Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
%1 (%2) %3在最後成功的作業之前,檔案 "%4" 中的讀取作業 (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 在 %8 秒的間隔內失敗了 %7 次。有關這些失敗的特定資訊先前已經有報告記錄。類似這些短暫失敗的情況有可能是在包含這個檔案的儲存子系統中會發生嚴重失敗的前兆。
Unlocalized message
%1 (%2) %3A read operation on the file "%4" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed %7 times over an interval of %8 seconds before finally succeeding. More specific information on these failures was reported previously. Transient failures such as these can be a precursor to a catastrophic failure in the storage subsystem containing this file.
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