包。通过导航到 并使用关键字“AzMan”或关键字“authorization manager”进行搜索,可以找到其他操作系统的安装软件包。
Unlocalized message
The AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider requires the authorization store components to be installed on the machine. The authorization store components are only installed and available by default on Windows Server 2003. Currently it appears that either the components have not been installed, or that the primary interop assembly has not been registered in the global assembly cache (GAC). Both of these steps can be accomplished by downloading the Authorization Manager installation package from the web for your operating system, and installing the package on the machine. Installations for other operating systems can be found by navigating to and searching with either the keyword "AzMan" or the keywords "authorization manager".
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