Message in Croatian (Hrvatski)
Pri pokušaju objavljivanja pisača u imeničkom servisu Active Directory usmjerivač ispisa nije mogao pronaći odgovarajući kontejner reda čekanja na ispis jer nije moguće dohvatiti DNS naziv domene. Pogreška: %1. To se može dogoditi ako DNS (Domain Name System) ne može razriješiti IP adresu kontrolora domene ili imenički servis ne radi kako valja. Pisač nije objavljen u servisu Active Directory i nije ga moguće pronaći pretraživanjem tog servisa.
Unlocalized message
While attempting to publish the printer to the Active Directory directory service, the print spooler could not find the appropriate print queue container because the Domain Name System (DNS) domain name could not be retrieved. Error: %1. This can occur if DNS cannot resolve the domain controller IP address, or if the domain controller or directory service is not functioning correctly. The printer is not published in Active Directory and cannot be located by searching Active Directory.
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