Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider 要求授權存放區元件必須安裝在電腦上。只有 Windows Server 2003 會預設安裝並提供授權存放區元件。目前似乎尚未安裝元件,或是尚未在全域組件快取 (GAC) 中註冊主要 Interop 組件。這兩個步驟的執行方式如下: 從 Web 下載作業系統的授權管理員安裝套件,並將套件安裝在電腦上。您可以巡覽至 並搜尋關鍵字「AzMan」或「授權管理員」,以尋找其他作業系統的安裝程式。
Unlocalized message
The AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider requires the authorization store components to be installed on the machine. The authorization store components are only installed and available by default on Windows Server 2003. Currently it appears that either the components have not been installed, or that the primary interop assembly has not been registered in the global assembly cache (GAC). Both of these steps can be accomplished by downloading the Authorization Manager installation package from the web for your operating system, and installing the package on the machine. Installations for other operating systems can be found by navigating to and searching with either the keyword "AzMan" or the keywords "authorization manager".
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